
116 min readDec 4, 2018


【永恆帝國(下) 文獻】

[345] 官方漫畫

Path of Exile 001- The Karui Way (2014)

[346] 官方漫畫

Path of Exile 002 - The Karui Way (2014)

[347] 官方漫畫

Path of Exile 003 - Death to Sin (2015)

[348] 官方漫畫

Path Of Exile 004 -The Black Heart (2015)

[349] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 關於淨化叛亂 The Purity Rebellion


Chitus thought that the Gemling was the pinnacle of human progress. “These glorious gems have brought us within spitting distance of godhood”, he once said. The High Templar as the time, Voll of Thebrus, thought they were a perversion. He wanted the Empire made pure, “cleansed of the stain of thaumaturgy”. You look at Sarn and tell me which one you thought was right. And while you’re out there, look out for monkeys. No, not those bloody monkeys from Phrecia. These ones are painted on the walls. I think you’ll find them enlightening.

[350] 福爾的忠誠之符 瑪瑙護身符 Voll’s Devotion 「混亂/猛攻」

「懷抱信仰的戰士!今日我們揭起正義之師,盡斬操術罪惡之人,捍衛永恆純粹之誓!」- 席布魯斯的福爾於長橋之役

“We are the soldiers of Faith, armoured in devotion. Let the sinners come, for we — the Pure — shall endure!” — Voll of Thebrus, at the Battle of the Bridge

[351] 拿瑪乎之印 紅玉戒指 Ngamahu’s Sign 「血族」


A gift from Ngamahu, a sign to the Karui to spread like fire. Given to Akoya, but inherited by Kaom with the swing of his axe.

[352] 塔薩里之印 藍玉戒指 Tasalio’s Sign 「血族」


A gift from Tasalio, God of Water, to the chieftain Rakiata. Kaom took Rakiata’s head and hand so that his warriors’ axes might rise and fall like the waves.

[353] 瓦拉庫之印 黃玉戒指 Valako’s Sign 「血族」

一份來自瓦拉庫的禮物,用以任命基洛瓦為戰爭先鋒 — 當岡姆滅了基洛瓦一族時所被賜與之名。

A gift from Valako, appointing Kiloava as the Herald of War. A title Kaom claimed when he ended Kiloava’s bloodline.

[354] 岡姆的霸業 卡魯巨斧 Kaom’s Primacy


One by one, Kaom slaughtered the weakest tribe leaders until the others leapt to join his cause.

[355] 卡魯之血 聖化生命藥劑 Blood of the Karui 「支配/復仇」

「岡姆為人民奮戰、殘殺、甚至不惜讓身體任刀刃踐踏;子民的榮譽心因此萌芽,跟隨君王征服天下。」- 岡姆軍師拉維安加

“Kaom fought and killed for his people. Kaom bled for his people. And so the people gave, the people bled,

So their King might go on.” — Lavianga, Advisor to Kaom

[356] 馬拉莫(Maramoa) 關於淨化叛亂 The Purity Rebellion


It’s an often-told story among the Karui. How Voll of Thebrus bent on his knee to my ancestor, King Kaom, and promised freedom in return for war. While Voll raised his Purity Rebellion in the heart of the Empire, Kaom took Lord Lioneye’s head and the southern coast all the way to the Siren’s Cove. It was the greatest conquest the Karui had ever seen.

[357] 塔格拉 Tarkleigh 獅眼守望 Lioneye’s Watch

這個地方由穆希爾斯獅眼建立,作為和卡魯族作戰的補給站。在當時,獅眼守望只需要一小批精良的部隊就可以守住對方的攻勢。 我現在得對付誰呢?就是那一票餓得皮包骨、帶著朽木棍和鏽斧見人便砍的流亡者。

The walls of this old ruin, Lioneye’s Watch… defensible enough with a few stout, well-armed veterans. But what have I got? Starving exiles with driftwood clubs and rusted dirks. Still, there’s the waypoint. A piece of locomancy. Couldn’t use it until I found another one out in the Mud Flats under a rhoa’s nest. Step on that one and you’re back here in a flash… though I spill my lunch every time I use the damn thing.

[358] 岡姆之路 珊瑚戒指 Kaom’s Way (岡姆的遠見 使用 國王之道 升級)


Kaom guided his Karui across the sea and spilled their blood on foreign soil.

[359] 專精作戰 赤紅珠寶 Combat Focus


Kaom watched the torches patrol the top of the Watch. He observed the lay of the beach, its barricades and rocks, and his men in their canoes, ready to lay their lives down for him. But when his foot hit the sand, he thought only of the fight.

[360] 怒火齊發 翠綠珠寶 Volley Fire


Lioneye’s men stood at the walls, eyeing the savages that walked the beach below. With a single word, a thousand bodies, and ten thousand arrows, would litter the sands.

[361] 黯黑之調 翠綠珠寶 Pitch Darkness


With a fire burning brash in his golden eye, Marceus fired his arrow into the pitch-dark sky, And seared the hope of surprise, From Kaom’s skulking horde


[362] 空想家 The Visionary 獅眼的視線


Lioneye looked to the heights of glorious victory. And thus he missed the defeat right under his nose.

[363] 純潔編年史(The Purity Chronicles) 第三冊:剛烈之魂 Book 3: Fall of a Jade Axe

如果古靈使徒軍團和岡姆的卡魯勇士直接交鋒,那麼…後者將會面對慘絕人寰的屠殺。不過,岡姆本來就不打算和獅眼的軍勢正面決戰。岡姆在一開始故意讓自軍死傷枕藉,並且慌亂撤退。穆希爾斯因而決定讓古靈使徒放下堅固的塔盾,並且出外追擊。獅眼並不是因為嘗到初步的勝利而自信過剩,而是從過去的交戰經驗中,確信卡魯族並沒有弓箭手。在卡魯族的傳統中,戰士不得使用任何一種的遠距武器,但獅眼從來沒有想過這道聖戒不適用於女性:西里受叔叔所託,曾前往席布魯斯向福爾最優良的軍事教導員學習箭術。當軍團決定出外追擊時,西里和她的姐妹們從崖壁上的各個角落竄了出來,將古靈使徒射成了刺蝟。然而,中伏的獅眼也並未因此喪失鬥志,而是集結殘餘的部隊負隅頑抗。岡姆最後獲得了勝利,而為了紀念獅眼的英勇,他決定把獅眼那只裝有寶石的頭顱掛在腰間。在建立支援的港口之後,岡姆沿著海岸展開掃蕩行動,清除當地的帝國居民,讓卡魯族人在瓦爾克拉斯定居下來。 — 帝國紀事官 加里瓦爾迪

In a man-to-man fight on open ground, a Gemling Legion would have slaughtered Kaom’s Karui warriors like so many pigs in a pen. But Kaom had no intention of engaging Lioneye in a fair fight. By absorbing some heavy losses and feigning a chaotic retreat, Kaom drew Marceus into ordering his Gemlings to abandon their tower shields so that they might pursue and rout the fleeing Karui. It was not out of recklessness that Lioneye plucked such a decision, but from the experience-born confidence that the Karui did not have archers. Traditionally, Karui warriors are forbidden from using projectile weapons of any kind. What Lioneye understandably overlooked was that this tavukai (sacred prohibition) did not extend to women. At her uncle’s behest, Hyrri had traveled to Thebrus and studied archery with Voll’s finest military tutors. When the legionnaires shed protection in favour of mobility, Hyrri and her bow-women broke cover and rained death upon the Gemlings from the cliffs above. A valiant Marceus Lioneye gathered his surviving legionnaires for a final stand within the walls of Lioneye’s Watch. Kaom honoured his bravery by wearing Marceus’ bejeweled head upon his belt from that day on. Having secured a safe harbour for landing reinforcements, Kaom continued his conquest of the coast, slaughtering the Eternal citizens and clearing the way for the first ever settlement of Karui upon the Wraeclastian mainland.

- Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire

[364] 疾襲之鋒 重矢箭袋 Broadstroke


Seeing only foot soldiers, the Sarn Knights cast aside their heavy shields… and paid dearly for their mistake.

[365] 西里的嗜血之矢 鯊齒箭袋 Hyrri’s Bite


A Karui woman’s place was not the battlefield, but the hearth. Hyrri changed all of that.

[366] 西里的戰衣 星辰皮甲 Hyrri’s Ire


Hyrri loosed a barrage of arrows, tipped with a poisoned hatred only oppression can ferment.

[367] 絕對壓制 赤紅珠寶 Overwhelming Odds


Even as the tide turned, and victory swiftly became impossible, The legionnaires of Lioneye’s Watch stood their ground and fought on, Every last man dying a brutal but honourable death.

[368] 風化的石雕(Weathered Carving) The Coast


Kaom’s canoe struck this sand with the force of destiny. At his back, the greatest war host in Karui history tamed the wild sea, their canoes coupling with the land, one by one. Lioneye’s Gemlings met us with shining metal and bold words. Hyrri’s arrows withered their pride. Kaom’s axes silenced their despair. Marceus Lioneye fought bravely, to the last. Kaom honoured him with a place on his belt. Kaom has shown Wraeclast our Karui strength. Kaom will teach Wraeclast the Karui Way.

[369] 雄獅 The Lion 獅眼 物品


The Eternals lauded his valour. The Karui relished his defeat. Yet the final thoughts of Marceus Lioneye were naught but lament for his pride.

[370] 燐火 赤紅珠寶 Wildfire


News of Kaom’s victory in the south spread quickly. Those in support of the coming rebellion bided their time. The rest fled like rats from a fire.

[371] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) 岡姆 Kaom


Old axe for brains. Kaom had Eternals dragged from their homes all over the south coast. Like sheep, he butchered them, no matter how desperately they bleated. He adorned his doorways with the heads of women and children. What makes a hero or a villain? It depends who you ask.

[372] 風化的石雕(Weathered Carving) The Tidal Island


Kaom has removed the Eternal stain from this coast. The Empire’s citizens decorate our meeting houses with their heads. Our warriors build homes for our families. Our families till the earth, fish the waters, fill the air with song. The Karui Way is yet a seedling here, but it grows, gains in pride and power every day. Kaom has kept his promise. The time of the Karui has come.

[373] 小會戰 雙鋒箭袋 Skirmish


If two great leaders like Lioneye and Kaom had been on the same side of the battle, nothing would remain unconquered.

[374] 典獄長 The Warden 項鍊


Brutus’ first innovation as Lord Incarcerator was a weighted chain around every neck so that his prisoners would forever bow to him.

[375] 獄使之印 鍛鐵戒指 The Warden’s Brand

“必須用熱情的火迎接他們,那些剛通過大門的新血。”- 典獄長布魯特斯

“I don’t always have a flame handy when a fresh delinquent walks through our gates.” — Brutus, Warden of Axiom

[376] 薛朗的秘術長靴 學者長靴 Shavronne’s Pace


Shavronne raced to Brutus’ side, her last hope against the Karui tide.

[377] 薛朗的詭計 學者長靴 Shavronne’s Gambit (薛朗的秘術長靴 使用 能源流動 升級)


The Karui boats were closing the gap, but Shavronne had laid for them one final trap.

[378] 奈莎(Nessa) 關於屠夫.布魯特斯 Brutus


It’s told that Brutus was a man of stature, the warden of Axiom Prison. A man cursed by a twisted enchantment of his own commission. If there’s a grain of truth to the tale then Brutus has my pity. Some of us pay too dearly for our mistakes.

[379] 薛朗的啟示之環 月光石戒指 Shavronne’s Revelation「混亂/猛攻」

「薛朗的右手捧起理智、左手掌握啟示,但布魯特斯選擇了左手物事。」- 烏姆布拉的外科醫師凱達弗斯

“Shavronne held Sanity in her right hand and Revelation in her left. Brutus chose the left hand.” — Kadavrus, Surgeon to the Umbra

[380] 悔悟之掌 聖戰手套 Repentance

「我不奢望世人諒解,唯求上蒼赦免我身罪孽;我即將犯下殘酷謬行讓此地枷鎖染血。」- 禁靈之獄內無名刻字

“I ask not for understanding, only for forgiveness for what I am about to do. There will be blood on these shackles yet.” — Anonymous carving, Axiom Prison.

[381] 賀根(Hargan) 瓦斯提里之翼 I


[382] 忍辱 Turn the Other Cheek 和平主義

“唯有遺忘憤怒,方能獲得力量。"- 絲克瑪.安賽娜絲

“Only after one forsakes rage, can true power be found.” — Sekhema Asenath

[383] 賀根(Hargan) 赫克特.提圖瑟


[384] 賀根(Hargan) 瓦斯提里之翼 III


[385] 純潔編年史(The Purity Chronicles) 第四冊:赤血絲克瑪的皮鞍Book 4: The Red Sekhema’s Saddle

福爾感念絲克瑪在暴動中的協助,同意奉還帝國在征討瓦斯特里平原期間,從馬拉克斯一族奪來的牧草地。赤血絲克瑪接受了,但另外提出一個條件:她要剝下赫克特.提圖瑟的皮,用來製作恐喙鳥的戰鞍。福爾和迪虛瑞特決定對提圖瑟將軍和瓦斯提里軍團設下陷阱:馬拉克斯人熟知在這片平原經常出現、足以荼毒萬物的劇烈沙暴,也學到了預測風暴來臨和離去的時機。迪虛瑞特發現一個初形成的風暴,距離提圖瑟的營地大約一天的路程。福爾則對在馬拉克斯臥底的帝國間諜發出假消息,讓他們誤以為部族即將發起暴動。提圖瑟不疑有他,率領古靈使徒軍團包圍那個地點,也因此讓他直接面對這場沙暴。提圖瑟的軍團在恆曆 1333 年維托里第三疾馳日受困於震耳欲裂的劇烈風暴中。迪虛瑞特的駝兵部隊自小在沙塵中生長,因此在沙暴中來去自如,而古靈使徒軍團宛如待收割的玉米般被一一砍倒在地。待沙暴和馬拉克斯人的奇襲結束後,瓦斯提里軍團宛如一座覆在沙中的塑像陣。赤血絲克瑪喜孜孜地拿下她的戰利品。據她所說,在瓦斯提里的皮鞍之中,除了迪虛瑞特御用的極品之外,再也沒有比她現在這只還舒服的了。 — 帝國紀事官 加里瓦爾迪

In return for her military support in the rebellion, Voll promised Sekhema Deshret the return of the Maraketh grazing lands stolen during the imperial conquest of the Vastiri Plains. The Red Sekhema agreed on one condition, that she might have Hector Titucius’ skin with which to fashion a rhoa saddle.

To this end, Voll and Deshret engineered a trap for General Titucius and his Vastiri Legion. The Maraketh had long been able to predict the comings and goings of the vast and vicious dust storms that constantly plague the plains. Deshret located one such fledgling maelstrom within a day’s march of Titucius’ camp. For his part, Voll identified a number of imperial spies amongst the Maraketh and fed them false information regarding a potential tribal uprising. Taking the bait, Titucius had his Gemling legion surround the supplied location, thus placing himself squarely in the path of Deshret’s dust storm.

On the third Galvano of Vitali 1333 IC, the tempest descended upon Titucius’ legion with blinding, deafening ferocity. Deshret’s akhara, born and raised in dust and wind, swept through the legion, harvesting it like a field of ripe corn. Once storm and Maraketh fury had abated, the Vastiri Legion existed only as a multitude of dust-cloaked mounds. The Red Sekhema claimed her prize and it is said that there is no more comfortable saddle in all of Vastiri than Deshret’s.

- Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire

[386] 審慎計畫 翠綠珠寶 Careful Planning

「迪虛瑞特心知雙方兵力懸殊,所以便把貼身護衛打扮得跟她一模一樣。正當帝國軍發兵北伐,迪虛瑞特與護衛輪番在敵人面前現身,彷彿她神速穿梭戰場,更勝古靈寶石威力,成功創造欺敵假象。」- 馬拉克斯人史錄

“Greatly outnumbered, Deshret dressed her personal guard in identical garb. When the Empire rode north, Deshret and her guard took turns revealing themselves, creating the illusion of speed beyond the capabilities of even the Virtue Gems.” — History of the Maraketh

[387] 奇菈(Kira) 達拉夫人


“When a woman forgets how to die, a woman forgets how to live.” Deshret said that to her dekhara on the day she killed Titucius, Scourge of the Maraketh. I say this of Dialla: When a woman knows nothing of life, how can she care for the living?

[388] 葛里戈(Grigor) 關於維多里奧


[389] 碑銘(Inscription) I

你可以抓住一隻狼,將它套上項圈,上鎖鍊。你可以讓它飢餓,毆打他直到他趴下。但牠會臣服嗎?絕不。一個人只有在他的心靈被征服時才會成為奴隸。當他相信他的生命已經不屬於他自己。像是一個國王決定去親吻一個君王的腳,當這個國王看著他的飢餓人民時享受著他的盛宴。有些人說我背負著謀殺阿茲莫國王的罪名。我給了斯科提國王最後的一餐,但在餐桌上我沒有看到國王。我只看到了一條狗。 — 狼王瑞佛

You can take a wolf from the forest. You can collar him, chain him. You can starve him, beat him until he whimpers and bows down. Yet, is that wolf a dog? Never. A man is only a slave when he allows his heart and mind to be conquered. When he comes to believe that his life is no longer his own. When he chooses to cast his eyes forever to the ground. Like a king that chooses to press his lips to the feet of an emperor. A king that looks to his goblet and his plate, feasting and fattening while his people starve in their own streets.

Some might say that I should bear the guilt of regicide. That I killed the King of the Ezomytes. Yes, I served King Skothe his last meal, for I saw no king at that table. I saw a dog. — Rigwald, the Wolven King

[390] 碑銘(Inscription) II

我曾經相信小孩子的眼睛在生下來的時候是純潔的。是生命的過程使他學會怨恨,學會用憤怒與恐懼來攻擊它人。當我看到蓋厄斯.山特立的眼睛時,我看不到任何憤怒、怨恨,看不到任何哀怨、苦痛。我被看作是市場中的野獸,政官山特立將我和我的同胞們進行計數,稱重,並進行分配。女人到磨坊,男人到礦坑。這些孩子將在薩恩的街道進行工作,被鞭打,直到有一天他的血會在那猥瑣城市的下水道中流乾。那些反抗者,想要不被動物搬對待的人都被屠殺殆盡。不用恐懼渴望之人。恐懼怨恨之人,恐懼沒有任何感覺之人。 — 狼王瑞佛

I once believed that a boy’s eyes were born pure, clear of cruelty and malice. That it is life that teaches one to hate, to strike out at others through anger and fear. Yet when I looked into the eyes of Gaius Sentari, I found no anger. I found no hatred. I read no tales of injustice inflicted upon youthful innocence. Saw no walls built by suffering and sorrow. Instead, I was regarded as a merchant might regard beasts of burden at a market. By Governor Sentari, my countrymen and I were counted, weighed, and allocated. This man to the mines. This woman to the mills. This child to the streets of Sarn to be worked and flogged until the day his blood would drain into the sewers of that wretched city. And those that resisted, those that asked to be treated as anything other than animals, were skinned and butchered, with an even dozen of their kin. Fear not the man who lusts. Fear not the man who hates. Fear the man who feels nothing at all. — Rigwald, the Wolven King

[391] 純潔編年史(The Purity Chronicles) 第二冊:血花 Book 2: Bloody Flowers

聖堂教團聖宗福爾派遣維多里奧和艾茲麥的里格沃德和交涉,相信對於情感豐富的艾茲麥人來說,詩人遠比政治人物更有說服力。維多里奧那滿腔熱血的文字說服了里格沃德,他率領著英勇的戰士,在恆曆 1333 年迪里維第三征戰日向政官蓋厄斯.山特立發動攻擊。 當時,艾茲麥大軍帶著數以千計、色彩繽紛的格紋旗幟,後世稱為「血花之役」:山特立麾下的古靈使徒擁有以一敵三的能力,但仍然不敵帶著憤怒和無比勇氣的艾茲麥人。 政官山特立逃往薩恩,在從王都、瓦斯提里和南方調派援軍後,他才得以返回艾斯特拉里。然而,山特立萬萬沒想到這麼作…反而正中福爾的下懷。 — 帝國紀事官 加里瓦爾迪

High Templar Voll had Victario entreat Thane Rigwald of Ezomyr, knowing that a poet would fare far better than any politician in rousing the romantic Ezomytes to rebellion. Stirred by Victario’s impassioned words, Rigwald mustered his blood-bound clans, and on the 3rd Fiero of Dirivi 1333 IC, took to the fields of Glarryn in open rebellion against Governor Gaius Sentari. Such was the colourful splendour of a thousand tartans and banners that the Ezomyte uprising became known as “The Bloody Flowers’ Rebellion”. Though Sentari’s Gemling legionnaires slew three Ezomytes for every one of their own fallen, the Bloody Flowers won the day through sheer fury-driven courage. Governor Sentari fled to Sarn, only to return in Astrali with reinforcements drawn from the capital, Vastiri and southern garrisons. Little did Sentari know that, by so weakening those forces, he was playing right into Voll’s hands. — Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire

[392] 瑞佛的奮戰長劍 高山重刃 Rigwald’s Charge

「族人啊,今朝我以利劍代空言!」- 瑞佛於格拉里恩之役

“Today, clansmen, my sword is my voice!” — Rigwald, at the Battle of Glarryn

[393] 碑銘(Inscription) III



我們一波一波的衝擊著在山坡上軍隊。他們不斷的將我們擋下。綠色的草皮混著鮮血和泥土而成為暗紅色。一個奴隸能做什麼?忍受著在磨坊和礦坑中工作至死的道路,或是以你的生命換取你同胞們的希望。對於跟隨著我上戰場的男女來說,這是個很簡單的決定。最終我的人民擊潰了高牆,以繡斧擊敗了帝國。蓋厄斯.山特帶著他的小命逃跑了。我呼喚了偉大巨狼的幫助,讓我找到這個逃之夭夭的狐狸。雖然這是個迅速的狩獵,我花了些時間確定在我饒恕了蓋厄斯.山特而給予他致命一擊之前受到了足夠的苦痛。 — 狼王瑞佛

The colours and banners of a hundred clans, scattered like the wildflowers of spring across the meadows of Glargarryn. Thousands of men and women, starving, poor, armed with rusted hatchets and hunting bows, looking across that field, with the courage of desperation, at the imperial legion arrayed against them. Soldiers gleaming in bronze and steel. Trained and hardened men. Their polished shields forming a wall of discipline and determination against the advances of my motley rabble. “I sing, I rant, I rave,” I said to them, “but today, clansmen, my sword is my voice!” We crashed against that legion like waves upon a cliff. Time and time again they repelled us. The green meadows became brown and red with the mud of toil and the blood of war. Yet what is a slave to do? Suffer the lingering death of mine and mill, or offer the gift of your life to your people in one bright and glorious moment? For the men and women who followed me into battle, the choice was a simple one. Three Ezomytes fell for every Eternal and still the courage of my people tore down that polished wall, severed the strong arm of the Empire with a rusted, woodman’s hatchet.

Gaius Sentari ran for his wretched life. I called to the Greatwolf to aid me, to give me the scent of that fleeing fox. Though the hunt was swift, I took the time to ensure that Gaius felt some small measure of the suffering he had inflicted before I answered his plea for mercy. — Rigwald, the Wolven King

[394] 艾茲麥的榮光 粗鐵盔 Ezomyte Peak


Centuries of servitude, a day of glory, an eternity of death.

[395] 艾米爾(Eramir) 關於罪孽之殿


[396] 石碑 Plaque (Fellshrine Ruins)‎

恆曆1334年金星相第二聖戒日乃費西亞的大主教吉爾菲的忌日,他是淨化軍團最虔誠、最受大家崇敬的使徒。吉爾菲說道:「唯有意志和真理才能泯滅我等子民的邪惡。」 — 淨化叛亂領導人,高階聖堂領導人福爾

On this day, the 2nd Sacrato of Verusi, 1334 IC, the Army of Purity remembers its most devout and beloved servant, Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia. As spoken by Geofri: Only will and truth can prevail over the evil of our own kin. — High Templar Voll, commander of the Army of Purity

[397] 吉爾菲的淨罪之錘 銅影巨錘 Geofri’s Baptism

「與其善誘苦勸,口若懸河,不如二話不說,當頭棒喝。」- 費西亞大教堂的大主教吉爾菲

“One quick tap is all the persuasion you’ll need.” — Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia Cathedral

[398] Archbishop Geofri, Steam trading card description


Upon learning of Maligaro’s horrific experiments, Archbishop Geofri initiated a massive movement
to purge the miscreations and their master.

[399] Eternal and Diamond Supporter Newsletter #20

Archbishop Geofri the Abashed Templar and theologian, Geofri was a stoic of the Eternal Faith. He deplored anything thaumaturgical, and was therefore disgusted when Chitus installed Maligaro’s laboratory into the

Phrecian Forest, not a stone’s throw from Geofri’s Phrecia Cathedral (now the Fellshrine ruins). It was Geofri who coined the title, “Chamber of Sins” for Maligaro’s lab. Geofri plotted with High Templar Voll to destroy Maligaro and his work, but Maligaro got wind of the building threat. Maligaro’s pre-emptive strike put an end to the plot, and to Geofri who was slain with Maligaro’s Etcher at the foot of Saint Corutino the Golden Hand’s Shrine. Archbishop Geofri remains in Fellshrine to this day, animated by The Twist into a Brittle Templar of some power.

[400] 吉爾菲的榮光 強化巨盔 Geofri’s Crest


In the battle for honour, Geofri won. Not so, the battle for survival.

[401] 吉馬雷葛蘿的殘暴 青玉護身符 Maligaro’s Cruelty


“He does not love. He does not feel regret or remorse. He does not think about consequences, only possibilities. If that does not describe a monster, tell me: what does?” — Archbishop Geofri

[402] 爾菲的遺產 強化巨盔 Geofri’s Legacy (吉爾菲的榮光 使用 主教遺志 升級)

“即使吉爾菲的光輝被撲滅,他的餘燼能會照亮我們的道路。”- 人民詩人維多里奧

“Though Geofri’s beacon was extinguished, his embers may yet light our way.” — Victario, The People’s Poet

[403] 賀根(Hargan) 關於維多里奧


[404] 古老的壁畫(Ancient Graffiti)

The City of Sarn


Mortality is the mother of life. We have turned our backs on her.

The Slums


The Monkey King has built his throne on your back. A throne of gold and gem, polished with blood and tear. Throw off the Monkey King and his shining privy, before your back is broken.

The Catacombs


There is nothing ‘eternal’ in this empire of ours but the names of our day that shall be revered or reviled in the centuries to come.

The Battlefront


The Shadow whispers and simpers at the Monkey King’s feet, but when the Monkey King puts his back to the Sun, it’s the Shadow that leads the way.

The Docks


The Monkey King names you ‘slave’. No. You are the gems of Wraeclast, not the treacherous stones you dig and die for. It’s time to bend the Monkey King’s ear. Tell him your true name.

The Ebony Barracks


The gemmed genteel are an infestation. They are the Monkey King’s fleas that drink of your lifeblood. Crush them in your work-forged hands!

[405] 急遽點燃 翠綠珠寶 Sudden Ignition


After years of subterfuge, sabotage, and sacrifice, Sarn had become a powder keg just waiting to explode.

Finally, Victario lit the match.

[406] 破碎之鍊 赤紅珠寶 Shattered Chains


The prisoners of the empire raised their shackled hands. Begging to be delivered from Corruption. The rebellion smote their chains, And gave them the freedom to choose corruption for themselves.

[407] 競技大師里歐(Leo, Master of the Arena) 薩恩競技場



[408] 純潔編年史(The Purity Chronicles) 第五冊:帝王崩殂 Book 5: The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor!






On the last day of Divini 1334 IC, High Templar Voll laid siege to Sarn, his ranks swelled by Ezomyte, Karui and Maraketh rebels under the respective leaderships of Thane Rigwald, Hyrri of Ngamakanui and Sekhema Deshret. Emperor Chitus rallied his freshly minted Gemling Legionnaires and, for a time, looked set to execute an effective defence of the capital. But his efforts were cut short by his closest advisor and friend, Lord Mayor Ondar. During the celebration of the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, Ondar struck Chitus down with blades tainted with the most virulent of poisons. Yet the emperor’s inhuman constitution served him to the very last. Taking up his axe, Chitus cleaved Ondar in twain before expiring himself, in a visceral and calamitous display of thaumaturgy. Malachai, Thaumaturge Laureate, and his gemling consort, Lady Dialla, were captured by Victario Nevalius’ citizen revolutionaries shortly thereafter. With their leadership either dead or detained, the gemling aristocracy of Sarn had no choice but to offer the city’s surrender. Voll and his Army of Purity marched through the gates of the capital and the following day, the High Templar was crowned Emperor Voll the First. — Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire

[409] 碑銘(Inscription) IV

我和淨化軍團站在一起看著偉大的薩恩城城牆,我和切特斯戰鬥。我眼看著我最強大的軍隊、阿茲莫特、馬拉克斯、卡魯、聖堂武僧被那寶石奇術創造出來的生物擊潰。擊敗切特斯將需要不只是最強的戰士。我們面對著怪物,必需要創造出屬於我們的怪物才能擊敗它。我站在石陣旁邊,獻上鮮血和歌曲。在此呼喚傳說的野獸,我們恐懼的夢魘。在此我呼喚偉大的巨狼。若牠有所回應,我已準備好付出代價。這是一個男人,一個國王應該為他的人民所付出的。 — 狼王瑞佛

I stood with the Army of Purity and looked upon the mighty walls of Sarn. I fought against Chitus and his Gemling aberrations. I watched the strongest of our army, Ezomyte, Maraketh, Karui and Templar, struck down by creatures born of thaumaturgy. It will take more than strong men and women to defeat Chitus, for this is no longer a war of mud and blood. We face monsters, and to defeat them, we need some monsters of our own. Here I stand, amongst these stones. Here I lay my gifts of blood and song, of flesh and fire. Here I call out to the First Ones, beasts of legend, terrors of our dreams. Here I howl to the Greatwolf himself. Should he answer, I am ready to pay the price that I know he will ask. It is no more than a man should do for his family. It is no more than a king should do for his people. — Rigwald, the Wolven King

[410] 碑銘(Inscription) V

偉大的巨狼回應了我的呼喚,他野獸的心臟在我的胸膛,他的舌頭在我的嘴中捲動。我的下顎冠上了他的利牙冠,他的眼睛駐入我的眼眶。我看不見阿茲莫特,國王及平民,奴隸及主人。我只看到了獵物。在街道和原野,帝王已被擊潰。奴隸已經自由。在森林和高山,那一群依舊在狩獵著獵物。我不在帶領我的人民,我不會飲用他們的鮮血,我不在是他們的國王。我現在是狼王。 — 瑞佛

The Greatwolf has come for me. His heart beats within my chest. His tongue lolls within my mouth. His fangs crown my jaw. His eyes rest within my sockets. I do not see Ezomyte and Eternal, king and commoner, master and slave. I see only prey. In the world of street and field, the emperor has fallen. Those who were slaves are now free. In the world of forest and mountain, the First Ones hunt and feed as they have done since the first dawn. No longer will I walk among my people. I will not have their blood on my lips. I will not be their king. I am the King of Wolves now. — Rigwald

[411] 茂爾.佈雷德 Mawr Blaidd 巨狼之眼


Rigwald believed he’d seized great power, but it was the great power that had seized Rigwald

[412] 專精作戰 鈷藍珠寶 Combat Focus


Voll stood at the gates of Sarn, and a nation stood behind him. He thought of the righteousness of his cause, and of the glory he would bring to the empire he would soon lead. But as Chitus and his gemlings advanced, he thought only of the fight.

[413] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) 裂界 The Eternal Nightmare




Num nums time, my little Rapture! “Have you ever been to the End of the World before, my King?” asked the Blackest Monkey. “No, I have not.” realised the Monkey King. “There is my reason to go where you go, be where you be, my King,” concluded the Blackest Monkey in a voice as worm as welcoming as death. Did you know who wrote that, Not-a-Cockroach? Victario Nevalius, the People’s Poet of Sarn. He was my friend… and I betrayed him. Took his love and burned it before his eyes. Now I am betrayed. My heart burned black by the one man I loved… Malachai. He’s found a new heart, you see. A Beast’s heart to cuddle up to, to keep him warm and safe at the End of the World. Today, I remind Malchai of his betrayal. Today, it is his turn to burn…

[414] 維多里奧的飛昇 羊皮短靴 Victario’s Flight


Alive but not unscathed, Victario fled as slaughter blossomed at the gates.

[415] 碑銘(Inscription) VI

偉大的巨狼迫使我遺忘我的身分… 並且教了我更多。一個人成為國王是為了在他在世時保護他的人民。一個人成為神才能永遠保護著人。無盡的狩獵開始。狂熱的那一群尚存,德魯依注入了他們的利牙、骨頭、皮膚以及利爪。我知道這些魔符的下落。我能夠嗅到它們的氣味。無盡的狩獵開始。我將追蹤這些偷走我們古老傳承的小偷。我必須取得、駕馭的力量,以艾茲麥之名。無盡的狩獵開始。 — 瑞佛

The Greatwolf has forced me to forget who I was… and has taught me to be so much more. A man becomes a king so that he may protect the people of the day. A man becomes a god so that he may protect the people of all the days to come. And so the endless hunt begins. The fervour of the First Ones remains, bound by the druids into fetishes of tooth and bone, skin and claw. I know where these potent talismans have been strewn. I have their scent. And so the endless hunt begins. I shall pursue the thieves of our ancient heritage. I shall wrest our First Ones from the clutching and the corrupted lest they feed and grow fecund on power not their own. Power I must have, must wield, in the name of all that is Ezomyr to come. And so the endless hunt begins. — Rigwald

[416] 詩人 The Poet 墮落之血


God had forsaken the land. And Victario wept. Corruption consumed the land. And Victario’s tears turned to blood.

[417] 古靈軍閥 I


[418] Path of Exile: Origins #4

馬拉猜給了我最高級的創作指揮權。 每個士兵的心臟跳動都與他的皇帝的心臟時間。如果皇帝希望節拍停止,它就會停止。如果帝王自己的心跳停止了,那所有忠誠的士兵的生命血液節奏也是如此。

[419] 帝國重量 赤紅珠寶 Weight of the Empire


Ondar not only betrayed his emperor, He betrayed his friend. And in his dying moments, Chitus ensured,

That Ondar felt the full weight of his guilt.

[420] 恩德的迅影 裹趾護手 Ondar’s Clasp


A single lightning strike fells a man. A single knife stroke fells an empire.

[421] 費爾船長(Captain Fairgraves) 關於切特斯的梅花果 Chitus’ Plum


Emperor Chitus was stabbed in the posterior by his own Lord Mayor on the eve of the Purity Rebellion. Chitus’ grieving gemlings buried him in The Imperial Gardens and a plum tree was planted upon his resting place, so that his mourners might taste his glory for years to come. I found that tree, and one of my men tasted its fruit. I’ve never seen so much agony crammed into such a brief moment. This… may seem a peculiar request but please bring me one of Chitus’ Plums.

[422] 純潔編年史(The Purity Chronicles) 第一冊:暴動後的餘波Book 1: Embers of Insurrection

「他隨著女巫化成的白煙攀上青天。」 席布魯斯的福爾在恆曆 1334 年費西亞第二聖戒日登基時,殘存的古靈使徒對他充滿期待。不過,他卻是個發現會算命或行醫的女性時,便會毫不留情地迫害的激進者。聖堂教團聖宗福爾以信仰和國家之名,引領著他那正義和熱衷靈魂,並且很快就贏得許多人的認同:薩恩領主恩德、人民詩人維多里奧、費西亞大主教吉爾菲、斯特里德沃夫政官卡斯托夫以及統治者之殿指揮官艾杜斯。接著,淨化軍團對古靈使徒和奇術師發動突襲,而福爾則希望「讓帝國遠離惡魔的邪道、回歸人類的榮耀」。- 帝國紀事官 加里瓦爾迪

“He soared to power on the smoke of burning witches”. So the surviving Gemlings whispered of Voll of Thebrus, as he donned the Imperial crown on the 2nd Sacrato of Phreci, 1334 IC. But in truth, he was never the sort of man to set a girl alight for merely reading a palm or remedying a bout of the clap. Righteous and devoted to both faith and country, High Templar Voll struck little hardship in gathering others to his godly cause: Sarn’s own Lord Mayor Ondar and Victario, the People’s Poet; Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia; Governor Kastov of Stridevolf; and Commander Adus of Highgate. Together, these Warriors of Purity forged an uprising against the Gemling thaumatocracy that Voll hoped would “snatch this empire from the claws of devilry and return it to humanity”. — Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire

[423] 純潔帝王 Emperor of Purity 六連的聖語鎖甲


True to his title, Voll, newly crowned, had many of the Eternal Empire’s signature extravagances destroyed.

[424] 派蒂(Piety) 墮神者三人組 The Godless Three


Malachai chose his three most loyal servants to guard those precious innards. His Godless Three. Inquisitor Maligaro, Shavronne of Umbra, and Doedre Darktongue. If the history books are accurate, High Templar Voll burned Maligaro and Doedre at the stake on his way to lay siege to Sarn. He didn’t have to worry himself with Shavronne. Brutus had already sorted her out. Yet slaves of nightmare seem to be shackled just as tightly to life as they are to the Beast. I, of course, am living proof of that. Don’t worry yourself with that little detail, though. Shackles are made to be unlocked.

[425] 福爾的石碑(Proclamation) Found in The Western Forest.

吾等教廷,裁定你德瑞˙斯塔馬蒂斯因違反神的教誨而有罪,罪行如下:褻瀆神之創造、促進異端邪說、非法奴役永恆公民、與無罪者酷刑、謀殺純淨使徒。對於這些罪行,我判處多德雷˙斯塔馬蒂斯綁在木樁上焚燒至灰燼。願期用其生命懺悔,願火焰淨化其身。唯有意志和真理才能泯滅自身的邪惡。- 純淨軍團指揮官.聖教軍長福爾

We, the Court of Reckoning find you, Doedre Stamatis, guilty of the following transgressions against God:

Perversion of God’s Creation, Promotion of Heretical Beliefs, Unlawful Enslavement of Eternal Citizens, Torture of the Innocent, Murder of the Servants of Purity, For these most severe crimes, I do sentence Doedre Darktongue to burn at the stake till naught is left but ash. May her life serve as penance for the lives she has taken, and let Purity sweep away the dust of her deeds from our firmament.- High Templar Voll, Commander of the Army of Purity

[426] 德瑞之膚 毒蛛絲之袍 Doedre’s Skin


As she was sentenced to death, Doedre was silent. A she was tied to the stake, Doedre was silent. As the flames licked away her life, Doedre was silent. But Wraeclast had not heard the last of her.

[427] Eternal and Diamond Supporter Newsletter #4

When the Emperor Voll took power, Malachai freely gave Lazhwar over to the Purity Courts.

Lazhwar was burned at the stake for ‘fraternizing with unholy forces’.

[428] 純潔編年史(The Purity Chronicles) 第六冊:裂界裝置Book 6: The Rapture Device


Voll condemned Malachai to the Crematorium for ‘living conflagration’, but it seems that Malachai’s promises have saved him from the pyre. “An end to thaumaturgy,” he claims. A fancy that our Emperor is willing to humour. For weeks now, Malachai has been consigned to the Solaris, forging a mechanism that will purge Wraeclast of its otherworldly vices. Today, the first Fiero of Eterni 1336 IC, Malachai and his Gemling Queen gripped each one corner of a silken mantle and unveiled his Rapture Device. Like a pit of copper snakes it writhes before the eyes. Whether it is a miracle or a monstrosity, none but Malachai can say. Yet tomorrow Voll shall lead the Highgate Legion home, conveying Malachai, Lady Dialla, and this bewildering apparatus north. North, from whence the first Gems came. From whence the nightmare of Chitus’ thaumatocracy was born. It is in Highgate that our Emperor Voll will finish what he started. He will burn Chitus’ empire from history and raise up a fresh and pure theocracy from the ashes of arrogance and corruption. God be with you, Voll of Thebrus, and with us all. — Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire

[429] 監視守夜 赤紅珠寶 The Vigil


When Voll took the throne, He swore to care for the empire with eyes open. And so he looked to the salvation of his people, Blind to the damnation in his hands.

[430] 碎裂大帝 The Brittle Emperor 福爾的忠誠之符

「當福爾饒恕瑪拉凱,讓他協助進行『淨化』,最堅定的信念便已遭受腐化,變得如玻璃般易碎。」- 人民詩人維多

“When Voll spared Malachai, accepting his aid in pursuit of Purity, the strongest faith was infected by Corruption and made brittle as glass.” — Victario, the People’s Poet

[431] 瑪拉凱的覺醒 鐵鍛之面 Malachai’s Awakening (瑪拉凱的祭具 使用 惡魘覺醒 升級)

讓一個人相信他正在為世界做一件好事,那就沒有什麼是你不能讓他做的。- 卑鄙的瑪拉凱

There is no cost too great to pay for power. Merely men who lack the conviction to pay it.

[432] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 巨獸 The Beast


Beneath your feet, Creation shivers and writhes. It yearns for transformation like a worm in a cocoon that dreams of wings and freedom. A transformation that only the Beast can excite. A dark God of ancient sacrifice, a muse to the twisted and vile… the Beast, the Nightmare, the Darkness… names given to it by mortals that think with slugs bound in shells of bone. Yet, one man knew the Beast’s true name, understood its impenetrable nature. Malachai.

[433] 派蒂(Piety) 關於瑪拉凱 I


[434] 瑪拉凱的奉獻(Malachai’s Dedication) Found in The Harvest

這天是裂界完工的前夕,我紀念著已逝之人,他們的熱忱與知識讓我們即將獲得救贖。審判者馬雷葛蘿,其創造力真是無與倫比。烏姆布拉的薛朗,鑑賞力超絕的審美家。禁忌祭者德瑞,狂熱與奉獻的典範。你們教導我的知識,更勝過我曾教導你們的知識,我的愛徒、我的摯友。我們攜手努力共創更美好的世界,為了紀念你,我要讓那個世界成真。 -瑪拉凱

On this day, the eve of this Rapture’s completion, I honour those who have passed and whose passion and knowledge have brought us to the brink of salvation. Inquisitor Maligaro, a creative force without equal.

Shavronne of Umbra, an aesthete of transcendent sensibility. Doedre Darktongue, an idol of fervor and dedication. You taught me far more than I ever taught you, my students… my friends. We strove to make a greater world together and, in your memory, I shall make that world a reality. Malachai

[435] 瑪拉凱的筆記本(Malachai’s Notebook) Found in The Harvest


The Rapture Device has absorbed its fill of harvested life from Fury and Desire. It is ready.

So am I. I know now that I was born to be the end and the beginning of the Empire. The Beast has made this clear to me. As clear and undeniable as the sacrifice I must now make. My Lady Dialla, my love, my life’s greatest achievement. She must leave me now, for she cannot follow and she will perish if she remains. And so I will ask of her more than she would ever give. I will betray her. I will break her heart so that I do not break her soul.

[435] 日記(Journal Entry) Found in The Solaris Temple Level 2.

Malachai, 1st Caso of Divini, 1329 IC.

「精美版的派蒂,但她的嘴滾動的像個陶土工滾輪」我曾經這樣形容達拉。但今日,我的女士卻像夢魘一般,像滿月的明光。達拉是我的寶石皇后,我們應該跟隨著她,讓世界成為她的統治。- 瑪拉凱

Malachai, 1st Caso of Divini, 1329 IC.

“Pretty as porcelain, but her mouth spins like the potter’s wheel.” That’s how I once described Dialla. Yet on this day, my lady is as ravishing as a nightmare, radiant as the fullest moon. Dialla is my Gemling Queen and we shall rule, side by side, over the world that will soon come to be. — Malachai

[436] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) 關於瑪拉凱 Malachai


The Rapture is our hope. Our desperation. It will set the Nightmare to boil, cook that nice big fishy in its own whining brine. Listen with all your ears, Not-a-Cockroach. The Rapture was Malachai’s most wonderous creation, the only fire hot enough to burn the Beast from existence. And its fuel? A gemling queen, blood and flesh and gem. Yet my selfish self did not want to burn away, and so the fire was but a tiny spark. The spark of a cataclysm. I am sorry, my love, my Malachai. Go to it, Not-a-Cockroach. Find the Rapture. Make me sorry no more.

[437] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) IV (After activating the Rapture Device


Malachai’s devices, his creations… He loved them all. Not me. He betrayed me then. Said he loved me. Then said he wanted me to die. He betrays me now. Lets me suffer. Lets me wither. Am I the only one and only mistake that you ever made, Malachai? Yes, that’s me. Dialla the Gemling Queen. Malachai’s misdemeanour. Make him regret his mistake, Not-a-Cockroach. Tear open the Beast’s black heart. Rip Malachai from his filthy little nightmare. Cut him, crush him, burn him from existence! He deserves no better, and I deserve no worse. No love for me. No love, no love… no love.

[438] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) 關於瑪拉凱 Malachai

我愛上了瑪拉凱。他為寶石皇后獻上的神聖的寶石,這寶石會成為陪葬品 。但是,我不希望自己死去!瑪拉凱對我懇求著:為了他、為了帝國犧牲吧!我選擇了自己…自私地選擇了自己。帝國成了廢墟…而我活了下來。我活了下來,過去、今日,還有未來…

I loved Malachai. He gave me gems, divine jewels for his Gemling Queen. For his dead Queen. But I didn’t want me dead! Malachai begged: for him, for the Empire. I chose me… selfish me. The Empire died, and I live. I live, and live, and live, and live.

[439] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) 裂界 The Eternal Nightmare

那麼,現在該開啟裂界裝置了! 最黑的猴子問道:「我敬愛的王啊,您曾經來到世界的盡頭嗎?」猴王恍然大悟:「不…從來沒有。」牠最後的回答宛如死亡般輕盈:「這就是為什麼我要追隨你到天涯海角,我敬愛的王。」 你知道這是誰寫的嗎,不是蟲子的小傢伙?是薩恩的人民詩人維多里奧.涅瓦里烏斯。他是我的朋友…而我背叛了他。我偷走了他的愛,然後在他眼前讓他的愛化為烏有。現在…我嘗到了背叛的滋味。我的愛人…瑪拉凱…讓我的心化為焦炭。你也知道,他發現了一個新的心:那顆備受他呵護的巨獸之心讓瑪拉凱在世界的盡頭依然溫暖、安全。瑪拉凱背叛了我,我也讓他嘗嘗燒盡的滋味…

Num nums time, my little Rapture! “Have you ever been to the End of the World before, my King?” asked the Blackest Monkey. “No, I have not.” realised the Monkey King. “There is my reason to go where you go, be where you be, my King,” concluded the Blackest Monkey in a voice as worm as welcoming as death. Did you know who wrote that, Not-a-Cockroach? Victario Nevalius, the People’s Poet of Sarn. He was my friend… and I betrayed him. Took his love and burned it before his eyes. Now I am betrayed. My heart burned black by the one man I loved… Malachai. He’s found a new heart, you see. A Beast’s heart to cuddle up to, to keep him warm and safe at the End of the World. Today, I remind Malchai of his betrayal. Today, it is his turn to burn…

[440] 薩歐賽(Siosa) 浩劫



[441]古老的壁畫(Ancient Notebook)

Found in The Marketplace.


暮陽化為凶煞血光,異象環繞眾人身旁; 城內陷入慌亂迷茫,薩恩瀰漫洶湧惡浪…為我端上咖啡的男人倒在地上、扭曲著,陷入狂亂的言語,臉上流下鮮紅的血跡,雙眼宛如雨後新芽般等待逬發。最後,他回歸沉寂,從痛苦的呻吟和掙扎中解脫。我目光所見之處僅剩兩人倖存。其他人早已屍橫就地、血灑各處。倖存的古靈使徒皮膚開始萎縮,因為壞死而透出暗灰的色澤。他們體內的寶石發出充滿邪氣的光芒,漆黑的雙眼透出仇恨的氣息。古靈使徒…的活屍將一具屍體的頭顱扭下,如餓犬般啃食著顱骨。我的腦中…眼簾的一切蠶食著我的理智…思緒隨著血光陷入狂亂!我親眼目睹…煉獄的恐懼,文字、理性已經失去意義…殘餘的…是混沌。

I write this now in hope that someone will remain. Someone may remember. The sun is an orb of blood. Twisted twilight shrouds my eyes. The air reeks of anguish. Sarn has plunged into nightmare. The man who served me coffee now writhes on the floor. He rants of visions he alone can see, as writhing red tentacles grow from his face, as if his eyes had been seeds waiting to sprout. He is quiet, now, my waiter. No more cackling and screaming. Dead. Of my fellow patrons, only two live. The others have fallen. Their blood is everywhere. The survivors, Gemlings both… their skin shrivels and greys to the hue of necrosis. Their gems flare with unholy lustre. Their eyes… black as… hatred. A gemling ghoul… it twisted off a corpse’s head… gnaws at skull like dog. My head now… visions clawing at me… Thinking burns! I see… horror, envy the mute corpses at my… feet. Words flay me… flee me. All is madness…

[442] 薩歐賽(Siosa) 筆跡The Painting


It was a Karui motiata that discarded my failing body of flesh in favour of canvas and oil. An ancient song and a momentary lapse of judgement that I’ve had more than enough time to regret.

[443] 遠古基石 赤紅珠寶 Ancient Waystones


“The Vaal left a thousand warnings behind. We ignored every single one.” — Siosa, the Last Scholar

[444] 普蘭德斯之殞落 The Perandus Fall https://web.poe.garena.tw/forum/view-thread/156302


The Perandus reign was brief, cut short by the Purity Rebellion and the death of Emperor Chitus. However, in the months before the revolt, a steady stream of unremarkable carts and wagons flowed from the capital, bearing a secret cargo to the far reaches of Wraeclast. By the time House Perandus fell, Cadiro had managed to steal the entirety of the kingdom’s treasury.

[445] 卡迪羅.普蘭德斯(Cadiro Perandus) 介紹


Now you have the look of a connoisseur, an educated appreciator of all things exquisite and dangerous.

And I, Cadiro, am one who provides such delights. Once a lord of influence and opulence, I am now but a humble peddler seeking to recover his lost fortunes. Gold coins of Perandus mintage, secreted away in gilded chests so as to escape the grasping digits of that puritanical usurper, Voll of Thebrus. Perhaps you have seen such chests on you travels? If so, I could offer you antiquities of remarkable potency, paraphernalia of pernicious craftsmanship. All I would ask in return is the conveyance of the contents of said chests to my person. As fortune would have it, I have such a wonder in stock even now. A relic of such formidable agency that I shudder to think what it could do in the hands of one predisposed to use it. For a little coin, those hands could be yours.

[446] 卡迪羅.普蘭德斯(Cadiro Perandus) 浩劫Cataclysm


When you’re a fat purse such as I, you are wise to insure yourself against being slit and emptied. In the face of Voll’s ridiculous crusade to Highgate, I thought it only prudent to bolster my insurance policies. It was in our household god, Prospero, that I found my ideal underwriter. While my relations paid tithe and lip service to Prospero the symbol, Prospero the myth, I chose to dig a little deeper than that. To my delight, it transpired that our god was not only real, but of a similar opinion regarding the near, uncertain future of the Empire. We signed a contract, Prospero and I, and more than two centuries have borne witness to our successful partnership. The best deal I ever made.

[447] 被盜的寶藏 Stolen Treasures https://web.poe.garena.tw/forum/view-thread/156302


In the wake of the Cataclysm, the locations of the kingdom’s stolen treasures, secreted away in

caches throughout the land, were lost to record and tale. Of the Perandus family, only Cadiro

remains alive, forever sustained by his devotion to Prospero. He wanders the countryside in search

of his lost caches, eager to reclaim them and their riches.


[448] 負債的守護者 Indebted Guardians https://web.poe.garena.tw/forum/view-thread/156302


Like many wealthy families of their day, the Perandus family were quick to lend and quicker still to

charge interest. They had many debtors. Normally death forgives a debt, but not when a sum is

owed to an adherent of Prospero. After the Cataclysm, the deity bound the slain Perandus debtors

in eternal servitude, bidding them to forever guard the family’s wealth. You will find them near

Cadiro’s caches, waiting tirelessly for their master’s return.

[449] 罪(Sin) 黑暗餘燼 The Dark Ember II


[450] 派蒂(Piety) 關於瑪拉凱 II

瑪拉凱迎向了我,讓我籠罩在夢魘裡,讓我成了他的奴僕。他讓我親眼見到超越凡人理解的力量,我以為自己的內心會承受不住衝擊。我的心靈雖然依舊完全無缺,但我的夢想早已灰飛煙滅。瑪拉凱就在巨獸的黑靈核心,他一直以來都操控著巨獸的力量,而他在未來還是會這麼做。他將會毀滅這個世界,然後塑造出夢魘的聖地。雖然瑪拉凱變得如此強大,他並沒有因此變得遙不可及。他為了成為巨獸的首席愛僕,獻出了自己的元靈和肉體,不過他還留下了三個重要器官: 他的心、肺和腸,以紀念逝去的人性。有了這些才能直接面對瑪拉凱。深入夢魘的殺戮場吧。如果我的狀況許可,我會一起過去的。幫我找出這些器官,我們就可以踏入黑靈核心。

It was Malachai who reached out to me, who wrapped me in Nightmare… made me his slave. He has shown me greatness beyond imagining, so much that I thought my mind would shatter under its weight. And although my mind remains intact, my dreams were not so fortunate. Malachai is in the Beast’s black core right now, harnessing all that the Beast is, and will be. He will destroy this world and forge it anew in the divine image of Nightmare. Yet as powerful as Malachai has become, he’s neither unreachable nor invulnerable. He sacrificed much to become the Beast’s prime servant, both in spirit and in flesh, yet three vital organs remain. His heart, lungs and entrails, keepsakes of humanity lost. They will be our tickets into Malachai’s private, little show. Venture deeper, deep into nightmare’s abattoir. I’ll follow when I’m able. You find me those organs and I’ll get us into the Black Core.

[451] 瑪拉凱的肺 Malachai’s Lungs


My lungs breathe the same air as the foolish and the weak. May I be yet another step removed from them.

[452] 瑪拉凱的臟器 Malachai’s Entrails


My organs tether me to mortality like a chain. This chain holds me from my true potential.

[453] 瑪拉凱的心 Malachai’s Heart


My heart forces blood through my veins. But one who may bleed may die, and death is no fitting end to genius.

[454] 罪(Sin) 巨獸 The Beast

巨獸從來不會露出殘暴的一面。他一直以來都不以破壞、侵蝕心靈或引起恐懼為手段,而是以自己的意志存在,這是我的初衷。只是,在陰錯陽差下賦予他野心之後,各時代的人展露的野心逐漸影響他:女王阿茲里和多里亞尼、 切特斯大帝和瑪拉凱,以及之前的野心家。我之所以創造這頭巨獸,是為了讓凡人不再作為眾神刀俎上的魚肉,但後來證明凡人們會自己追尋取代眾神的角色。

The Beast was never a cruel master. It didn’t want to destroy, to corrupt, to terrorise. It simply existed to exist. I made it that way. Unfortunately, in neglecting to provide it with ambition, I made it vulnerable to the ambitions of others. Queen Atziri and Doryani. The Emperor Chitus and Malachai. Others even before them.I created a Beast that would free humanity from the tyranny of the gods. Yet all I really did was provide the perfect tool with which humanity could tyrannise itself.

[455] 福爾的自白(Voll’s Confession) Found in The Dried Lake

我的誓言是「守護帝國子民的平安!」 我對子民和自己說謊。「淨化」的光輝使我盲目,我竟然信任一位毫無靈魂的人,讓他帶來末日。我看著自己的軍團死去,他們的血肉宛如奶油般化盡,留下異變的枯骨。他們死後…再度復生,成為一批受到永恆詛咒的軍團。我的軀體感受到…腐化的能量正在發酵。我純淨的帝國,我辜負了你。毋需寬恕寡人,但…請代替寡人好好活下去。 — 福爾

I vowed to “care for this empire with my eyes open”. I lied to my people. I lied to myself. Blinded by my lust for ‘purity’, I placed my faith in the most corrupt of men. I watch now as my legion dies, their flesh melting from their twisted bones. They fall…and rise. A tide of mortal death and eternal damnation.

I feel it now in my own flesh. The heat. The corruption. I have failed you, my Empire of Purity. Do not forgive me but please, I beg of you, survive me. — Voll

[456] 福爾的戰鎧 聖語鎖甲 Voll’s Protector


Although a great leader during the war, Voll proved disastrous in times of peace.

[457] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 惡魂Ghasts

死亡讓你我的軀體回歸塵土。遭受黑暗標記者會滋養腐化的力量,而生前資質稟異者則在死後即不知去向。 這些素材受到精心的雕塑,佐以滿懷巧思的奇術,創造出瑪拉凱的忠僕,每位墮靈都忠貞地堅守著夢魘的加護。

Upon death, our bodies return to the ground. Those that are marked with darkness nourish the corruption. Those that were mighty in life are stolen away. They are carved and crafted, manipulated with malevolent creativity into becoming Malachai’s servants. Forged into Ghasts of pure Nightmare.

[458] 木刻版畫 I Etchings on Wood I


我為他而擔心,我為我們所有人而擔心。 -塔妮

I haven’t slept. No-one has slept. Not for three days, not since the black storm in the northern ranges. Not since the nightmares began. Violent and twisted night terrors. They whisper to us, tempt us, threaten us, beguile us. They promise terrible things in return for even more terrible acts. My husband, Denirus, went to Alliston to find a doctor who might help. He should have been back yesterday. I fear for him. I fear for all of us. -Tani

[459] 木刻版畫 II Etchings on Wood II

漆黑風暴已經肆虐超過一周了。我的丈夫還是沒有回來,而疾病如野火一般在村子裡蔓延。許多人都死了…而活著的也變的不一樣了。那些曾被我們稱為鄰居和朋友的東西。如今他們在黑夜中蹣跚遊蕩,他們畸形的行為演繹著充斥著眼睛的瘋狂。 -塔妮

It has been a little over a week since the black storm. My husband has not returned and sickness now sweeps through our village. Many have died and those that lived have… changed. These were folk we once called neighbour and friend. Now they limp and stagger through the night, their deformities as grotesque as the madness in their eyes. -Tani

[460] 木刻版畫 III Etchings on Wood III

又是個滿月的黑暗之夜。他們為了我而來,為了我的女兒而來。布拉瓦羅領著他們在黑夜中呢喃潛行。柯林張開雙臂走去,歡迎著他們。我的叔叔試著阻止她,但布拉瓦羅用他的鐵匠之錘敲碎了他的頭骨。我擋住了門窗,但他們在周圍尖叫並不斷的撞擊,試著闖入。我別無選擇…我只能帶著兩個女兒從地道逃離,前往磨坊躲藏。我們所能做的唯有躲好,和祈禱。願神保佑。 -塔妮

The moon was full the night of the black storm. It is full again. They have come for me. They have come for my daughters. Bravalo called out while the others skulked and muttered in the darkness. Corin went to them, arms open, welcoming. The nightmares told her to. My uncle tried to stop her. Bravalo crushed his skull with his smith’s hammer. I barred the doors and windows but they screamed like monkeys and beat themselves bloody trying to get in. I had no choice. I took my two youngest and fled through the cellar, following the tunnel to the mill. All we can do is hide and hope. God help us. -Tani

[461] 木刻版畫 IV Etchings on Wood IV

三個月影已經消逝,因為一切就這樣開始轉動。也許我是唯一一個仍在追尋月影,仍記得她名字的人。很快的,我也會逝去,唯有那月亮孤獨的遺留在這世上。我的丈夫回來了,為我而狩獵。拖著死體,狩獵我。柯林和我的叔叔也是。屍體爬了起來,行走、進食。我的女孩們也不例外。神拋棄了我們,月影為我們作證。就在今夜,我回歸了家庭的懷抱。 -塔妮

Three lunari gone now, since it all began. Perhaps I am the only one who still looks upon Lunaris, who remembers her name. Soon, I will be gone and the moon will go on, alone. My husband has returned and he hunts for me. My dead husband hunts me. Corin too, and my uncle. Corpses rise and walk and feed. My girls, they walk now… and feed. God has forsaken us. Lunaris is my witness. Tonight, I return to my family. -Tani

[462] 風化的石雕(Weathered Carving) The Mud Flats


Black storms descend on us from the North. Unnatural tempests of rage and hatred, lashing our backs, tearing at our houses. The rain is shot with shadow. It withers our crops, sickens our livestock.

And the wind… the wind carries with it a restless spirit that breeds melancholy and madness. A spirit that creeps through our dreams, weaves tales of misdeed around our resting minds. We try not to listen. We try to remember ourselves. Some of us forget. Brothers fight. Brothers die. Kaom punishes those that quarrel, that steal, that murder. Yet still the nightmares goad us into malefaction. We Karui are banished from sleep.

[463] 風化的石雕(Weathered Carving) The Ledge

帝陸全境已無止泥,風暴黑影席捲大地,帝國亡靈不得安息。仇恨永不停歇,恐懼無遠弗屆。先祖自墳墓中起身,隨影起舞; 族人從居所內反抗,掙扎求生。岡姆當眾呼喊,賜先祖片刻安寧; 岡姆英勇蓋世,還族人一夜平靜。

The earth of Wraeclast rejects the dead. The black spirit of storm and dream now reaches into the ground and raises up our slain imperial foes. It leads the fallen from their graves and drives them to fight us beyond the end, rotted tooth and jagged nail.

Our own Remembered have joined their cursed ranks. No longer may we give our beloved to the birds, messengers of spirit to the sky, conveyors of flesh to the earth. Kaom has commanded us to destroy our Remembered with axe and fire. Kaom is the bravest of us, willing to bear the ire of the Ancestors for the survival of his people.

[464] 風化的石雕(Weathered Carving) The Climb


The black spirit infects living flesh and bone. The animals suffered first. Their bodies changed. Their eyes filled with a hatred of mankind that is beyond instinct.

Now it is we who must bend and bow like saplings before the seaborn gale. The firstborn of the Kingdom of Kaom greeted us this day. The firstborn of the Kingdom of Kaom was buried this day. Even our children are not spared the black spirit’s touch.

What have we done to enrage Wraeclast? We look to Kaom. Our King will lay the spirit of this land at peace.

[465] 風化的石雕(Weathered Carving) The Ship Graveyard I


Kaom stands before us and looks out to the raging sea. He sings, calls, screams to our Ancestors to come to our aid. He offers them the Gifts of Old, a feast of heart and mind, muscle and marrow, cooked in the fire and rock of this angry land. We have not practiced these ways in so many years. Only in the darkest of times, most desperate of times, do we perform these oldest of rituals. Only here and now may we sacrifice and consume our own. Only in our King can we trust this return to our ancient selves.

[466] 岡姆的夢境I Kaom’s Dream I


I dreamed of my Ancestors’ halls. They were empty. I dreamed of the north, of an offering left to us by Tukohama, an offering that will save the Karui. I needed only to take it. I gathered my finest five hundred. I brought them here. I claimed what Tukohama had promised me.

[467] 岡姆的夢境II Kaom’s Dream II


We crushed the servants of Kitava beneath our heels as we marched across the land. I allowed not one of my five hundred to fall. The blood of the Ancestors surged in our veins and each and every one of my warriors earned Tukohama’s mark upon their skin. We descended into the heart of Wraeclast, and there He came to me. Tukohama. He asked of me a sacrifice. I gave it willingly. My axe fell five hundred times, the jade drinking its fill of Karui blood. Tukohama was pleased.

[468] 王者之心 The King’s Heart 岡姆的壯志


500 times Kaom’s axe fell, 500 times Kaom’s Heart splintered. Finally, all that remained was a terrible, heartless Fury.

[469] 驕者必敗 Pride Before the Fall 岡姆的壯志


As Kaom slew the last of his kin, something deep inside him broke. And through the cracks, corruption, pure and black, spread forth.

[470] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 岡姆 Kaom I


My understanding of Kaom, the man, is that he was a prisoner of his own delusions. Now? He is a prisoner of someone else’s. The power of Nightmare to manipulate the soul never ceases to impress me.That could be you one day, should you continue to follow this dark and winding path.

[471] 風化的石雕(Weathered Carving) The Ship Graveyard II


Kaom is gone. Our King has taken our finest five hundred warriors and descended into the depths of Wraeclast. He spoke to us of a vision, a gift from the ancestors. Kaom has been deceived. The vision was a gift from the black spirit. It has conquered Kaom. The black spirit has conquered the Karui Way. Hyrri has made ready her canoes. We will take those that are left, five hundred forgotten families, and carry them back to their true homes. Back to Ngamakanui. Kaom’s promises have lead us into nightmare. Hyrri will lead us back to the dawn.

[472] 罪(Sin) 查爾森之粉


[473] 精神守護 翠綠珠寶 Spirit Guards


Long after the Karui passed through, the whispers of those who stood their ground at Lioneye’s Watch could be heard amongst the rubble.

[474] 歐優恩(Oyun) 迪虛瑞特


[475] 歐優恩(Oyun) 岡姆 II


[476] 歐優恩(Oyun) 福爾


[477] 歐優恩(Oyun) 紅旗 I


[478] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 墮神者三人組 The Godless Three I


Malachai’s ‘Godless Three’. Shavronne of Umbra, Doedre Darktongue and Inquisitor Maligaro. You’ll find no more devoted servants in all of Nightmare. In life, they were the three finest forgers of corruption in the Empire. I’m inclined to agree with Malachai on this one. It would have been such a waste to let them languish in death. Poor Deshret. Each had their wicked way with her, you see, their turn at trying to subsume Deshret into the collective corruption. Ingenious they are. True artists. Had Deshret been in possession of an imagination, they might well have succeeded in creating a Ghast of her. Fortunately for us, Deshret never had such a faculty.

[479] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 不屈意智 An Indomitable Spirit I


The gate is open, and now I hear her voice as clearly as if she were sitting right here with me. Words of a dead woman, reverberating up from the depths of Highgate. A spirit chained, yet not enslaved. Tortured, yet unbroken.That dead woman is Deshret, and our Red Sekhema longs to return to the dust of her Vastiri. Free her, and I shall reward you as my gifts allow.

[480] 伊娜(Yeena) 那些猴子


The forest children are ill. Once they drank from fruit, ate nuts and berries. Now they drink blood,

eat brain and heart. This land is in a nightmare from which it cannot wake.

[481] 伊娜(Yeena) 元素生物


There is land that has forgotten the Spirit. Some man told the rocks and water a different dream.

Now, the rocks and water think they are Man.

[482] 狩獵大師托菈(Tora, Master of the Hunt) 關於屠殺的計畫

我發現一件事情,不過這讓我很不自在。其實,自然界一直都充滿著殘酷的現實:肉食者以草食者為食,植物則會從腐爛、回歸大地的動物遺骸汲取養分,這就是「生存之道」。不過,在瓦爾克拉斯完全不是這麼一回事。動物互相殘殺、蠶食的速度應該讓這片土地寸草不生。為什麼結果不是這樣?瓦爾克拉斯的每個生物繁衍、生長的速度遠超過自然規則,這讓他們在以驚人的速度互相殘殺下,還能源源不絕地逬出新生命。我想我也找到答案了:這個計畫是讓所有生命邁向末日、 陷入無盡的殺戮。不管這個計畫是誰發起的,背後主使可能想要、或是需要讓這樣的殺戮無遠弗屆。你問我為什麼?我也想知道。我只知道如果不阻止這個陰謀,瓦爾克拉斯可能就再也沒有人類生存的空間。

[483] 狩獵大師托菈(Tora, Master of the Hunt) 關於腐化的計畫






POE版本:3.4.5c 掘獄聯盟(Delve)

中文資料來源:http://poedb.tw/ (流亡編年史)

英文資料來源:https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki (POE Wiki)




Path of Exile 001 — The Karui Way (2014)

Path of Exile 002 — The Karui Way (2014)

Path of Exile 003 — Death to Sin (2015)

Path of Exile 004 — The Black Heart (2015)

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