
123 min readNov 27, 2018

【眾神時代 文獻】

[1] 罪(Sin) 暗影鬼蛛 The Spinner of Shadows

Answering the call of a royal invitation, I visited the Spinner of Shadows as a emissary for a small fragile alliance of gods. Mostly weak deities huddling together in terror of being consumed by their greaters.

[2] 罪(Sin) 眾神的起源 The Origins of the Gods


There was a time before the Beast, bathed in the shadows of lost memory, when men and women like you could ascend. Through rareness of quality and the adoration of their people, these few could reach out into the quickening mists of immortality and grasp the power of godhood. Mind you, transcendence is never easy. Like the pains of childbirth, it reeks of agony, tragedy and sacrifice. The sacrifice most often being of one’s humanity. That is simply the way of it. Those of us who seek the immortal throne live long enough to see ourselves become truly monstrous.

[3] 艾米爾(Eramir) 關於古代建築 Ancient Gateway


That ancient gateway to the northwest, it’s a peculiar thing. Not of the Eternal Empire. It could be Vaal in origin… a culture I’ve seen mentioned here and there in some of the most antique of texts. It is the Vaal who began the use of Virtue Gems, well before our imperial ancestors. Little else is known about them. If only I havd my old museum archives, I could have given you a more tempered theory.

[4] 狂人尼科(Niko the Mad) 地下古城 Underground Cities I


Whole Eternal Empire was built on the ruins of the Vaal, so it ain’t surprising that we’d run up against Vaal ruins down there. Seen some other traces, though. People who weren’t Eternals or Vaal. Thought I’d just hit an old Vaal burial ground, ’til I realised just how many bones there were… and that they were used to build. Ain’t a historian, but never heard of the Vaal using human bones to make buildings.

[5] 狂人尼科(Niko the Mad) 地下古城 Underground Cities III


You’ll run across plenty of ruins down there. Eternal, Vaal, and… others. You’d know if you’d seen them. Bones everywhere. Walls of bones. Pillars. Piles and piles and piles. All different sizes. Child sized bones. The Vaal were bloody and merciless, but they were better than what came before. Went no deeper once I saw that. Wish I’d not gone that deep in the first place.

[6] 縫魔 緞布手套 Demon Stitcher


Xibaqua’s treachery was met with divine fury. One by one, the gods reclaimed their flesh, until all that remained was a droplet of pure light: The first Vaal.

[7] 祀奉艾爾卡莉(Shrine to Arakaali) I (Found in: The Dread Thicket)

我們崇拜偉大的女神,並在崇拜的過程中成為她的一部分。心靈治癒者艾爾卡莉運用慾液和蜘蛛的劇毒,讓許多人重獲新生。她是唯一擁有統治資格的神。謊言女王葛魯斯寇褻瀆我們的先祖,帶來乾旱、饑荒和疫病。我的先祖以正義和真相揭開醜陋的謊言,讓聖禱的內容成真! — 寡婦

Our great goddess, we worship her, and in so doing, we may become her. Healer of Hearts, Arakaali, with the juices of lust and venoms of the spider, she brought many back from the brink of death. Only she was worthy to rule. The Porcelain Queen, Gruthkul, disgraced my ancestors, drained them with drought, starved them with famine, blighted them with plague. It was with justice and truth that my ancestors shattered the Porcelain Queen’s reign, and brought our Messiah to power. — The Widow

[8] 祀奉艾爾卡莉(Shrine to Arakaali) II (Found in: The Causeway)

腐朽神殿建立後,身為受選者的我們得以讓她毫無顧慮地追求關於慾望和生命的秘密。身為她的追隨者,我們為她收集各式各樣的劇毒生物,而蜘蛛是她最喜愛的生物。女王艾爾卡莉重生為神時,便化為這樣的型態:奇蹟之女艾爾卡莉、蛛后艾爾卡莉。這個美麗的生物享有永生及無與倫比的智慧。 — 寡婦

Our Temple of Decay was built so that we, her chosen, might sustain our great goddess in her pursuit of the secrets that lust and life would keep from us. We, her followers, brought all assortments of venomous creatures and laid them at her feet, yet it was the spider she most coveted, and as the divine energies wove their destinies about her body, our Queen, Arakaali, was reborn. Arakaali the Miracle, Arakaali the mighty Arachnophage, a beauteous creature of immortal power and unfathomable wisdom. — The Widow

[9] 祀奉艾爾卡莉(Shrine to Arakaali) III (Found in: The Vaal City)

女王的心靈隨著軀體一併獲得新生。她從時間的洪流迸出,因恐懼而喘息。她看見自己的帝國化為遺跡、子民化為塵土。她看見葛魯斯寇的子嗣佔據了王座,她們的白色長髮隨風舞動、宣示著自己的勝利,而她們的歡笑一聲一聲刺進艾爾卡莉的心裡。這個情景讓夢境中的她宛如受到刀割,她決定還以顏色:她把葛魯斯寇的子嗣一個一個除掉,聆聽她們死前的哭號,並欣賞葛魯斯寇的喪女之痛。 — 寡婦

As our Queen’s body was reborn, so too was her mind. Awash with visions of future and past, she burst from the deluge, gasping with terror. She had seen her empire in ruins, her people ground into the dust. And atop her throne sat the children of Gruthkul, their long white hair fluttering in the winds of victory, their laughter as saw-blades in Arakaali’s heart. Yet as the vision poisoned her dreams, Arakaali poisoned the vision. Once, twice, thrice, the children of Gruthkul fell, crying their crimson tears. And how their mother grieved. — The Widow

[10] 罪(Sin) 絕望之母 The Mother of Despair


I wonder if Gruthkul would still grieve for her children if she knew the truth. The Spinner of Shadows had no aspirations until Gruthkul’s daughters plotted against her. They saw her power over the people, her miraculous potions, her intoxicating lusts. They feared Arakaali, thought she might threaten their legacy. Yet that’s the curious thing about spiders. They only leave their web when you force them to.

[11] 祀奉艾爾卡莉(Shrine to Arakaali) IV (Found in: The Temple of Decay Level 1)

葛魯斯寇的怒火蓋過了陽光,她的哀痛籠罩了大地。葛魯斯寇率領自己的部隊殺進艾爾卡莉的領地,掃過她的跟隨者,殺進她的藏身處。在帝國分崩離析之際,影蛛女王祭出一個計策:她偽裝自己戰敗,把葛魯斯寇引進一座巨大洞穴的中心。以堅韌的絲纏住宿敵後,她運用無比的勇氣和力量引導巨石落下,擊中葛魯斯寇的腦門。 — 寡婦

As her fury grew to blot out the sun, the mother’s grief grew to eclipse the land. Gruthkul and her horde stampeded across the realms of Arakaali, crushing her subjects, blood and bone, into the trembling earth. With her empire on the brink of ruination, our Queen, our Spinner of Shadows, hatched a desperate plan. Feigning injury and defeat, Arakaali lured Gruthkul into the heart of a great cavern. There she entwined her enemy in unyielding silk and then, with prodigious bravery and strength, brought the very stones tumbling down upon Gruthkul’s antlered head. — The Widow

[12] 祀奉艾爾卡莉(Shrine to Arakaali) V (Found in: The Temple of Decay Level 2)

艾爾卡莉展現無比的勇氣,在飽受戰火摧殘的帝國遺跡重新生根,但深山內出現前所未有的威脅。一頭毫無神性和良知的生物榨取了艾爾卡莉的生命精華。女王的藥物讓我們得以倖存,但饑荒和疫病再度肆虐。隨著山中的巨獸不斷成長,艾爾卡莉不斷衰退,變得跟孩童一樣無助。她甚至失去對腐朽神殿的信任。蜘蛛的毒液在體內灼燒的時候,我為先祖感到羞恥。在她最需要的時候,女王的子民背叛了她。把她包覆在絲中,讓她待在一座金字塔的某處,就像她多年前對葛魯斯寇所作的一切。她回來了,但她得不到自己想要的復仇。她和失去理性的葛魯斯寇不一樣,愛情女神艾爾卡莉只希望再次擁抱這個世界。 — 寡婦

Even as our courageous Arakaali forged the foundations of new empire within the ruination of the old, a fresh threat was born in the shadow of the mountains. A creature so devoid of divinity, so beyond humanity, that it drew the very essence from Arakaali as the spider imbibes the life of the trapped moth. Our Queen’s medicines had once sustained us. Now famine and plague ravaged what little remained of our lands.

As the Beast of the Mountains grew, our Arakaali waned until, helpless as a child, she lost even the faith of her most devoted, the Temple of Decay. I feel the shame for my ancestors as the spider’s venom burns in my belly. When our Queen needed them most, her people betrayed her, bound her in silk and left her to languish in the bowels of a pyramid, just as Arakaali had done to Gruthkul so many years before. Now she has returned, but it is not vengeance she wants. She is no mindless Gruthkul. Arakaali, Goddess of Love, wishes only to embrace the world as she wishes she had been embraced. — The Widow

[13] 艾米爾(Eramir) 葛魯斯寇 I


[14] 罪(Sin) 葛魯斯寇II


[15] 罪(Sin) 暗影鬼蛛 The Spinner of Shadows


Answering the call of a royal invitation, I visited the Spinner of Shadows as a emissary for a small fragile alliance of gods. Mostly weak deities huddling together in terror of being consumed by their greaters. At this time, Queen Arakaali ruled an empire, and so invited me to gaze upon her mighty works with appropriate wonder. If I’d looked past this pretense, I may have chanced to see her hidden desire to have me share her bed. For years I lay trapped in her webbed sheets. Some days she enjoyed my prowess, other days we enjoyed each other. Yet, this illusion of love and leisure simply veiled the morbid reality that I was not free to leave. I languished under her bewitching spell until the day the spider was betrayed by her own flies, and sealed within that temple of her own fevered making.

[16] 罪(Sin) 艾爾卡莉


[17] 艾米爾(Eramir) 艾爾卡莉


[18] 罪(Sin) 裝容大師 The Master of the Million Faces


Ralakesh, the illustrious “Master of a Million Faces”. I call him the God of Hide and Seek.

While other deities waged wars, spread their seed, and laid waste to whole empires, Ralakesh perched on his throne in a dark palace of ebony, choked with incense blinded by obdedience and deafened by a senseless cacophony of brass gongs. Thankfully, he never had the courage to peek over the high walls he’d built, else the world might have been in trouble.

[19] 艾米爾(Eramir) 芮勒蓋許


[20] 芮勒蓋許 I

走,打獵啦!這個營地的遺跡…你應該很熟悉吧,阿茲莫里人之前以這裡為家。芮勒蓋許啊…他既冷血殘暴,但又狡詐多端。不過,他有個明顯的弱點:他對於失去自己手中的東西感到無比恐懼。 他所擁有的太多,深怕自己無法掌握。這使得他暴躁易怒,也成為了他的弱點。

[21] 芮勒蓋許的急躁 儀式短靴 Ralakesh’s Impatience


For the immortal, what is the difference between an age and an instant?

[22] 罪(Sin) 伊果 Yugul I


Vaal scholars seemed compelled to answer all manner of strange and troubling questions. Yugul was one such scholar. Whilst plumbing the depths of humanity, he came to believe that there was no truer expression of humanity than pure terror. He would induce terror in children and then capture their reactions within eldritch mirrors, devices of his own creation that would petrify fear for extended study. Through his gallery of reflected terror, Yugul came to understand human nature so well that he was able to manipulate his way into the Vaal halls of leadership, and eventually grew so feared and renowned that he ascended into godhood.

[23] 賀根(Hargan) 伊果


[24] 罪(Sin) 恐懼的血照 Reflection of Terror


In Izaro’s grotesque little garden, you’ll find a old friend of mine. The yawning maw that is Yugul…but a self-portrait of what that pathetic creature has come to believe about the nature of fear. Those who look upon him see their own fears reflected in his horrifying Visage.

[25] 罪(Sin) 伊果 Yugul II


[26] 茵斯布雷之刃 智者長劍 Prismatic Eclipse

「熾烈的陽光點燃大地,朦朧的月影以淚填起那四方之隙,維里迪蝸居其中,只為尋找果腹殘食和蔽體薄衣。」- 阿茲莫里《創生之紀》

“A raging Solaris seared and contorted the orb’s surface. A despairing Lunaris filled the scars with her tears.

Yet Viridi remained, trapped within, forever more.” — Azmerian Creation Myth

[27] 青銅雕文 (Bronze Inscription) III

“阿茲莫里族是個傑出的存活者。他們應當如此。他們曾定居在瓦爾克拉斯最不適合人類居住的群山之中。然而不幸的是,我不相信這些人們所說的。我認為那是與生俱來的。也因為身為子孫的我們。因此他們打造了帝王的試煉一點也不奇怪。在如此艱困環境下出生的他們,無時無刻都在擔憂著生存的本能已經是天生的了。強大的領導者能消彌存在和滅亡之間的裂縫。而差勁的領導者則會帶領整個部落墮入那樣的裂縫之中。當阿茲莫里的人們從山上來到瓦爾克拉斯中心肥沃的大地時,他們便在溫和的氣候下迅速的開始成長茁壯。而教會我們如何成長的絕不是貧困。” — 帝王伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯

“The Azmeri were consummate survivors. They had to be, having been sired in the most inhospitable range of mountains in all of Wraeclast. Unfortunate, some might say. I do not. I believe it was the making of them. And of us, their descendants. So it is no wonder that they developed the Lord’s Trial. With survival being a moment-by-moment concern, that harried people grew to understand power quite intimately. Strong leadership is able to bridge the chasm between existence and extinction. Poor leadership might see an entire tribe vanish into that same chasm. When the Azmeri descended from their mountains to conquer the fecund lands of central Wraeclast, they thrived and multiplied with utmost alacrity in those more forgiving climes.

For is it not poverty that teaches us how we might excel in times of plenty?” — Emperor Izaro Phrecius

[28] 青銅雕文 (Bronze Inscription) II

“阿茲莫里族人是歷史上第一個透過力量、智慧,和心靈的試煉來篩選其酋長的民族。第一次帝王的試煉是個充滿野生動物和危險陷阱的粗糙迷宮。它的目的就是測試阿茲莫里酋長的身心靈。為了攻克迷宮種種的難題,真正的戰士必須證明他無比的抗壓能力,才能成為酋長。第一次的試煉是個單純的陷阱試煉。隨著阿茲莫里的技術成長,試煉的複雜性也跟著提高了,從狡猾的迷宮成為了讓人無法理解的巨大迷宮。然而,當時大臣相維盧梭所經歷的試煉卻沒有留下任何關於試煉的記載或證據。我想那可能是個無法想像的困難試煉。” — 帝王伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯

“The Azmeri were the first culture known in history to use trials of strength, wisdom and spirit to select its chieftains. The first Lord’s Trial was a rough-hewn maze festooned with wild animals and brutal traps, crafted to test aspiring Azmerian leaders’ body, mind and soul. In conquering the adversities of the maze, a champion proved they were capable of bearing the crushing burden of chieftainship. The first trials were simple contraptions reflecting simple times. As the Azmerian civilisation grew in number and complexity, so did the trials, from treacherous mazes to bewildering labyrinths. Alas, there are no surviving descriptions of the labyrinth that tested and proved the worth of Veruso, Prima Imperialus. I imagine it was quite something to behold.” — Emperor Izaro Phrecius

[29] 青銅雕文 (Bronze Inscription) I

“在我年幼時的統治時,我被鼓勵著相信身在我血液中高貴的血脈。那些庸俗的家臣們總是平淡得稱之為「神聖之酒」。不幸的是,我的神聖之酒卻拒絕了傳下到另一個杯子。儘管我不斷地與年輕忠誠的妻子嘗試,我神聖的種子卻無法散播。到底該選擇誰來做我的繼承人呢?手中最優秀的候選人也頂多是中等程度,最差的簡直是神經病一般。我感到十分的困擾。正當此時,命運帶領著我來到了薩恩圖書館中最寂靜的角落裡被人遺忘的書架前。這上面被世人遺忘的書卷寫著「古阿茲莫里族的昇華」。而剩下的,人們稱其為「歷史」。” — 帝王伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯

“In the impressionable youth of my reign, I was encouraged to believe in the precious nature of my imperial blood. The ‘divine claret’, as one fool of a courtier would repeat with tiresome regularity. Unfortunately, my divine claret refused to pour from one cup to another. Try as I might, with a lovely procession of young and ever dutiful wives, my noble seed simply would not sprout. Who, then, to choose as my worthy successor? With the candidates on hand either mediocre at best, or maniacal at worst, I found myself in quite the quandary. That’s when Fortune took me by the hand and led me to a forgotten tome on a forgotten shelf in the quietest corner of Sarn Library. A tome entitled, ‘Ancient Traditions of Azmerian Ascendancy’. The rest, one might say, is history.” — Emperor Izaro Phrecius

[30] 第四冊:阿茲莫里人的崛起 Book 4: Raising the Azmeri

倒下一杯阿茲莫里茶,然後從葉片中尋覓你的未來─ 你會發現瓦爾語竟然派上用場!不用感到驚訝:我們的文學是阿茲莫里和瓦爾兩大文化聯姻的產物。

在約莫兩千五百年前,阿茲莫里文化與瓦爾族第一次接觸。在這之前,阿茲莫里的一切事物均以口耳相傳。在這之後,阿茲莫里人的文學蓬勃成長,而阿茲莫里文化的各個層面也都因此一飛沖天。當第一批瓦爾大使踏上阿茲莫里人山腰上的家園時,瓦爾族讓原始的阿茲莫里人轉變為擁有凝聚力的務農民族。 — 圖書館長 特里尼安

Drain a cup of Azmerian tea and then try to read your future in the leaves. You’ll find that your Vaalish will come in mighty handy. Our literature was conceived and born within the Azmeri’s cultural marriage with the Vaal. Prior to Vaal contact some 2500 years ago, the Azmerian culture had a purely oral tradition of story and record keeping. Afterwards, their literary culture blossomed, along with just about every other aspect of their fledgling civilisation. From the moment the first Vaalish embassadors set foot upon the rugged slopes of the Azmerian Ranges, the Vaal civilisation held the hand of the Azmeri as they grew from a primitive tribal existence into a cohesive culture of settlement and agriculture.

[31] 罪(Sin) 月影神 Lunaris


One of two sisters who ruled the most populous and powerful of the ancient Azmerian tribes. Solaris, was thought to guide the sun across the sky with threads of shimmering gold, whilst Lunaris saw to the wax and wane of moon with a sickle of purest silver. It was a peaceful partnership, until the trickster Tangmazu, happened upon their domain. In turning sister against sister he saw to the massacre of thousands whilst concealing the source of their futile feud beyond all reckoning. Feel no pity for the moon. She is a cold and distant fool, far less radiant than she would suppose.

[32] 日耀之石 Sun Orb

「日耀是個意志堅定的母親,將黃金般的祝福賜予虔誠者豐盈的豎琴,對異端者降下貧瘠的烙印。日耀是一種生命的信念,而不是迷信。」- 日耀神詩篇

“The sun is a devoted mother. She casts her golden blessings on the crops of the pious and makes barren the fields of heresy. Sunlight is belief. Sunlight is life.” — The Solar Verses

[33] 月影之石 Moon Orb

「月光宛如慈母,涼爽的光芒呵護我們的肌膚,指引旅行者的路途!月影是哲理的化身,我們將跟隨祂的腳步。」- 月影神詩篇

“Moonlight is a wise mother. The moon which bathes us in soft, cooling light, does so with the intent of illuminating our paths. Moonlight is wisdom. Moonlight is life.” — The Lunar Verses

[34] 日耀神像(Solaris Statue) I

日耀與月影姐妹曾攜手統治萬物,分別指引白天和黑夜,讓子民獲得無微不至的祝福。有一天,日耀在太陽升起而甦醒時,發現自己的視線變得矇矓。她的火焰不再熾烈、生命不再剛強,熱情也不再劇烈、威猛。她大聲怒喝:「是誰這樣折磨我,讓我沒辦法支配光明?」她的擄獲者露出猙獰的微笑,那副面具下透出毫無血色的灰影。 — 阿茲莫里詩篇:1:20–23

[35] 暮光之月 The Twilight Moon 暮色神廟


The day is dying, the night is born, the air grows cool, the sky is torn.

[36] 日耀神像(Solaris Statue) II

在往後的日子裡,太陽因為沒有指引方向的那雙手而無止盡地蹉跎,冷冽的月亮高掛空中,月影獨佔了女王的寶座。日耀在地底痛苦地悲鳴,悽厲如利刃,足以撕裂任何接近的生命。在偶然的喘息中,鉗誠的寇里克前來,解開她的束縛、包紮她的傷口,讓她從痛楚中感受到解放和信賴。日耀從一座山坡上重新站起,並設下了一道陷阱,她把自己的姐妹困在火炎之網裡帶回審問庭。她發誓自己將以德報怨,但她的利刃還是不慎奪去了姐妹的雙眼。 — 阿茲莫里詩篇:2:10–14

[37] 泣月 魔性法杖 Moonsorrow


Cast into darkness. And trapped for a thousand years, The lonely moon weeps

[38] 月影神像(Lunaris Statue) I

烈火照戰帖,寂空墜明月;大位埋冤恨,干戈無止歇。月影因為日耀的背叛,淚水溢出雙眼,她的跟隨者們在猛烈的攻勢無力回天。戰敗的月影成為階下囚、打入地底。日耀雖對姐妹處刑,但內心依舊充滿憐惜。 — 阿茲莫里詩篇:3:1–4

[39] 月影神像(Lunaris Statue) II

她的心靈變得脆弱,苦痛籠罩著,彷彿毫無破口的網羅,日耀重拾親情和關愛,她向姐妹傾訴,衷心期望原有的信賴歸來,月影對眼前陌生的身影不發一語,認為她實為騎馬找驢。一位陌生人後來讓月影重獲自由,庫里那這位追隨者的名號將永垂不朽。」 — 阿茲莫里詩篇:3:9–13

[40] 月影神像(Lunaris Statue) III

躲藏在刺骨冰雪中,月影休養生息,重整旗鼓。她知道日耀已經喪失理智,只對自己是否會失去王位感到驚恐。什麼東西讓她如此恐懼、願意部顧親情?在庫里那的鼓吹下,她決定重響號角,並對姐妹的內心一探究竟。月影不再對日耀感到畏懼,「王位終將歸於我。」這樣的想法讓她變得不急不徐。太陽受到適當的控制時,發出的光芒最為宜人,她隨著手下踏上戰場,佈下那明月陣。她渴望著正義和日耀的終結,由她一人制霸四方。 — 阿茲莫里詩篇:3:20–25

[41] 水晶寶庫 精製環甲 Crystal Vault (冰息使用光明盡頭升級)


Beneath the frozen eye of Lunaris, a new world will be born. A crystalline, perfectly still utopia.

[42] 日耀神像(Solaris Statue) III

日耀現身於水平線上,眺望著月亮,雙方集結大軍,在正午決戰。她對於日耀逃出生天無動於衷,接著感到憤怒、恐懼和哀慟。月影引領著大軍前進時,日耀卻不感到威脅。日耀的內心混雜著愛與恨,喊道:「親愛的姐妹,妳絕對不可能統領這個世界。」 — 阿茲莫里詩篇:5:19–21

[43] 罪(Sin) 日耀神Solaris


Self-loving Solaris. All the light in the world, yet blinded by her own pride. Not once did she pause to question the truth of her sister’s betrayal. Instead she gloated over her sister’s transgressions, proclaiming herself greater and more honourable than Lunaris could ever be. I suppose one shouldn’t be surprised when a sun deity takes the higher ground.

[44] 罪(Sin) 永恆嬋娟 The Eternal Moon


We approach the zenith of our divine hunt, upon the bridge that chokes the great, wet throat of Sarn. Lunaris, in her cold fury, has forgotten that the warm sun of morning is as life-giving as the cooling damp of evening. The empire Lunaris dreams of shall be lit by moon and twinkling stars, and lfie itself shall wither away in the perpetual night,

[45] 罪(Sin) 永恆白駒 The Eternal Sun


If we are to see the dawn of a new era for humankind, the sun must be taught to behave herself. Upon that mighty span between Sarn’s left hand and its right, Solaris burns to consuem every single moment of existence sparing no thought for life and its needs, she would see the world parched barren before she yields to reason. The sun must be allowed to set so that it may rise again as a blessing, not a curse.

[46] 月影之耀 靈相魔盾 Light of Lunaris


Without night, there can be no day.

[47] 日耀之影 賢者法杖 Shade of Solaris


Without light, there can be no shadow.

[48] 宇蝕 水晶法杖 Eclipse Solaris


Every decade, Lunaris devours Solaris. Each time, Solaris emerges from Lunaris, born anew.

[49] 日耀之冕 水晶法杖 Corona Solaris (宇蝕 使用 光盲 升級)


Legend tells of a time when Solaris will burst forth from Lunaris, and night will be eternally banished.

[50] 暮色神廟 嬋娟神殿 The Twilight Temple


In the shadow of war, all are eclipsed.

[51] 卡迪羅.普蘭德斯(Cadiro Perandus)


迷失的靈魂和財寶之神,掌管著下層世界和它物質的賞金。寶石、珍貴的金屬、煤炭… 大量的地下財產,異國且多變。任何只要有價值、能夠用鍬和鏟開採的,都落於普洛斯彼羅的管轄範圍。包括那些用它們做交易的人。普洛斯彼羅曾是我們先祖之神,阿茲莫里人。當我們從那些山上下降於此時,我們的神也隨著我們隨之下降。對於駑鈍之人,認為這是個迷思,只是傳說故事。但對於有點想像力的人就不是這麼一回事了。

The god of lost souls and found treasures. Lord of the underworld and all its material bounty. Gems, precious metals, coal… a myriad of subterranean substances, exotic and volatile. If it has value and it can be unearthed with pick and shovel, it falls within Prospero’s divine concerns. As do all those who trade in them. Prospero was a god of our ancestors, the Azmerians. As we Eternals descended from those mountains, our gods descended with us. To the mundane mind they are myths, nothing but stories. to those with a little more imagination, they can be so much more.

[52] 罪(Sin) 圖克哈瑪 I


[53] 戰火鍛造 The Battle Born 斧


“No man can best me, no demon can fell me. For I vanquish all with my axe!”

[54] 拉尼(Lani) 國王的盛宴 The King’s Feast


The King’s Feast is an ancient ritual born of less enlightened times. Long before the Karui followed the Way, one tribe would conquer another and a feast would be prepared for the triumphant King. The main dishes of this feast were selected carefully, for the sweetness of their nature and the tenderness of their flesh. You see, when the conquered fills the belly of the conqueror, two tribes become one. And that’s what’s happening out there in Theopolis right now. The tribe of Kitava is feeding upon the Tribe of Oriath, and the feast won’t end until two tribes become one.

[55] 護甲大師哈庫(Haku, Armourmaster) 卡魯之道 The Karui Way


The Ancestors possess the knowledge of all Karui. Every man and woman who has followed the Way has carved their life’s wisdom into the meeting house of the Remembered. Yet the Ancestors cannot tell me how Kitava’s tyranny might end. Only that it will, if we who still can, stand against Him. It is in this hope that I choose to live. Hope is my fortress, and from it I wage war against Kitava’s slaves. Yet I am but one warrior, one man who chooses to serve the Karui Way. Perhaps, there will be others. Perhaps… even you.

[56] 烏圖拉(Utula) 奇塔弗 Kitava

嗯…我知道他的其他名字:黑靈、 食人王、 餓靈。這些是他的形象,直到圖克哈瑪奪去祂的雙眼、瓦拉庫把他投入海中溺斃,以及海恩格拉鞭笞他、把他打入無盡黑暗。奇塔弗從自己承受的苦痛學習。學習到血肉之軀如何承受暴行,也學習到如何成為一名奴隸。現在的他渴望自由。他也不只為自己尋求自由,而是所有承受過鞭笞和枷鎖的我們。奇塔弗是受虐者,他的使命就是從黑暗中再度崛起,顛覆這個世界的暴行。身為他的子民,我們將永遠跟隨他。

Well… I know his other names. The Black Spirit. The Cannibal King. The Ravenous One. He was all of those things, before Tukohama slashed out his eyes, before Valako drowned him in the seas, before Hinekora whipped him and condemned him to immortal darkness. Kitava has learned from the suffering inflicted upon him. Learned what cruelty is from his own flesh and blood. Learned what it means to be a slave. Now he hungers for freedom. Not merely for himself. For all of us who have suffered under whip and shackle. Kitava is the Tormented One, destined to rise up from the darkness and banish cruelty from this world. And we, his children, rise with him.

[57] 奇塔弗的饑餓 I



艾蘿紅薇醒來後,發現奇塔弗騙她要顧火候,實際上是想偷吃這些烤鳥。圖克哈瑪駕著木舟歸來後,艾蘿紅薇要求他為奇塔弗的自私與貪食祭出懲處。 戰爭之父圖克哈瑪認為有此需要,從口中拔下最尖銳的一顆牙齒。他令艾蘿紅薇和陶霍亞架住奇塔弗,讓他用手上的尖牙在他臉上劃上痕跡:兩條相交的畫痕讓奇塔弗雙眼再也看不到東西,並留下血跡斑斑的 X 字。從此之後,奇塔弗再也不能要求顧他想吃的任何東西。 — 奴隸烏圖拉編劇、費歐普羅斯爾文轉錄

Arohongui, Daughter of the Moon, was preparing for a feast to celebrate Tukohama’s return from his war on the First Ones of the Ezomytes. Tawhoa, Son of the Forest, asked each of the birds to sacrifice one of their kind for the feast. He gave these offerings to Arohongui who cooked them in a great fire-stone pit. Seeing all of those plump birds cooking made Kitava very hungry, and he offered to watch them, to make sure they didn’t burn while Arohongui rested during the heat of the day. Arohongui thanked Kitava for his kindness, but while she slept, Kitava ate the cooking birds, flesh, bones, gizzards and all. Upon waking, Arohongui was furious to find Kitava had lied to her, for saying that he would watch the birds when he truly intended to eat them all up. When Tukohama arrived home in his mighty canoe, Aohongui asked him to punish Kitava for his selfish gluttony. Tukohama, our Father of War, agreed and pulled the sharpest tooth from his own mouth. He then asked Arohogui and Tawhoa to hold Kitava fast while he cut Kitava’s face with the tooth. Two slashes that blinded Kitava and formed a bleeding cross upon his face. From that day forth, Kitava would never be able to promise to watch that which he truly intended to consume. — Narrated by Slave Utula, Transcribed by Irwen of Theopolis

[58] 圖克哈瑪之牙 Tukohama’s Tooth

「肚皮不能容忍眼前無法看見之物」- 卡魯諺語

“The belly cannot hunger for what the eyes cannot see.” — Karui Proverb

[59] 瓦拉庫之顎 Valako’s Jaw

「知恩圖報」- 卡魯諺語

“One day you eat the fish. One day you feed the fish.” — Karui Proverb

[60] 奇塔弗的饑餓 II

為了補足奇塔弗吃掉的烤鳥,戰爭之父圖克哈瑪和風暴之父瓦拉庫前去釣魚。奇塔弗雖然失明,他還是可以釣魚,因此圖克哈瑪和瓦拉庫帶著卡塔弗,駕著木舟出海。在釣魚的時候,奇塔弗又餓了,所以把用來作餌的蟲子都吃了。感到噁心又憤怒的圖克哈瑪和瓦拉庫索性以奇塔弗作餌。瓦拉庫以自己的顎骨作鉤,穿過奇塔弗的胃,然後投入海中。奇塔弗沉入海底後,魚並沒有前來咬奇塔弗,反倒是奇塔弗把好奇的魚都吃了…不論是魚肉、魚鱗、魚胃,統統進了他的肚子。圖克哈瑪和瓦拉庫拉起竿,發現奇塔弗吃得鼓脹,氣得七竅生煙,決定給他最後一個懲罰。 — 奴隸烏圖拉編劇、費歐普羅斯爾文轉錄

To replace the feast of birds that Kitava had greedily consumed, Tukohama, our Father of War, and Valako, Father of Storm, went fishing. Although Kitava was blind, he could still cast his line and feel when a fish took his bait. So Tukohama and Valako took him with them on Tukohama’s mighty canoe. But while they fished, Kitava grew hungry and secretly ate all of their bait of grubs and worms. Disgusted and angry, Tukohama and Valako decided to use Kitava as bait instead. Valako used his own jawbone as a hook, impaled Kitava on it, and cast both into the sea. Kitava sank to the bottom of the sea, but instead of the fish eating Kitava, it was Kitava who ate all of the fish that nibbled at him, flesh, scales, guts and all. When Tukohama and Valako hauled a fat-bellied Kitava back up from the sea, they were even more furious, and knew that Kitava must be punished one final time. — Narrated by Slave Utula; Transcribed by Irwen of Theopolis

[61] 悉妮蔻拉之髮 Hinekora’s Hair

「生前怎麼種,死後怎麼栽」- 卡魯諺語

“What we steal in life we repay in death.” — Karui Proverb

[62] 奇塔弗的饑餓 III

戰爭之父圖克哈瑪和風暴之父瓦拉庫把奇塔弗帶到死亡之母海恩格拉處,他們請海恩格拉手刃奇塔弗,否則再讓他這樣吃下去,整個部族都要餓肚子了。海恩格拉拒絕了這個要求,認為死亡無法讓他得到應有的教訓。海恩格拉以自己髮束製成的鞭子鞭笞奇塔弗,而奇塔弗感覺每一根髮絲都有如一把炙熱的刑具。經過數以千計的鞭笞後,海恩格拉接著把他打入冥界最黑暗的角落,讓他永遠在無水無糧下承受苦痛。奇塔弗在海恩格拉那永無光明的夜幕島裡待了數千年之久。他在難以想像的痛苦中等待著返回世界的一天,讓他可以滿足那累積已久的饑渴。 — 奴隸烏圖拉編劇、費歐普羅斯爾文轉錄

Tukohama, our Father of War, and Valako, Father of Storm, took Kitava to Hinekora, Mother of Death. They asked her to kill the greedy Kitava, for surely their tribe would starve if Kitava continued to live among them. But Hinekora refused, for death would not teach Kitava the lesson he needed to learn. Instead, Hinekora beat Kitava with a whip woven of her own hair. To Kitava, each strand was a searing lash, and so he wore thousands and thousands of blistering lashes across his back as Hinekora drove him relentlessly into the darkest corner of the underworld. There she left him to suffer, without water or food, for the rest of eternity. And there Kitava remained, in the darkness of Hinekora’s night-clad island for time beyond measure. There he suffered, waiting for the day that he could return to the world of light to slake his scorching thirst and satiate his ravening hunger. — Narrated by Slave Utula; Transcribed by Irwen of Theopolis

[63] 奇塔弗之盛宴 虛影巨斧 Kitava’s Feast


Hinekora bound Kitava to a rock that Kitava could not lift with all his might. Kitava vowed that when he broke free, he would devour every soul in Hinekora’s domain.

[64] 娜瓦莉(Navali) 卡魯之神 Karui Gods

海恩格拉,我的死亡之母,不是唯一的神。卡魯受著許多神的眷顧。拿瑪乎借我們火焰,照亮道路。塔華在道路旁給我們樹木及飛鳥,讓我們可以享受美麗和和平。圖克哈瑪提供我們武器和戰爭知識,保護我們道路上的安全。 在世界最後之日,有著無止境之飢餓的奇塔弗,將一切取走。

Hinekora, my Mother of Death, is not the only god, exile. The Karui are watched over by many. Ngamahu lends us fire, which illuminates the path. Tawhoa gives us the trees and birds that line the path, so that we may enjoy beauty and peace. Tukohama provides us with weapons and knowledge of war, which lets us walk the path safely. And in the final days of this world, Kitava, whose hunger knows no bounds, will take it all away.

[65] 護甲大師哈庫(Haku, Armourmaster) 升級至等級 5 On reaching level 5



It has come time to offer you a warning, for you have entered the most dangerous leg of your journey as a warrior. Had I the tools at hand, I would carve the mark of Kitava, Father of Chaos, into your flesh. You now wield the twin-bladed axe that is Life and Death, a weapon capable of both honour and disgrace.

You have the power now to extend the borders of your kingdom and I urge you to do so. For small places breed small thoughts, and it is in those tiny, shadowed recesses of the mind that Kitava will make his home.

[66] 護甲大師哈庫(Haku, Armourmaster) 升級至等級 4 On reaching level 4


Were you and I now in my homeland of Ngamakanui, I would mark your skin with the honour of Ngamahu, Mother of Fire. It is she who lights the fire in the belly of the warrior, and it is your duty to nurture that fire, to fuel it with the timber of battle until it burns so brightly, that it blinds the eyes of your enemies and sears their fearful hearts.

[67] 護甲大師哈庫(Haku, Armourmaster) 接受藏身處 Haku’s hideout


The seed is nothing to look at while it lies in your palm. That is why

Tawhoa, Father of the Forest, gave us the power to dream.

[68] 護甲大師哈庫(Haku, Armourmaster) 升級至等級6 On reaching level 6


You are as quick and as deadly as the lightning bolt, as proud as thunder, and as potent as the towering wave.

For your deeds on the battlefield, I would paint your body with the mark of Valako, Father of the Storm.

[69] 護甲大師哈庫(Haku, Armourmaster) 升級至等級 7 On reaching level 7

你在戰場上的表現,就如河水削穿古石般無堅不摧, 但在需要時,又能如冰河般堅定而緩慢地推進,擊潰眼前一切阻礙。在卡奴,我便會以『流水之父』塔薩里奧的印記彰顯你的榮耀。

You flow through battle, carving a path through the seemingly unbreakable enemy, just as the river carves its path through the ancient stone. Yet, when needed, you stand as hard and resolute as the glacier, pushing forward inch by inch, crushing all before them. In Ngamakanui, I would honour you with the mark of Tasalio, Father of Water.

[70] 石塔 赤紅珠寶 Spire of Stone


The strongest Karui tribes left the longest impressions on the land. Their symbols served as guidance many generations after their creators had been buried deep beneath the earth.

[71] 征服之眼 Eye of Conquest


“Weakness must be purged lest it poison the blood of all Karui.” — Prayer to Tukohama

[72] 碎鏃雨 赤紅珠寶 Rain of Splinters


“If one is an annoyance then a hundred is a threat.” — Ancient Karui Proverb

[73] 奎爾珊之跡 巨靈脛甲 Craiceann’s Tracks「初始之潭奎爾珊」


When the land rose above the sea, The First of the Deep did not move. When the sky turned to fire, The First of the Deep did not perish. We must remember our place, and play to our strengths.

[74] 斯卡沃之翼 戰士手套 Saqawal’s Winds 「初始之天斯卡沃」


When the inferno spread across the land, it was the First of the Skies who singed his feathers as he brought the flames to a standstill.

[75] 滾動烈焰 鈷藍珠寶 Rolling Flames


From north to south the sea of fire swept, Rolling waves of gorging flame, Growing taller and hungrier, With every land they consumed.

[76] 墮落異體 鈷藍珠寶 Mutated Growth


Few living things survived the cleansing flames. Those that did thrived… And changed…

[77] 埃哈弗爾(Einhar Frey) 初始者 The First Ones


They were the first survivors. The First Ones showed my people that to win, you must outlast. They left this world long ago to seek other survivors, but they will return. And when they do, I will join them in the Great Grove. And you will join Einhar, yes? Yes.

[78] 奎爾珊硬甲 金耀之鎧 Craiceann's Carapace 「初始之潭奎爾珊」


The First of the Deep was the First of All. It was He who conquered the waves, who stood guard as land rose from sea.

[79] 奎爾珊堅鉗 巨人護手 Craiceann's Pincers 「初始之潭奎爾珊」


The stone that stays in the waves soon crumbles to sand. The First of the Deep teaches us to watch the tides

and choose our moments to move wisely.

[80] 奎爾珊畸面 行政者戰冠 Craiceann's Chitin 「初始之潭奎爾珊」


When the rains come, we cower beneath shelter. The First of the Deep teaches us that we should seek no shelter but ourselves.

[81] 菲恩絲魘甲 毒蛛絲之袍 Fenumus' Shroud 「初始之夜菲恩絲」


The First of the Night was the first explorer. It was she who first braved night's terrors and found comfort in silence and solace.

[82] 菲恩絲獠牙 操靈者之冠 Fenumus' Toxins 「初始之夜菲恩絲」


A hunter uses everything at their disposal. The First of the Night did not hold back her venom. She used it to weaken her enemies, and used her enemies to strengthen her many children.

[83] 菲恩絲刺靴 刺殺者之靴 Fenumus' Spinnerets「初始之夜菲恩絲」


When the fires spilled out of the mountain, The First of the Night wove a net and was carried into the night on its hot winds. Though we cannot live without danger, we can learn to live with it.

[84] 菲恩絲夜織 禁禮護手 Fenumus' Weave「初始之夜菲恩絲」


A burden shared is a burden made lighter. The First of the Night teaches us that our burdens are not just ours to bear, but ours to use against oppressors.

[85] 費爾羅羽衣 勝利盔甲 Farrul's Fur「初始之地費爾羅」


The First of the Plains was the First of the Hunt. It was she who showed us that there is honour in waiting in the shadows and picking your moment.

[86] 費爾羅咥喙 鷹喙之面 Farrul's Bite 「初始之地費爾羅」


It is a fool who strikes the turtle's shell. The First of the Plains teaches us to exploit weaknesses, and where no weakness can be found, to create one.

[87] 費爾羅獵靴 迷蹤短靴 Farrul's Chase 「初始之地費爾羅」


A secret is a weapon your enemies do not have. When the First of the Plains hunted, she moved in silence and acted quickly. To do otherwise is to arm your foes.

[88] 費爾羅鋒爪 火蝮鱗手套 Farrul's Pounce 「初始之地費爾羅」


A hungry beast wastes no energy. Every strike, no matter how small, must work towards victory. The First of the Plains teaches us that the largest prey can still be whittled away.

[89] 斯卡沃之巢 血色之衣 Saqawal's Nest 「初始之天斯卡沃」


The First of the Sky was the Last of the First. It was he who showed us that our limits are self-imposed, that what we take for law may just be an illusion.

[90] 斯卡沃鷹爪 火蝮鱗長靴 Saqawal's Talons 「初始之天斯卡沃」


A bird, too heavily laden, cannot take flight. The First of the Sky teaches us to put aside our possessions so that we may live more freely.

[91] 斯卡沃之徒 綢緞之兜 Saqawal's Flock 「初始之天斯卡沃」


Though we are individual, we share the same plight. The First of the Sky teaches us that unity and selflessness, not division and greed, is what will carry us upwards.

[92] 武器大師瓦甘(Vagan, Weaponmaster) 決鬥者 Duelist


[93] 先人召喚 Call to the First Ones 1 階魔符


The Ezomyte, desperate for aid, cried out to the gods.

[94] 初始者的祝福 Boon of the First Ones 獸獵寓言之物


Wreathed in the skin and bones of the beasts she slew, her gift came from what she lost: her humanity.

[95] 盛宴之結 素布腰帶 Feastbind 「魔符」


Our forefathers danced and drank and ate their fill and did not honour the First Ones for their gifts. So the First Ones filled the sky with fire.

[96] 葛里戈(Grigor) 關於艾茲麥族 The Ezomytes





Death came to town. The roaring Ezomytes wore red. The red of blood, The red of the fray. Death came to town. The crying Ezomytes wore black. The black of disease, The black of dismay. Death came to town. The silent Ezomytes wore grey The grey of twilight. The grey of decay. Only the isles of Skoathe were spared. One a backwater of my proud civilization, now... all that remains of the Ezomytes.

[97] 自然組織 死羽魔符 Natural Hierarchy 「魔符」


Just as the rat cowers before the dog and the dog cowers before Man, so too should we cower before the First Ones and pray we never learn of what comes next.

[98] 饑荒之結 素布腰帶 Faminebind 「魔符」


After the Great Fire, the land lay barren and our forefathers grew weak. Mother Gull took pity on them and gave them grain and water.

[99] 嘔吐 素布腰帶 The Retch 「魔符」


But the grain grew twisted and the water turned dark and those who partook of Mother Gull's gift birthed monsters that fed on the flesh of one another.

[100] 埃哈弗爾(Einhar Frey) 初始之天斯卡沃 Saqawal, First of the Sky


During a cold winter, Einhar camped on a mountain. I have many furs to keep me warm in the cold. ... I did not bring them. But I did have Rhoa ooze. While sipping warm ooze, Einhar had a vision. A lizard, feathered and crimson, watching from shadows of shadows. An avatar of the First Ones. A test. Saqawal, First of the Sky. In my cup, ooze swirled. Another vision, in the blood of the birds and reptiles. It is lucky I had so much to drink that night, or else this secret may have remained a secret. Find many birds and reptiles, Exile. The path to the First of the Sky is in their blood.

[101] 埃哈弗爾(Einhar Frey)初始之潭奎爾珊 Craiceann, First of the Deep



Einhar has many talents. You will learn. I sailed to Wraeclast alone, a risky and brave feat. You are impressed, yes? My boat was small and not well prepared for the journey. Then my ship ran aground... but there was no ground. Very confusing. Water all around, but the ship could not move. My food spoiled quickly. I am very good at fishing. I will have to show you how some time... maybe. I caught many fish. And crabs. And squid. I ate very well, but there was little water. I had booze. I threw the scraps to the sea.

Then... the ship moved. Lifted. I looked aft. A crab, massive and red, stood on a lone rock, covered in my scraps. It was Craiceann, an Avatar of the First ones. Einhar knows the secret of Craiceann. It lies in the bellies of the sea creatures. Find them, and we will see Craiceann again.

[102] 埃哈弗爾(Einhar Frey)初始之夜菲恩絲 Fenumus, First of the Night



她的網子非常牢固,但埃哈的刀鋒更銳利。我切斷了網子逃脫。並掉入下面的河流,被沖到岸邊。一趟非常有趣的冒險。 前往菲恩絲的道入就在蟲子、蜘蛛、昆蟲和食腐蟲后的血中。捕捉到牠們,菲恩絲就會跟上來了。

Einhar is a brave explorer. The secret to my bravery? I do not think. One day I did not think as I went into a cave. It was very brave. But then I got lost. It was dark. I did not think, so I did not think to bring a torch.

I walked in total darkness by touch until... a light. Then two. Then many! So many lights! I got closer and closer. The lights got brighter and brighter. Then... I slipped. I fell very far. Einhar was sure he was dead. But then I was caught... in a web. The lights moved and swirled. Insects. And in front of them was a shadow of a spider. Fenumus... An Avatar of the First Ones.

[103] 埃哈弗爾(Einhar Frey)初始之地費爾羅 Farrul, First of the Plains


Years ago, Einhar was wandering the fields near Sarn in search of a worthy Survivor. I did not find one. Then I did not find water. Then I did not find shelter. This was a learning moment for Einhar. Beneath the hot sun, Einhar saw a swirl of red and white. A flash of teeth. Farrul, First of the Plains, an Avatar of the First Ones. I pursued it, and as night fell, so did I... right into a Hellion pit. I drank my fill of Hellion blood that night. That is how I learned I do not like Hellion blood. It is also how I learned that Farrul's secrets lie in the blood of hounds, cats, and others of warm blood. Go, find many, and we will find Farrul.

[104] 瑞佛詛咒 亡爪魔符 Rigwald's Curse 「魔符」


I once thought the First Ones were just stories made to scare children. But I've seen what they can do. I've felt it. And now I must live with that terrible knowledge.

[105] 碑銘(Inscription) VI

偉大的巨狼迫使我遺忘我的身分… 並且教了我更多。一個人成為國王是為了在他在世時保護他的人民。一個人成為神才能永遠保護著人。無盡的狩獵開始。狂熱的那一群尚存,德魯依注入了他們的利牙、骨頭、皮膚以及利爪。我知道這些魔符的下落。我能夠嗅到它們的氣味。無盡的狩獵開始。我將追蹤這些偷走我們古老傳承的小偷。我必須取得、駕馭的力量,以艾茲麥之名。無盡的狩獵開始。

The Greatwolf has forced me to forget who I was... and has taught me to be so much more. A man becomes a king so that he may protect the people of the day. A man becomes a god so that he may protect the people of all the days to come. And so the endless hunt begins. The fervour of the First Ones remains, bound by the druids into fetishes of tooth and bone, skin and claw. I know where these potent talismans have been strewn. I have their scent. And so the endless hunt begins. I shall pursue the thieves of our ancient heritage. I shall wrest our First Ones from the clutching and the corrupted lest they feed and grow fecund on power not their own. Power I must have, must wield, in the name of all that is Ezomyr to come. And so the endless hunt begins. - Rigwald

[106] 狡狐 The Fox 等級 20 技能寶石

"要在寒冷的冬天求生,你必須有像狐狸般的智慧、狡猾以及力量。" - 艾茲麥族方言

They say when a dragon dies, the flesh smoulders and burns until all that remains is the still, white-hot, heart.

[107] 先祖和諧 鈷藍珠寶 Primordial Harmony


"A stone is not a stone, It is but one part of a fortress." - Ezomyte proverb

[108] 尼根 朽木之幹 Mirebough (綠藤 使用 塔中鳥 升級)

“砍下最高的樹,讓另一個成為最高的。“- 艾茲麥的古老智慧

"Cut down the tallest tree, and another becomes the tallest." - Old Ezomyte saying

[109] 綠藤 朽木之幹 Fencoil

「像樹根般緊攀著那滋養的淤泥時,何需害怕--團結力量大。」- 艾茲麥的古老智慧

You've no reason for fear when you're a root in a fen - Old Ezomyte saying.

[110] 伊羅莎(Irasha) 瑪拉克的習俗


[111] 風暴飛刃 Storm Blade


Garukhan sought madness and knowledge amongst the billowing clouds of a blackened sky. A vulture of pride, she would not be refused, and so the stratosphere divulged unto her eldritch secrets of its tumultuous past.

[112] 罪(Sin) 卡洛翰 I


[113] 罪(Sin) 颶風女王 Queen of Winds


I weep for my poor Garukhan. Together we experienced the loftiest moments that this world could offer. Alas, it was my heavy heart that she could no longer bear. I knew her pride would one day be the storm that would ravage my precious humanity. In truth, it was for Garukhan that I sowed the Dark Ember within the depths of Highgate. When love cannot be slain it must be laid down to sleep.

[114] 罪(Sin) 卡洛翰 II


[115] 罪(Sin) 沙瀑女王 Queen of Sands


It is not something i deign to speak of often, but this goddess, this creature, she was once the flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. I rose into the clouds and fell into the arms of their queen, the beautiful Garukhan. Now if you think that mortal marriages are difficult to navigate, try an immortal one. We parted ways, yet not before my young Queen of the Sands was born into his world of filth and horror. Now you see how I must suffer for the sake of humanity, to lay mine own daughter upon the sacrificial altar.

[116] 伊羅莎(Irasha) 夏卡莉(Shakari) II


[117] 罪(Sin) 夏卡莉 II


[118] 罪(Sin) 夏卡莉 I


[119] 瓦斯提里之翼 Wings of Vastiri

卡洛翰騎上她的巨鷹,凌空而下,直取敵人的性命 (their armies of darkness)。

And mounting her mighty Roc, Garukhan, holy queen of the sky, descended upon her enemies and their armies of darkness.

[120] 白風 帝國短匕 White Wind


The Maraketh fear very little, but they dare not whisper the name of the demon that flies on Winter's gales.

[121] 佩塔盧斯和芙安珈(Petarus and Vanja) 風暴飛刃 I











[122] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 迪虛瑞特 Deshret


The Red Sekhema was the woman who forged what it meant to be 'Maraketh': a people united... strong. It was Deshret who lit the fires in the hearts of woman and loins of man. When she fell, so did the pride of the Maraketh. We've been falling ever since.

[123] 佩塔盧斯和芙安珈(Petarus and Vanja) 歐優恩














[124] 伊羅莎(Irasha) 歐優恩

歐優恩才不過失聯幾天,達蘇尼就渴望掌權,像條發情的母狗。想知道男人的統治會是什麼樣子嗎? 你只要看看薩恩的廢墟就知道了。在歐優恩還生死未卜的時候,他就已經這副模樣了,把位子交給他還得了?一名偵察兵發現奇菈和她部下在山腳附近。他們把歐優恩綁在一隻恐喙鳥的背上,就像獵人打到的獵物。至於部族的領導標誌「絲克瑪之羽」...就在奇菈的頭上。究竟奇菈是獨自發起這樣的行動,還是和兄弟達蘇尼聯手,我完全不知情。我更怕她打算把絲克瑪獻給荒地禿鷹「卡洛翰」當祭品。這個部族曾經幫助過你,這次就當作回報我們吧:救出歐優恩,讓她安全回到我們身邊。如果她已經不幸...就把奇菈那叛徒宰了,然後把羽毛帶回來。只要那個標誌存在,馬拉克斯一族就可以延續下去。

[125] 絲克瑪之羽 Sekhema Feather

「我們要如何知道絲克瑪有能力治理? 膜拜神聖的大鵬,他的羽翼庇護我們成長和翱翔」 - 瑪拉克加冕儀式

"And how shall we know a sekhema worthy of rule? By the anointing of the Great Roc, under whose wings we grow and soar." - Maraketh Coronation Ritual

[126] 賀根(Hargan) 瓦斯提里之翼 III


[127] 賀根(Hargan) 瓦斯提里之翼 I


[127] 伊羅莎(Irasha) 夏卡莉 I


[128] 歐優恩(Oyun) 達蘇尼


[128] 東之飾 裂臟鉤 Ornament of the East


To the Maraketh, death is as intimate as love.

[129] 卡洛翰之影 匿蹤短靴 Garukhan's Flight


The higher you soar, the further you must fall.

[130] 先祖卓越 翠綠珠寶 Primordial Eminence


"Kings fall, empires crumble, mortals perish. All turn to earth and sand." - Maraketh proverb

[131] 瓶風暴 Bottled Storm


"One should not entice the storm; one cannot invite the storm, or give warrant to its tyrant-soul. We survive only by appeasing the storm, with gifts and offerings of adoration. We hope that, in its mercy, it shall pass us by." - Tempestology of the Maraketh, Repudion IV

[132] 佩塔盧斯和芙安珈(Petarus and Vanja) 馬拉克斯之曆 I
















[133] 命運之曆 Calendar of Fortune


The King looked upon images swirling atop the ancient stone dial. "You look peaceful" he told his bride-to-be, "So peaceful, asleep in our wedding bed." But in phantasm, she did not slumber, and what he saw was not a place for dreams, rather, a wooden box... about to be closed and lowered into earthy depths. - Maraketh Legend

[134] 罪(Sin) 海洋之王


[135] 莉莉羅斯(Lilly Roth) 特索塔


[136] 罪(Sin) 賽根斯 I


[137] 畢斯特(Bestel)

海洋之王 The Brine King I


[138] 莉莉羅斯(Lilly Roth) 海洋之王 The Brine King I


[139] 莫測之海 The Formless Sea 黑鯊


Formless might, Wild beauty tamed, The brine of gods, The seas restrained.

[140] 海王冠冕 箴言戰冠 The Brine Crown


Greatest is the Brine King's domain, and every day it grows a little greater, not through force, but patience.

[141] 破浪者 帝國重錘 Tidebreaker


The sea strikes the rock relentlessly. Whether in one day or in ten thousand years, eventually the rock will crumble, and the Brine King's domain will grow.

[142] 莉莉羅斯(Lilly Roth) 特索塔


[143] 莉莉羅斯(Lilly Roth) 淚珠


[144] 淚珠 The Teardrop

"T'gnagn iia y r'ngusla ph'tu Tsoatha nga mekghul'an." - 無法辨認的經文

"T'gnagn iia y r'ngusla ph'tu Tsoatha nga mekghul'an." - Indecipherable verse

[145] 罪(sin) 傀儡女王 Ryslatha, the Puppet Mistress


[146] 罪(sin) 瑞斯拉薩 Ryslatha I

在她尋覓將子民復甦的方法時,腐泥中生出名為瑞斯拉薩的蛆蟲,使原本豐饒的土地受到腐化。她那崇尚愛與和平的部族 受到圖克哈瑪的戰火摧殘,他們那永生的母親想出一個最好的辦法,讓她的子民們不再任人宰割。方法就是...讓所有凡人都成為她的子民。

A maggot that festers and writhes in the fetid mud of the wettest lands. Ryslatha, the white worm that corrupts the very earth while her heart yearns to replenish her slaughtered brood. Hers was a prolific tribe once, fat with peach and fecund with love. Then Tukohama's fire swept across her sacred land and her children were butchered by the madness of war. Now the immortal mother has one waking thought. She will also ensure that her children are never harmed again. How? By making everyone's children her children.

[147] 罪(sin) 瑞斯拉薩 Ryslatha II


[148] 罪(Sin) 艾貝拉斯 I


[149] 罪(Sin) 堅蹄亡羊 The Cloven One


[150] 罪(Sin) 艾貝拉斯 III


[151] 罪(Sin) 艾貝拉斯 II


[152] 艾貝拉斯之蹄 羊皮短靴 Abberath's Hooves


The goat king knew not of war, of the lands and laws he trampled. The goat king knew only joy at turning life into ash.

[153] 艾貝拉斯之角 羊角法杖 Abberath's Horn


The Goat King drank the smoke and ate the flames as his ruin spread across the land.

[154] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) I


On that day two were born of their mother's womb. Innocence, with eyes of burning red. Sin, with eyes of clearest blue.

[155] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) II


Innocence lived with an honest and pure heart, never straying from his mother's word. Sin filled his heart with lies and indulgence, and deafened his ears to his mother's pleas.

[156] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) III

母親分食麵包時,善總是能得到應得的部分,作為他的獎勵; 罪只能得到小塊麵包,讓他瞭解自己行為不受喜歡。

When the Mother of Two broke bread, she allowed Innocence to eat his fill, as reward for his virtuous nature. Sin was cast the scraps to remind him of his worthless ways.

[157] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) IV


Yet the punishment only served to feed Sin's lusts. Before his brother's eyes, Sin stole a fish from the market and lied to the watchmen who caught him. Sin then beat his brother until a promise of silence was extracted.

[158] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) V


Innocence could not keep a promise made in fear. He bore witness and testimony to the Mother of Two, and it was decided, between mother and son, that Sin was beyond rule and redemption. That only purification could cleanse his burgeoning corruption.

[159] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) VI


The village gathered to watch Sin become ash, and breathed deeply of the smoke that poured from his screaming mouth. Sin filled their lungs, their minds and their hearts.

[160] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) VII


Innocence watched Sin take root in the bodies of men and women and children. He witnessed them turn on each other, first with words, then with fists. Friends and kin embraced in mortal struggles, their skin weaving with skin, flesh bonding with flesh, bone entwining with bone, until the village had become one writhing giant, forged of strife and hatred.

[161] 彩繪玻璃櫥窗(Stained Glass Window) VIII


As this titan of Sin rose to its many feet, Innocence knew that the village was lost. With an anguished cry he committed it to flame. As town and titan burned, the sky turned dark with the ash of Sin. There, amongst the raging ruins of his home, Innocence swore an oath. No matter where the ashes of Sin fell, his purifying flames would rise to meet them.

[162] 罪(Sin) 純淨之印 The Sign of Purity I


Deep in the Templar's Ossuary, in the company of the dead, there lies the Sign of Purity. Innocence bled himself for the creation of that cruel and desperate weapon. Tempered in his own ruby ichor, it was forged to be a transcendent tool of punishment and purification. The Sign is a living agent of righteousness, or at least, the dubious kind of righteousness that my brother subscribes to. Innocence found, in the first High Templar, a most faithful servant and gifted the Sign to him, so that it might be used in times of great need. The great need of Innocence believers, that is. Humanity's general well-being has never been of particular concern to my brother.

[163] 純淨之印 Sign of Purity


Wrought from blood and gold, Innocence fashioned a weapon of tempered purity, capable of banishing darkness, and bringing order to the chaos in men's hearts.

[164] 班恩(Bannon) 純淨之印The Sign of Purity

純淨之印?這是一把長杖...接受過善者血液的洗禮...更正,是接受過善之血的洗禮。是的,善對長杖授予一部分的神聖力量,並把這股力量交給了聖堂武僧。現在回想起來,我在接受訓練的時候看過一本書...那已經是很久以前的事情了。其中大部分看起來很無聊的地方我都跳過了,我只記得「...聖宗領導人瑪薩里歐斯召出神聖的光芒,指向不信者,讓火炎吞噬他們...」 我只是引用書本的內容,我沒有信口胡謅。除了我這凡夫俗子的肉體,善應該也只剩下純淨標記。

The Sign of Purity? Let's see... a staff, bathed in innocent blood. No, sorry, bathed in the blood of Innocence. Yes, Innocence gave a part of his divine self to the thing and gifted it to the Templar. Now that I recall, I read a tome about it when I was a cadet. Bloody long time ago. I skipped most of the boring pages, so only remember the bit where High Templar Maxarius 'smote with flame the army of the faithless with one ray of its hallowing light'. The book's words, not mine. Outside of my humble flesh, the Sign of Purity's about all that's left of Innocence.

[165] 烈士之淨 貴族長杖 Martyr of Innocence


You have been found guilty. Let the fires cleanse you of your sins.

[166] 善的勝利(Triumph of Innocence) Found in The Chamber of Innocence.

波浪拍打著奧瑞亞的海岸,這股波浪訴說著饑餓、呼喚著渴望。餓靈和子民們隨著波濤而起,讓街道上瀰漫著死亡和墮落。接著,善現身大喝「放肆!」他降下烈火,吞噬我們的城市,將邪惡者化為灰燼和骨屑。餓靈逃之夭夭,但依舊逃不過救世主的法眼。他受到了制裁,被打入了土石和詛咒之域中。願善的意志和光芒永在! - 聖宗領導人伊爾莉斯《善之勝利》

Waves crashed upon the shores of Oriath. Waves of Hunger. Waves of Desire. The Ravenous God and His starving multiple. Rising with the tide. Flooding our streets with death and depravity. Until Innocence cried out, 'No more!' Bathing our city in fire. Scorching the wicked to ash and bone. The Ravenous God fled. Into the embrace of our glorious Saviour. Driven down He was, into soil, stone and beyond. Into damnation. By the Will and Light of our Innocence. - "Triumph of Innocence" by High Templar Avarius

[167] 再生的罪惡 迷霧藥劑 Sin's Rebirth


And from the ashes he rose, like a black cloud. The Sin of one became the Sin of many.

[168] 罪(Sin) 善 Innocence


I wouldn't blame you for being curious about the god now dwelling within me. In truth, I'm honored to have been chosen to be Innocence's vessel. You may hear this and think I sound like a pious Templar food, but it is hard to remain an unbeliever when the gods walk around you, and indeed one, sleeps inside you. No need to fear however, our poor purity god surely regrets the actions of the his past. I can't see him, but I can feel his spirit, wounded and cowering somewhere inside me. At night, I hear him whimpering over his wounds - I must say, you hurt him good! But, as much as I feel his pain, I also feel a budding newness in his heart, he is growing again and relearning the compassion for humanity that he had long since lost.

[169] 罪(Sin) 善












[170] 善(Innocence) 流亡者 Exile


You have heard my admission of guilt and my plea for forgiveness, yet I sense in the glowing embers of your eyes that you will be glad to be rid of me. I don't blame you, mortal, nor do I begrudge you for your continual anger. The sins I've commited, although bad enough, are made worse by the lens of pride I once viewed this world though. I agree with your judgement, and though I wish never to return from my banishment, I have made promise to Sin that I shall one day rejoin this world. But until that day I will remain in the furthest south, in a place of ice and ash, of blistering seas and abysmal storms. I shall meditate on my wrong doings, until a way of making amends to the millions of lives I have murdered and ruined, reveals itself to me.

[171] 善 The Innocent 後悔石


His brother would not atone, so he took his brother's life, and with it, his sins.

[172] 迷茫幻符 白金波刃 Mark of the Doubting Knight


Nothing is pure. Slice open the Innocent. And spill a thousand Sins.

[173] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 罪 Sin


[174] 罪(Sin) 奧瑞亞的殞落 The Fall of Oriath


Though I am a god, I have not forgotten my humanity. I care for that which I once was. Kitava remembers nothing and cares for nothing but his own hunger and greed. He is an endless pit of gnashing teeth and churning guts. While other gods rise on the mainland and fight for the meagre scraps of what it was, Kitava has the most fecund and formidable civilisation of this age at his disposal. He can feed when he likes and he grows even stronger with each morsel. All of Oriath shall soon belong to Kitava, and if that happens, he will rise even beyond our reach.

[175] 罪(Sin) 浩劫 Cataclysm

不應該成為這樣的啊... 巨獸本身就是一種美的存在,就像人們髮飾上的珠寶。 我...希望給你們一個追求和平、在這個世界上發光發熱的機會,不再只是當眾神的奴隸和玩物...... 牠只是想自我防衛,錯的是那些背叛所有人類的扭曲心靈。我也無法預測瓦爾和永恆帝國的行為,會讓牠在瓦爾克拉斯引起巨變。歷史上總是充滿悲劇,甚至...不斷重演。流亡者,我的雙手沾滿了數以百萬計...無辜者的鮮血,我再怎麼嘗試也無法洗刷這個汙名。

It was never meant to transpire this way... My Beast was born to be a thing of beauty. A crowning jewel to rest upon humanity's head. I... I wanted to give your kind a chance for peace, a chance to play atop the great stage. No longer pawns to a pantheon of petty, slavering gods... It was only ever defending itself, the fault lies within the twisted hearts of those who would betray their own humanity. Not even I could anticipate the cataclysms my pet wrought on Wraeclast. Both Vaal and Eternal. Ruins in the pages of history. And the others... trailing back across the aeoms. There is blood on my hands, exile, the innocent blood of millions, and try as I might, the strains just won't wash off.

[176] 罪(Sin) 嵌合之酸

這些劇毒怪物的心臟正是奇異酸的來源,牠們這種兇狠的習性也是可以理解的。牠們是充滿悲劇的生物,牠們曾經歷的苦痛和我的過去有著緊密的連結,讓我根本沒辦法忘記... 這暗燼的製作過程...也留下了一些生來便充滿不幸的副產品。不過,如果我不放下過去犯下的錯誤,我們就會毫無進展。

[177] 罪(Sin) 黑暗餘燼 The Dark Ember I


The Ember is a seed... the black core of the Beast's heart. It is the pure, undiluted essence of corruption. Everything my pet once was, all of its power, the stupefying effect it had on us gods, it all dwells within this Dark ember. With this we shall lay Kitava to waste. The once starved god shall fill his gut and pass on into oblivion. Kitava will fall and the Ember shall disperse into nothing more than ash dancing across the cobbled rooftops of Oriath.

[178] 罪(Sin) 眾神崛起 The Rise of the Gods

簡單來說,這很接近播種的概念。眾神之所以崛起,原因在於你除掉抑制他們的力量,我指的正是那頭巨獸。我在統治者之殿種下那顆種子、滋養他成長,目睹他逐漸成熟,後來甚至無法抗拒他的誘惑... 我等眾神就被他打入黑暗裡沉眠,陷入無止境的夢境。巨獸在這段期間裡監視著我們。身為神,我期望可以回到那個充滿榮耀的年代,但其餘眾神絕不向他妥協。再次沐浴在自由的氣息裡,我相信他們這次一定寧死不屈。

I shall put this simply, for in truth everything comes down to the simple act of planting a seed int he ground. The gods are rising because you slew the one creature that prevented them from doing so. Your name for it is "The Beast." It was I who planted the seed in the rich soil beneath Highgate, who nurtured it, who watched it bloom into maturity, even as I succumbed to its mollifying darkness, to dream away eternity whilst the gentle Beast watched over us. I would desire that we return to that blissful state, but my brother and sisters of deism shall never submit to banishment. They have tasted freedom once more and they shall not let go of this world until it is pried from their cold, dead hands.

[179] 罪(Sin) 巨獸 The Beast

巨獸從來不會露出殘暴的一面。他一直以來都不以破壞、侵蝕心靈或引起恐懼為手段,而是以自己的意志存在,這是我的初衷。只是,在陰錯陽差下賦予他野心之後,各時代的人展露的野心逐漸影響他:女王阿茲里和多里亞尼、 切特斯大帝和瑪拉凱,以及之前的野心家。我之所以創造這頭巨獸,是為了讓凡人不再作為眾神刀俎上的魚肉,但後來證明凡人們會自己追尋取代眾神的角色。

The Beast was never a cruel master. It didn't want to destroy, to corrupt, to terrorise. It simply existed to exist. I made it that way. Unfortunately, in neglecting to provide it with ambition, I made it vulnerable to the ambitions of others. Queen Atziri and Doryani. The Emperor Chitus and Malachai. Others even before them.I created a Beast that would free humanity from the tyranny of the gods. Yet all I really did was provide the perfect tool with which humanity could tyrannise itself.




POE版本:3.4.5c 掘獄聯盟(Delve)

中文資料來源:http://poedb.tw/ (流亡編年史)

英文資料來源:https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki (POE Wiki)

台服的翻譯有很多錯誤,最常見的是同字翻成不同意思,如The First Ones翻成初始者/初代;Tsoagoth翻成賽根斯/特索勾斯;Hinekora 翻成海恩格拉/悉妮蔻拉,更嚴重的就是在原文里明明是大寫開頭的專有名詞卻翻成一般字面上的意思,更有些為了幽默而把根本不屬於該時代的人物翻進中文裡(原文並沒有提到),像下面這個,

「精美版的派蒂,但她的嘴滾動的像個陶土工滾輪」我曾經這樣形容達拉 - 馬拉凱

"Pretty as porcelain, but her mouth spins like the potter's wheel."

That's how I once described Dialla- Malachai

這問題很嚴重並且屢見不鮮,所以建議能按還是盡量看原文,以上文獻中沒有英文的部分就是POE wiki並沒有人編寫,所以我也無法提供做對照,中文槓掉的部分(比如像這樣的文字),表示我個人認為翻譯無法真正達原文的意思,建議看英文。

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