
45 min readNov 29, 2018

【瓦爾帝國 文獻】

[180] 祀奉艾爾卡莉(Shrine to Arakaali) V (Found in: The Temple of Decay Level 2)

艾爾卡莉展現無比的勇氣,在飽受戰火摧殘的帝國遺跡重新生根,但深山內出現前所未有的威脅。一頭毫無神性和良知的生物榨取了艾爾卡莉的生命精華。女王的藥物讓我們得以倖存,但饑荒和疫病再度肆虐。隨著山中的巨獸不斷成長,艾爾卡莉不斷衰退,變得跟孩童一樣無助。她甚至失去對腐朽神殿的信任。蜘蛛的毒液在體內灼燒的時候,我為先祖感到羞恥。在她最需要的時候,女王的子民背叛了她。把她包覆在絲中,讓她待在一座金字塔的某處,就像她多年前對葛魯斯寇所作的一切。她回來了,但她得不到自己想要的復仇。她和失去理性的葛魯斯寇不一樣,愛情女神艾爾卡莉只希望再次擁抱這個世界。 — 寡婦

Even as our courageous Arakaali forged the foundations of new empire within the ruination of the old, a fresh threat was born in the shadow of the mountains. A creature so devoid of divinity, so beyond humanity, that it drew the very essence from Arakaali as the spider imbibes the life of the trapped moth. Our Queen’s medicines had once sustained us. Now famine and plague ravaged what little remained of our lands.

As the Beast of the Mountains grew, our Arakaali waned until, helpless as a child, she lost even the faith of her most devoted, the Temple of Decay. I feel the shame for my ancestors as the spider’s venom burns in my belly. When our Queen needed them most, her people betrayed her, bound her in silk and left her to languish in the bowels of a pyramid, just as Arakaali had done to Gruthkul so many years before. Now she has returned, but it is not vengeance she wants. She is no mindless Gruthkul. Arakaali, Goddess of Love, wishes only to embrace the world as she wishes she had been embraced. — The Widow

[181] 原生祭儀 翠綠珠寶 Sacrificial Harvest


The Vaal used human sacrifice to power their empire. They, too, eventually sought means to make their machines run more efficiently.

[182] 艾米爾(Eramir) 瓦爾古城


[183] 劇情區域

第二章的劇情區域古金字塔(The Ancient Pyramid)

[184] 劇情 BOSS

第二章的劇情章節BOSS 瓦爾超靈(Vaal Oversoul)

[185] 劇情怪物

古結構(Ancient Construct)、瓦爾結構(Vaal Construct)或蛇行結構(Serpentine Construct)

[186] 關於古代建築Ancient Gateway


That ancient gateway to the northwest, it’s a peculiar thing. Not of the Eternal Empire. It could be Vaal in origin… a culture I’ve seen mentioned here and there in some of the most antique of texts. It is the Vaal who began the use of Virtue Gems, well before our imperial ancestors. Little else is known about them. If only I havd my old museum archives, I could have given you a more tempered theory.

[187] 古物(The Ancients) 第四冊:阿茲莫里人的崛起 Book 4: Raising the Azmeri

倒下一杯阿茲莫里茶,然後從葉片中尋覓你的未來─ 你會發現瓦爾語竟然派上用場!不用感到驚訝:我們的文學是阿茲莫里和瓦爾兩大文化聯姻的產物。在約莫兩千五百年前,阿茲莫里文化與瓦爾族第一次接觸。在這之前,阿茲莫里的一切事物均以口耳相傳。在這之後,阿茲莫里人的文學蓬勃成長,而阿茲莫里文化的各個層面也都因此一飛沖天。當第一批瓦爾大使踏上阿茲莫里人山腰上的家園時,瓦爾族讓原始的阿茲莫里人轉變為擁有凝聚力的務農民族。對於瓦爾族十分慷慨地散播他們的知識和信仰,但他們對於「眾神之淚」、也就是我們今天所稱的「古靈寶石」始終三緘其口。經過長年的調查之後,目前還是沒找到阿茲莫里人在古早使用寶石的記載。雖然他們提到瓦爾人的肉體裡帶著閃閃發亮的水晶,先祖們也從未奢望寶石內潛藏的力量。這種關係一直持續到第一批瓦爾難民在五百年後上門求助為止。 — 圖書館長 特里尼安

Drain a cup of Azmerian tea and then try to read your future in the leaves. You’ll find that your Vaalish will come in mighty handy. Our literature was conceived and born within the Azmeri’s cultural marriage with the Vaal. Prior to Vaal contact some 2500 years ago, the Azmerian culture had a purely oral tradition of story and record keeping. Afterwards, their literary culture blossomed, along with just about every other aspect of their fledgling civilisation. From the moment the first Vaalish embassadors set foot upon the rugged slopes of the Azmerian Ranges, the Vaal civilisation held the hand of the Azmeri as they grew from a primitive tribal existence into a cohesive culture of settlement and agriculture. Yet while the Vaal were generous with their knowledge and guidance in many areas, there is one subject upon which they were notably silent: the Tears of Maji, now known as Virtue Gems. Despite an exhaustive search, neither account nor passing reference can be found regarding gem usage amongst the early Azmeri. Though they described the Vaal as having flesh adorned with glittering crystals, our Azmerian ancestors were never privy to the gems’ potentials or powers. At least, not until the first Vaal refugees came knocking five hundred years later. -Trinian — Intellectus Prime

[188] 黃金之頁 Golden Page

「瓦爾對寶石文化的嚮往更勝於古靈使徒和聖上,其執念如寶石文化般悠久頑強。」- 伊席厄斯.普蘭德斯

“The Vaal were even more steeped in gem culture than our Emperor and his ‘Gemlings’. It’s an obsession as old as civilisation itself.” — Icius Perandus

[189] 刺殺大師瓦里西(Vorici, Master Assassin) 奇術與古靈寶石


[190] 刺殺大師瓦里西(Vorici, Master Assassin) 風水


[191] 刺殺大師瓦里西(Vorici, Master Assassin) 古靈寶石


[192] 刺殺大師瓦里西(Vorici, Master Assassin) 古靈寶石的起源


[193] 瑪拉凱的日記(Malachai’s Journal) Found in The Eternal Laboratory.

將你被禁錮的心靈「釋放」,這就是寶石的功能,它們真正的功效。當我指尖接觸到冰冷、光滑的寶石表時我就感受到了。我的頭骨開始脹痛,感覺是我的腦在成長而擠壓到了頭骨,在找一個地方從頭骨中解脫。那個夜晚,當足夠的酒中於暫時麻痺了痛楚而使我入睡時,我開始做夢。夢魘永遠都會跟隨著我。(後半文章台服沒翻) — 瑪拉凱

Tear down the walls that imprison the mind… that is what the gems do. That is their true ‘virtue’. The moment my fingertips brushed the cool, silken planes of that first gem, I felt it. My skull ached, as if its contents were growing, pressing against the bone, searching for a way to break free. That night, once the wine had dulled the pain enough to allow the onset of sleep, the dreams began. I have not been without them since. Nor would I be. Every spark of thaumaturgy that I wield, every device that I forge, every creature that I transfigure, I owe to these lessons cloaked in Nightmare. From whence do these precepts hail? Certainly not the mundane grey between my ears. I possess only one reference that bears faith. Translated with unquestionable clarity by that idiot savant, Icius Perandus. “The Beast”. Doryani of the Vaal knew the truth. Soon now, so shall I. — Malachai

[194] 聚魂美酒 Decanter Spiritus

「人類的潛能因為肉體的泥淖而陷入盲目,唯有解放物質的桎梏、奔向靈魂的正途,才能體會人生真實的感觸。」- 超靈者瑪拉凱

“Man is blinded by the mud of his corporeal self. Only through the transformation of the material into the spiritual can we hope to taste the full body of life.” — Malachai the Soulless

[195] 瓦爾戰刃 瓦爾軍刃 Rebuke of the Vaal

「瓦爾對外族一向以和為貴,但如有人膽敢冒犯,必將施予無赦懲戒。」- 帝國學者伊席厄斯.普蘭德斯

Though the Vaal revered peace, it would have been suicide for any culture to rouse them to war. — Icius Perandus, Scholar to the Empire.

[196] 瓦爾的靈手 銅影手套 Vaal Caress 「伏擊/侵略」

「古靈寶石擁有人性的一面:它們喜愛擁抱生命,為人所用。」- 女王首席預言者多里亞尼

“The gems are strangely human at times. They simply love to be held.” — Doryani, First Seer to the Queen

[197] 薩爾的揚音 光輝刺盾 Zeel’s Amplifier

“偉大的心智希望可以揭開所有時間和空間的秘密。但這無關緊要。創造物,物質變形的行為,是唯一值得發現的秘密。”- 瓦爾粗工席爾

“Great minds wish to reveal all the secrets of time and space. But it does not matter. Creation, the act of Matter Metamorphosis, is the only secret worth discovering.” — Zeel, Vaal Tinkerer

[198] 潛能防護 鈷藍珠寶 Energy From Within


The Azmeri ascetics learnt the power of going without the body’s ordinary cravings.

[199] 嗜血之爪 魔爪刃 Bloodseeker

「血流殆盡,肉體必滅。」- 瓦爾女祭司

“For the life of the flesh will always be in the blood.” — Atalui, Vaal Priestess

[200] 靈魂束縛 飾布腰帶 Soul Tether


Vaal bloodpriests were among the earliest intellectuals on record. It was they who found that a newly freed soul would desperately cling to any other source of life.

[201] 獻祭之心 巨人魔盾 Rathpith Globe


The Vaal emptied their slaves of beating hearts, and left a mountain of twitching dead.

[202] 古物(The Ancients) 第一冊:瓦爾的末代女王 Book 1: Last of the Vaal Queens

傳說中,阿茲里女王的朝政廳排滿了鏡子,而她總是一絲不掛地上朝,並且要求群臣依樣畫葫蘆。據她所說,人在沒有蔽體衣物時,也就沒有可以隱藏的事物。不過,任何人不用細想都會想到阿茲里會利用自己婀娜的體態來搏得其他人的認可。像阿茲里一般美麗的女人裸身站在面前時,必定很難拒絕她提出的條件。從所剩無幾的人偶和浮雕,可看出她是位絕世美人:不但擁有曼妙的體態、迷人的雙眼,更散發出令人銷魂的氣質。這些描述是真是假,時至今日已無從證實。不過,究竟這樣的女人性情如何?殘存至今的少數紀錄可分為兩派:其中一派以讚揚阿茲里極有遠見,必定讓瓦爾族步向光明的未來,另一派則毫不客氣,直指阿茲里對於自己的愛慕遠超出賜給人民的恩惠。如果她那朝政廳確實擺滿了鏡子,那麼後者的批判應該更為可信─ 虛榮心是最容易腐化人心的罪惡。關於阿茲里,只有一件事情是可以確信的:她是瓦爾族的末代女王,在她在權期間,瓦爾族的輝煌歷史於恆曆前四百年左右戛然而止。 — 圖書館長 特里尼安

It has been written of Queen Atziri that her throne room was lined with mirrors and that she held court naked, demanding the same of those wishing her audience. The theory was that a naked man had nothing to hide, but one might easily venture that Atziri utilised her striking physical presence to influence courtly engagements in her favour. A woman like Atziri, beautiful and naked, would be very difficult to refuse. The few statuettes and reliefs that remain depict her as a rare beauty, a young woman with exquisitely delicate features, large, mesmerizing eyes, and a full figure of intoxicating sensuality. Whether the depictions are realist or interpretive is unfortunately impossible to corroborate. But who was the woman behind the title? The few surviving accounts on this matter contain two schools of thought on the matter. Some speak of Atziri with adoration, touting her as a visionary, the woman who would lead the Vaal into a brighter future. Others are less kind, suggesting that Atziri’s love for herself overshadowed any love for her people. If her court of mirrors truly existed, however, then the latter seems more likely. Vanity, after all, is the most insidious of all Sins. Only one thing can be said for certain of Atziri: she was the last Queen of the Vaal. The trail of history ends during her reign, some four hundred years preceding the Imperialus Conceptus. -Trinian — Intellectus Prime

[203] 阿茲里的威權 祭禮束衣 Atziri’s Splendour 「瓦爾女王阿茲里」

「光明磊落者無所畏懼。」- 瓦爾女王阿茲里

“When you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.” — Atziri, Queen of the Vaal

[204] 阿茲里的秘寶庫 瓦爾金字塔 Vaults of Atziri

「當我的靈魂離開肉身,我的寶藏將隨我而去。」- 瓦爾女王阿茲里

“Should I depart this mortal coil, so shall all of my treasures.”- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal

[205] 催情劑 Elixir of Allure


Famous for her many lovers, those that did not come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.

[206] 威廉羅斯(Weylam Roth) 催情劑 I


[207] 女王 The Queen 阿茲里的捷思


The power of the world, lies upon your hands.

[208] 她的面具 Her Mask 奉獻碎片


To her beauty you submit, lest your neck the great Queen slit.

[209] 古物(The Ancients) 第二冊:殺人魔澤佛伊 Book 2: Zerphi the Murderer





- 圖書館長 特里尼安

It is said the Vaalish noble, Zerphi, lived for 168 years. That is more than three times the current imperial average. Were this the only unusual attribute of an otherwise uneventful life, Zerphi might have have been cast into the back corner of history to gather dust with the other inexplicable anomalies. But his life was anything but uneventful.

Zerphi was the Vaal civilisation’s most infamous serial killer. Over a period of 128 years, Zerphi abducted, tortured and murdered thirteen victims. All in their twentieth year of life. All of noble descent. All Gemlings. But this feat alone did not catapult Zerphi into the annals of history. Rather, it was the quality of his heinous acts that set him apart, not the quantity.

Evidently, Zerphi was a master at inflicting the most prolonged and agonising demise. His victims’ bodies were found in a state of horrific mutilation, yet post-mortem analysis revealed that all of the physical trauma infilcted had occurred while the victim was still alive. Some sources claim that the techniques of torture were so refined that he was able to inflict the most intense and lasting pain the human body is capable of sustaining.

Then we come to the curious matter of Zerphi’s death which, as so often occurs with historical investigation, brings us back to where we started. Zerphi was finally found at the side of his thirteenth and final victim, who was unmolested and unmutilated. Simply dead. When the centenarian’s body was committed to autopsy, the recorded results are mystifying in the extreme. It is claimed that Zerphi did not possess the body of a 168-year-old, rather that his corpse had the physiognomy of a man of twenty years, no more.

Life and Death have walked hand in hand since the beginning of Time. Could Zerphi have persuaded them to kiss?

-Trinian — Intellectus Prime

[210] 澤佛伊的終息 優質魔力藥劑 Zerphi’s Last Breath 「普蘭德斯」

「只有愚蠢之人會為了長生不老冒險被唾棄萬年」 -伊席厄斯.普蘭德斯,古物收藏家,物品編號408

“Proof that if you devote yourself to a god of death, you may be spared from its wrath.” — Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Item 408

[211] 古物(The Ancients) 第三冊:皇后的奇術師 Book 3: The Queen’s Thaumaturgist


許多古書都記載著阿茲里的御令:多里亞尼受命「盡所有可能達成使命,不需考慮任何代價或後果。」 那麼,多里亞尼究竟接下了什麼使命?答案是:瞭解澤佛伊長壽及永保青春的秘訣。


是的,阿茲里女王為了追求無盡的青春和美貌,對自己的子民痛下殺手,再次證明了虛榮心是最容易腐化人心的罪惡。 — 圖書館長 特里尼安

In a culture festooned with gems and steeped in thaumaturgy, Doryani must have had quite the exceptional mind to rise to such preeminence as he did. Or perhaps he was simply more ruthless than his counterparts. Such is the impression one tends to garner from the accounts written of events following Zerphi’s death.

Atziri’s orders are quoted in a number of different texts. Doryani was “to make any effort within the realms of possibility, and to act without fear of question or consequence”. And to what was Doryani expected to apply this supreme effort? The investigation of Zerphi’s longevity and youthful vitality.

There is a particularly chilling manifest, containing endless lists of names, page upon page. The names of young men and women, ranging in age from sixteen to twenty-six, sent to Doryani for “processing”. Only those of “full and recent maturity” were deemed capable of accommodating the “necessary procedures” required without succumbing to “premature expiration”.

Yes, Queen Atziri was prepared to slaughter her own people in the desperate pursuit of perpetual youth and beauty. Vanity, indeed, is the most insidious of all Sins.

-Trinian — Intellectus Prime

[212] 薩歐賽(Siosa) 關於阿茲里女王


[213] 阿茲里的諾言 紫晶藥劑 Atziri’s Promise 「瓦爾女王阿茲里」

「死亡不求你的理解,它只需要你的奉獻。」 — 瓦爾女王阿茲里

“Death needs not your understanding. It needs only your loyalty.” — Atziri, Queen of the Vaal

[214] 阿茲里之鏡 金陽輕盾 Atziri’s Mirror

「帝陸將隨我一同踏上冥河之渡。」- 瓦爾女王阿茲里

As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast.” — Atziri, Queen of the Vaal

[215] 時空扭曲 月光石戒指 Timetwist (時光之握 使用 命定時光 升級)

“即使是偉大的賢者,時間也沒有留情。“- 女王奇術師多里亞尼

“Even for the great Magi, time passes without relent.” — Doryani, Queen’s Thaumaturgist

[216] 時光之握 月光石戒指 Timeclasp

「對我們凡人來說,時間稍縱即逝;我只是試著平衡罷了。」- 女王首席預言者多里亞尼

“To us mere mortals, time is slippery. I’m just evening things out.” — Doryani, Queen’s Thaumaturgist

[217] 罪(Sin) 巨獸The Beast I


The Dark Ember remains nestled deep within the putrid flesh of my dead Beast. With many of Highgate’s tunnels now collapsed, we must forge another way inside. Before us lies a weak point in the Beast’s flank. It is an ancient wound wrought by that Vaalish overreacher, Doryani. The wound was healed shut by a thick membrane but the right decoction should dissolve the tissue and allow us inside. Of course, for a cordial of such potency I shall require two ingredients of utmost rarity. First, our viscous concoction shall require Basilisk Acid, a princely poison which drips from the caustic heart of the Basilisk, and Tarathan Powder, an explosive substance oft used in the mining of Virtue gems. With these two bitter harvests, I shall brew something worth of eroding the membrane of my decaying pet.

[218] 薩歐賽(Siosa) 解讀第三頁


[219] 古物(The Ancients) 第五冊:覆亡之紀 Book 5: The Fall

瓦爾族繁盛了數千年後,在熾烈的烈陽下消逝。阿茲莫里人和殘餘的瓦爾族訴說著他們的同情和恐懼:支離破碎的家庭、步履蹣跚的雙腳,以及所剩無幾的財產和理智。阿茲莫里人親切地招呼、照顧瓦爾遺孤,但後者無法解釋 為什麼繁盛的民族會在如此短的時間內遭遇這樣的厄難,後人稱之為「覆亡之紀」。在阿茲莫里人歷史中,「三千一百二十六」是一個永不磨滅的數字:三千一百二十六名 瓦爾遺族最後歸化阿茲莫里人。那是為數百萬的龐大民族最後的三千一百二十六人…

- 圖書館長 特里尼安

The Vaal. Thousands of years in the making. Gone in a blink of Solaris’ burning eyes. The Azmeri tell of the Vaalish immigration with equal measures of pity and horror. Small bands of tattered, shambling survivors, bereft of their families, their wealth, and in many cases, their sanity. They were welcomed, and cared for, but none could give the Azmeri the one thing they sought in return. None could tell them how the Vaal realm came to such a sudden and catastrophic end. An apocalypse that came to be known as The Fall. The number 3126 is forever burned into Azmerian history. Three thousand one hundred and twenty-six: the number of Vaal refugees who came to live with and eventually become absorbed into the Azmerian people.

Three thousand one hundred and twenty-six survivors from a civilisation counting in its millions.

-Trinian — Intellectus Prime

[220] 薩歐賽(Siosa) 解讀第二頁


[221] 瓦爾之訴 鈷藍珠寶 Vaal Sentencing


In their final days, every crime was punishable by death. Atziri’s empire ran on blood, but the blood was running dry.

[222] 瓦爾信函 (Vaal Letter) VIII


“There was no escape for me. Should our Queen and her thaumaturge succeed, there will be no escape for anyone.”

[223] 瓦爾信函 (Vaal Letter) X


“Queen Atziri forfeited her sovereignty the day that she chose to murder her people.”

[224] 瓦爾信函 (Vaal Letter) XII


“Atziri promises us eternal life. The only eternity we shall have is in the memories of the barbarians that shall plant their crops on our graves.”

[225] 夢語之痕 藍玉戒指 Dream Fragments


Doryani stumbled into a realm of madness. And awoke its Master.

[226] 墮落之血 琥珀護身符 Blood of Corruption (純淨之淚 使用 瓦爾寶珠 升級)

迷夢之際,耳語響起「吾土無邊,吾國無際,純淨之物註定朽腐天下蒼生終為我奴」- 女王的奇術師多里亞尼

In my dream, a voice spoke to me. It said: ‘My reach knows no bounds. All that is pure is destined to rot.

All that lives is destined to serve.’ — Doryani, Queen’s Thaumaturgist

[227] 空靈 The Ethereal 六連 瓦爾法衣

“很久以前,人們仰望群星,相信著它們正影響著我們。很快的,我們將會成為影響群星的人們。” — 多里亞尼,女王的奇術師

“Long ago, people looked to the stars, believing they influenced us. Soon, it will be us who influence the stars.” — Doryani, Queen’s Thaumaturge

[228] 多里亞尼之約 重革腰帶 Doryani’s Invitation 「瓦爾女王阿茲里」

「你可以送出誠摯的邀請,但無從得知造訪的是何方嘉賓。」- 女王奇術師多里亞尼

“You can invite them but you can never be sure who will come knocking.” — Doryani, Queen’s Thaumaturgist

[229] 黃昏的奉獻 Sacrifice at Dusk


The Vaal shall never fear the setting of our sun.

[230] 凡人的哀傷 Mortal Grief


When we prostrate ourselves to the night, we worship mortality.

[231] 凡人的希望 Mortal Hope


Look to our Queen, for she will lead us from the darkness.

[232] 午夜的奉獻 Sacrifice at Midnight


Look to our Queen, for she will lead us into the light.

[233] 薩歐賽(Siosa) 解讀第一頁


[234] 多里亞尼的幻化之杖 瓦爾權杖 Doryani’s Catalyst 「瓦爾女王阿茲里」

「煉化」將讓所有子民長生不老,或是體毀魂消。 無論結果如何,多里亞尼都相信這是瓦爾一族的救藥。

The result of the catalytic reaction would be either immortality for all, or death for all. It was a risk Doryani was willing to take.

[235] 最後希望 Last Hope 凡人的希望


As their civilisation crumbled, the Vaal looked to their queen. In her, they saw a way out. In them, she saw a burden she was happy to free herself from.

[236] 瓦爾之運 Luck of the Vaal 瓦爾護手


They can’t be THAT lucky, or they’d still be here!

[237] 罪(Sin) 浩劫 Cataclysm

不應該成為這樣的啊… 巨獸本身就是一種美的存在,就像人們髮飾上的珠寶。 我…希望給你們一個追求和平、在這個世界上發光發熱的機會,不再只是當眾神的奴隸和玩物…… 牠只是想自我防衛,錯的是那些背叛所有人類的扭曲心靈。我也無法預測瓦爾和永恆帝國的行為,會讓牠在瓦爾克拉斯引起巨變。歷史上總是充滿悲劇,甚至…不斷重演。流亡者,我的雙手沾滿了數以百萬計…無辜者的鮮血,我再怎麼嘗試也無法洗刷這個汙名。

It was never meant to transpire this way… My Beast was born to be a thing of beauty. A crowning jewel to rest upon humanity’s head. I… I wanted to give your kind a chance for peace, a chance to play atop the great stage. No longer pawns to a pantheon of petty, slavering gods… It was only ever defending itself, the fault lies within the twisted hearts of those who would betray their own humanity. Not even I could anticipate the cataclysms my pet wrought on Wraeclast. Both Vaal and Eternal. Ruins in the pages of history. And the others… trailing back across the aeoms. There is blood on my hands, exile, the innocent blood of millions, and try as I might, the strains just won’t wash off.

[238] 阿茲里之權 赤紅珠寶 Atziri’s Reign


Atziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality, but nothing is eternal.

[239] 第六冊:恆曆 Book 6: Imperialus Conceptus






- 圖書館長 特里尼安

Tarcus Veruso descended from the mountains and his eighty thousand tribesmen and women through the doomlands to Azala Vaal. There he planted his banner upon Atziri’s grave and with these words founded our great and eternal empire.

“The Vaal closed their eyes to flesh and stone, to blood and bronze. We are not Vaal. We are Azmeri. For now and forever, our eyes are open.”

Veruso built his capital upon the bones of Azala Vaal and baptized it Sarn. From there, Veruso formed the first Legions and proceeded to conquer the lands beneath the Mantle, clearing it of the mindless constructs and fierce abominations left in the wake of The Fall. True to his word, Veruso ensured that his people lived “with eyes open”. The ancient Vaalish centres of learning and power were sealed and quarantined. Thaumaturgy was outlawed and those who stained themselves with Vaalish folly were burned for their sin. The Tears of the Maji, too dangerous to be destroyed, were gathered up, taken to Highgate, and buried within the bowels of the mountains. The caverns there were sealed and forgotten. A supreme effort to erase the past. A primitive reaction born of primitive times, in the opinion of this humble historian.

[240] 殘墟 Lingering Remnants 瓦爾密殿


Never dying, yet not living, Endlessly they wander beneath the harvest moon.

[241] 腐化寒息 翠綠珠寶 Chill of Corruption


Even a millennium later, Atziri’s presence casts a shroud over Wraeclast.

[242] 艾瓦弗萊(Alva Valai) 阿茲瓦特 Atzoatl

流傳著失落的阿茲瓦特神殿(Atzoatl Temple)為瓦爾全部歷史和神話上最著名的。我能看的出來,神殿開始動工的時候是在瓦爾帝國的晚年。但確切的完工日期很難查明,因為它發生的時間很短暫且是在瓦爾文明滅絕前。或許就因為它在時間軸上的這種脆弱,才讓阿茲瓦特成為瓦爾的神話。有些人說他是個陰暗之地,最邪惡之獻祭的起源。但也有其他人說,神殿是科技的起源地 - 與那些牆後所產出的東西相比,即使是我們自己的創作都顯得淡然失色。


The lost Temple of Atzoatl is said to be the most famed in all Vaal history and myth. Best I can tell, the Temple began its construction in the final years of the Vaal Empire. The exact date of its completion has been hard to ascertain as it occurred shortly before the events which brought about the civilisation’s extinction.

Perhaps it is the fragility of the timeline that has made Atzoatl such a staple of Vaal mythology. Some say it was a place of darkness, home to the most vile of sacrifices. But there are others who claim the temple to be the birthplace of technology — even our own is said to pale in comparison to what was being forged within those walls.

Scholars today have even suggested that it was the treasure house for Queen Atziri herself. Whichever is true, it was bound to have been fiercely protected by fanatics and royalty alike. And if something’s worth protecting, well, then it’s worth bloody taking!

[243] 賞金獵手 Treasure Hunter 阿茲里的秘寶庫

“別擔心,我知道我在做什麼” — 特格的遺言

“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” — Toggo’s Last Words




POE版本:3.4.5c 掘獄聯盟(Delve)

中文資料來源:http://poedb.tw/ (流亡編年史)

英文資料來源:https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki (POE Wiki)

台服的翻譯有很多錯誤,最常見的是同字翻成不同意思,如The First Ones翻成初始者/初代;Tsoagoth翻成賽根斯/特索勾斯;Hinekora 翻成海恩格拉/悉妮蔻拉,更嚴重的就是在原文里明明是大寫開頭的專有名詞卻翻成一般字面上的意思,更有些為了幽默而把根本不屬於該時代的人物翻進中文裡,所以建議能按還是盡量看原文,以上文獻中沒有英文的部分就是POE wiki並沒有人編寫,所以我也無法提供做對照,中文槓掉的部分(比如像這樣的文字),表示我個人認為翻譯無法真正達原文的意思,建議看英文。

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