【奧瑞亞 文獻】
[484] 烏圖拉(Utula) 奴役監牢 Slave Pens
深呼吸一下、 體驗互相利用和迫害有多麼令人厭惡。馬爾賽斯‧獅眼擄獲第一批卡魯族人的時候,這些隔間和牢房就是受擄族人的新家。獅眼是「帝國的英雄」,也是他們有史以來最傑出的奴隸頭子。不過,他並不是唯一一個。席格蒙德‧費爾隊長資助過一些遠征隊,不時擄些卡魯族孩子回來當奴工。聖宗領導人神主也是近代當人口販子致富者之一。奧瑞亞的財富是以卡魯族的貧困作為代價,奧瑞亞的每一枚金幣都已染上卡魯族的血。
Take a deep breath. Inhale the twin stink of exploitation and oppression. Yes, these pens and cells have been our home away from home since the first Karui were brought here by Marceus Lioneye. Their great ‘Hero of the Empire’, one of the best slavers they ever had. Not that he was the only one. Captain Sigmund Fairgraves funded many an expedition off the whipped backs of Karui children. High Templar Dominus was only the latest in a long line of them to grow rich by trading in misery. Oriathan wealth was built on Karui poverty. Oriathan gold will forever be stained red by Karui blood.
[485] 武器大師瓦甘(Vagan, Weaponmaster) 德瑞索 — 作為一個決鬥者
Welcome to the Grand Arena of Theopolis. It is here that I first laid eyes upon my true purpose, my lady Merveil. It is our inspiration that defines us. What do you fight for, Gladiator? Hundreds of warriors tried to lay claim to the same title as I, but I defeated them all. Victory goes not to the able, but to the ambitious.
— Daresso
[486] 范尼達(Vilenta)
葬骨禮堂 The Ossuary
Devotion should be honoured, I suppose. For centuries now, the Templar have boiled the flesh and skin from the devout and presented the polished remains for public appreciation in the Ossuary. Personally, I think it’s one of the better ways to remember those who have gone before us. To touch the bones is to remember neither the legend, the legacy, nor the lies. It reminds you that those bones belonged to a man or woman who as just like any other man or woman.
[487] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 浩劫 Cataclysm
On the fall of the Empire, the historians are deathly silent. After the Purity Rebellion, the Kingdom of Kaom blockaded Oriath, preventing any trade or correspondence with the mainland. It’s said that Kaom planned to invade. Only when the Karui retreated did Oriath get any news from Wraeclast, but by that time there wasn’t really anyone left to tell the tale. This could’ve been Oriath, yet The Cataclysm didn’t reach across the sea. Why not? — Scion, on the Slums
[488] 石碑 Plaque (Grand Arena) 大競技場 I
At age thirteen, carving knife in hand, I killed beasts for the amusement of the filthy. At fifteen, they thought me worthy to fight a fellow man. A butcher he was, twice as big and twice as stupid as I. I butchered the butcher and many like him, earned my way, kill by kill, out of the offal pit and into the Grand Arena. I thought I would find wealth and glory in the arena. I was wrong. I found something far more precious. My Lady Merveil.
[489] 武器大師瓦甘(Vagan, Weaponmaster) 德瑞索 — 作為一個男孩
Welcome to the Grand Arena of Theopolis. It is here that I first laid eyes upon my true purpose, my lady Merveil. It is our inspiration that defines us. What do you fight for, Gladiator? Hundreds of warriors tried to lay claim to the same title as I, but I defeated them all. Victory goes not to the able, but to the ambitious.
— Daresso
[490] 武器大師瓦甘(Vagan, Weaponmaster) 德瑞索 — 作為一個決鬥者
[491] 石碑 Plaque (Grand Arena) 大競技場 II
I knelt in the sand of the Grand Arena, awaiting the killing blow. I raised my eyes to look upon my death.
Instead, I saw her. Merveil. Her beautiful eyes met mine, and I knew that she saw me too. I turned my opponent’s strike and killed the man with his own dagger. Fighting had always been about survival. The primal instinct to kill or be killed. Now the fight became about something else. Love.
[492] 王者之刃 The King’s Blade 嗜血的永恆之劍
「要瞭解自己為何而戰,要屢敗屢戰,智取更為迅捷之人,騙過更為聰慧之人,擊潰更強大之人。欲得皇冠,便須如此。」- 鬥劍之王德瑞索
“To know for what you fight. To get up again when you’ve been struck down. To outmanoeuvre someone faster, trick someone smarter, crush someone stronger. That’s what it takes to claim the crown.” — Daresso, the King of Swords
[493] 石碑 Plaque (Grand Arena) 大競技場 III
The previous King of Swords was a giant of a man, both faster and stronger than I. Yet I needed only look up at my Lady Merveil to know that I had no choice. I could not die this day.
I made him shiver under every parry, striking with all my might, so that my arms felt they might snap with every impact. All the while, I studied his face, watching for that moment when he began to doubt. It took an hour, but finally it was there. Burning with pain, empty with exhaustion, I stepped inside his faltering swing and I slit the giant’s throat. I did not take my victory bow. I knelt in the sand, looked to Merveil, and cried out for my Lady’s hand in marriage. From that day forth, I wore the Crown of Swords upon my head and a ring of eternal love upon my finger.
[494] 瓦爾克拉斯之星 血色護身符 Star of Wraeclast 「商店配方」
“讓我為妳獻上一份永恆的誓言,將妳的心與我的心緊緊相依;這份死亡都無法抹滅的牽連,妳是否會與我相守相憐?”- 德瑞索,致愛人
“I offer to you an eternal oath that binds your heart to mine; a bond that not even death will break. Will you accept?” — Daresso, to his beloved
[495] 費爾船長(Captain Fairgraves) 莫薇兒的項鍊 Merveil’s Necklace
如果史書記載是真的,無畏者德瑞索跪在莫薇兒的跟前,把那只項鍊獻給了她。在莫薇兒戴上這瓦爾克拉斯的遺物之後,她和大家分享她美妙的歌聲。聽說她甜美的聲音足以撼動全奧瑞亞最大的音樂廳,再怎麼冷漠的人也為之動容。 但過一陣子之後,她再也不是原來的那個她:她的內心、身體和歌聲都漸漸改變了。依然是如此的美麗,但理智卻漸漸離她而去。我對沉睡在瓦爾克拉斯的力量並沒有什麼特別研究,不過我可以確定若是莫薇兒的項鍊到了你的手上,海妖的甜美聲音就伴隨著你。
If the history books are to be believed, Daresso the Daring presented the necklace to Merveil on bended knee. And from the moment he placed that little chunk of Wraeclast at her throat, Merveil began to sing. It’s told her sweet voice grew to fill even the largest concert halls of Oriath, and brought warmth to even the coldest of hearts. But then she began to change. Her mind and body twisted, as did her songs. The sweetness remained while the sanity fled. Knowing what little I do about the powers that lie dormant here in Wraeclast, I’d surmise that if you have Merveil’s necklace, you have the Siren’s voice.
[496] 浸溼的日記(Damp Diary) Found in Merveil’s Lair. (The Cavern of Anger)
德瑞索給了我這寶石、深情的吻了我、承諾我他會永遠永遠陪伴在我的身邊。因為他,我唱出了最美的歌曲。因為他,我為奧瑞亞唱歌。用的是我的身體,卻是卡莉莎的寶石,卡莉莎的聲音。我唱出卡莉莎傳奇的歌聲,唱出曾讓整個帝國為之掉淚的情歌。我在睡夢中聆聽著卡莉莎的安眠曲,將我自己的一切給予了她的歌聲。我的靈魂… 我的肉體。德瑞索離開了我,為了薩恩城,承諾會將我從卡莉莎的詛咒中解放。我苦苦哀求他別走。我試過將我的轉變展示給他看,還有我們美麗的女兒們。但他並沒有見到過。沒有任何人能看見她們的美麗。我因此從他們的憎恨中逃亡。即使德瑞索回來了,我將會拋棄他所帶回來的解藥。我會讓他見證到真正的愛情是什麼。
I sang in her echo, performing arias that had once made the Empire weep. I listened to Kalisa’s lullabies in my dreams. I gave myself to her music. Mind…and body. Daresso left me, for Sarn, with a promise to free me from Kalisa. I begged him not to go. Tried to show him the wonder of my transformation, the beautiful daughters he would soon meet. He couldn’t see. None of them could see. I fled from their hatred. When Daresso returns I will cast his cure away. I will teach him what true love is.
[497] 佩塔盧斯和芙安珈(Petarus and Vanja) 德瑞索 I
[498] 水手之膚(Sailor’s Skin) Found in The Cavern of Wrath.
Welcome, husband. We knew in our hearts that you would find us. Come, Daresso, Ambrosia and Amarissa must meet their father. Come, my love. Return to your family.
[499] 達蘇尼(Tasuni) 德瑞索 Daresso
Nightmare is not without sophistication. In life, Daresso was tortured by frustration and shame. In death, Nightmare has erased his past and forged a dream world in which Daresso would remain contented and loved. What if Nightmare could do that for all of us? Would we really wish to destroy it then?
[500] 艾米爾(Eramir) 神主
I embraced the patronage that High Templar Dominus offered my struggling museum. I took his favour and conducted his research into the thaumaturgical arts practiced within the Eternal Empire. I wish I’d known then what I know now. That I was pandering to the warped dreams of a madman. — Eramir, “Dominus”
[501] 范尼達(Vilenta) 純淨之印
The Sign of Purity, yes…a descry staff that Piety sent me to study at one point. Apparently it was a gift from Innocence to the first High Templar, Maxarius. Dominus couldn’t even bear to touch the thing so he had it locked up in the Ossuary. Quite reactive behaviour for a man of such formidable intellect, yet now it’s making a little more sense. The staff was certainly able to conduct and store energy, yet remained inert when I applied corruption to it. It must only respond to divine energy, and with corruption and divinity being diametrically opposed, it’s no wonder that my experiments failed to excite the thing! Meaning, if the Sign of Purity is a repository for the power of Innocence, Dominus could never have wielded it, being steeped as he was in the opposing power of the Beast. …
[502] 馬拉莫(Maramoa)
關於烏旗軍團 Ebony Legion
Dominus’ Ebony Legion arrived from Oriath a couple of full moons ago. Now the Blackguards scour Sarn like hungry maggots on a carcass. What’re they looking for? Only that which is best left unfound.
[503] 艾米爾(Eramir) 關於罪孽之殿
.To my shame, I did Dominus’ dirty work in the selfish hopes of scholarly advancement. I scoured fragments of documents brought back by Fairgraves — and Daresso, before his disgrace. I unearthed all I could on the Eternal Empire’s masters and mistresses of thaumaturgy, a subject of keen interest to our supposedly devout High Templar. … — Eramir, “The Chamber of Sins”
[504] 范尼達(Vilenta) 切特斯聖堂
Dominus adopted Chitus Cathedral as his personal laboratory. He decked it out with everything his miraculous mind could conceive of. His great work in Sarn, that which you destroyed, it all began there. — Vilenta, “Chitus Cathedral”
[505] 葛里戈(Grigor) 關於神主 Sceptre of God
Unfortunately, Piety was simply a puppet of a greater force. You’ve cut the strings but the master remains: Dominus. That key you’ve picked up, I heard the Blackguards talk of it. It’s the one key to the Sceptre of God, on the northern edge of the Blackguard encampment. Only Piety was permitted to carry it. Dominus accessed his laboratory at the summit of the tower via a pulley system rigged to the outside wall. That way will be barred to you, and I heard of no-one, not even Piety, going in or coming out of the lower levels. Go with care, exile. I can’t imagine what’s inside that tower if even Piety and Dominus feared to tread its steps.
[506] 赫蓮娜(Helena) 神主
[507] 虛空 軍團手套 Null and Void
「神乃至高無上之主,而吾則為其下之首。汝,將永不受吾憐憫。」- 聖宗領導人神主
What is freedom but a clean slate in an unclean world?
[508] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 派蒂Piety
即使來到世界的另一端,薇妮雅和我之間的羈絆依舊存在。這是派蒂得勢之前,在費歐普羅斯所用的本名。薇妮雅在白天以奇術掙口飯吃,晚上則是出賣自己的肉體 ─ 她可是當家紅牌呢。她賺的錢都夠當我的大戶了。不過,對薇妮雅來說,財富不代表什麼。她…是為了更有價值、更長遠的理想。她以前跟我說:「活著不需要這麼痛苦,讓我告訴你怎麼做。」我敢打包票她一定也跟托爾曼這麼說過。
Halfway across the world and yet the tie between Vinia and I endures. That was Piety’s real name
back in Theopolis, before her rise to greatness. Vinia sold her thaumaturgy in the day, her body at night. Sought after, she was. Enough so to become one of my best buyers. But money never meant much to Vinia. No, she was striving for something better…nobler. Used to tell me that “Life needn’t be this hard. It’s time you all realized that.” … — Clarissa, “Piety”
[509] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 關於薇妮雅 Vinia
Vinia was arrested for ‘Consorting with the Unholy’ and condemned to the pyre. This was before the banishments. Dominus shared a last supper with her, heard her confession. Most think Vinia earned Dominus’ patronage on her back. I don’t. Vinia gave Dominus her ‘better life’ and got a new name in return. You can count on one thing: Piety’s grand future won’t include the likes of you, me, or Tolman.
[510] 薇妮雅的信物 Vinia’s Token 後悔石
You can change your name, but you cannot change your history.
[511] 范尼達(Vilenta) 研究
Piety and I have devoted ourselves to the betterment of the human condition. As for our methods, Piety had a saying that summed it up nicely. “Would you consider the feelings of the stones when constructing a glorious cathedral in the name of God?” Casticus supplied us with slaves, mostly Karui, and I put them to good use. In fact, I believe their participation in my experiments elevated them from squalor to splendor. Our subjects were able to give their otherwise meaningless lives to something greater than themselves. Isn’t that what we all want in the end?
[512] 范尼達(Vilenta) 探測棒 I
[513] 范尼達(Vilenta) 派蒂
[514] 探測棒 Miasmeter
「讚嘆宇宙的奇蹟,它們隔著廣袤的黑暗與萬物連繫。」- 范尼達《腐化能量計理論》
“We shall peer at these cosmic wonderments as they wake and writhe within that deep and nameless dark.” — Vilenta, ‘Miasmeter: A Thesis’
[515] 葛里戈(Grigor) 派蒂
[516] 赫蓮娜(Helena) 關於監獄大門
[517] 葛里戈(Grigor) 關於古靈使徒
[518] 佩塔盧斯和芙安珈(Petarus and Vanja) 巨獸
[519] 派蒂(Piety) 瑪拉凱的器官 II
[520] 葛里戈(Grigor) 關於格拉維奇將軍 General Gravicius
I tried to penetrate the Solaris Temple in the north-east. Almost got myself killed by the bloody Ribbons that guard the place. Bizarre floating tapestries they are, creatures of cloth and thaumaturgy. Fortunately, a few legionnaires got in the way. While the Ribbons eviscerated them, I ran… straight into Gravicius. He dragged me over the bridge, to the Lunaris Temple in the west, and put me in Piety’s “tender care”. Didn’t say a single word to me the whole time. I was nothing but a spoil of war to him.
[521] 賀根(Hargan) 關於格拉維奇將軍
[522] 共振傳送裝置說明(Resonator Instructions) Found at the end of The Ascent
為了和費歐普羅斯的型體振析儀建立穩定的連結,適當的高度至乎關鍵,當然能量來源也一樣重要。找出位於山麓的裂隙,並降下傳導纜線、而且越深越好。如果我們想分解生命體和非生命體,並在統治者之殿和費歐普羅斯之間傳送,需要的奇術能量非常驚人,這也代表我們必須從這股能量的源頭下手。我想…應該不用對你提醒在其中一點無法滿足的時候,會有什麼樣的後果吧?也因為這樣,我希望在型體振析儀開始運作後,由特瓦盧斯擔任第一位測試者。懷抱野心當然很好,但也必須考慮隨之而來的責任。 — 聖宗領導人神主
Captain Tevarus,
Altitude is imperative to forging a stable connection with the Prime Resonator in Theopolis. Power source is equally vital. Locate a fissure in the mountainside and lower a conductive cable into it, the deeper the better. It will take an immense amount of thaumaturgical energy to execute the successful disintegration and transmission of objects, both inanimate and animate, between Highgate and Theopolis. For that kind of power, we must tap the origin. I needn’t remind you of the consequences should either of those elements prove deficient. That is why I would like you, Tevarus, to be the first to test the Resonator once it is operational. Accountability is the perfect counterweight to ambition. — High Templar Dominus
[523] 保護令(Order of Protection) The Upper Prison
My loyal Declan,
Give our Lady Piety your absolute support and watch her with absolute scrutiny. There is much to learn from the likes of the Inquisitor, the Umbra and the Soulless One. I would hate for Piety to feel that she need shoulder such perilous wisdom alone.
- Dominus
[524] 阿特力的信(Arteri’s Letter) Found in The Western Forest.
Arteri, my beautiful captain.
I wish it were not you, but I cannot bring myself to trust any other with this most vital of tasks.
This is the only pass between the inner and outer Empire. No further exiles are to enter the inner Empire. We have material enough for our work.
Ensure that the barricade remains in place, and if any exile should somehow pass through, kill them.
I will send for you when my work is complete in Sarn.
Until we share our next night together,
[525] 研究日誌 (Research Journal) I
- 費歐普羅斯的聖堂武僧達瓦羅
“The artefacts which High Templar Dominus returned to our city have finally offered up to me one of their secrets. Though, I am certain there is much to be found within the relics, I’m exhilarated and brought to awe by what I have discovered as of yesterday’s studies. I have uncovered a hidden frequency of corruption within the relics — oh, how they now sing to me! They are as mirrors, dimly reflecting shadows and echoings of the past.
I have seen signs of blood and ancient sacrifice in the ghostings of our precious city! Such as what the Vaal would commit in their homelands. Could it be that these echoes point to Vaal culture having extended all the way to the shores of Oriath? Perhaps we are not the first empire to pull itself up from the mire of this land?
I must listen to the relics further, I need to understand, but the singing, it pains me to listen for very long. My work must progress slowly, but it shall progress. Much is at stake here. I can feel it!
- Templar Davaro of Theopolis”
[526] 研究日誌 (Research Journal) II
- 聖堂教團奇術師達瓦羅《古代奇蹟之鑰》
“I am Templar Thaumaturgist Davaro, the ecstatic, the knower of hidden things, the key to ancient wonder!
In such a short time, everything has changed. The singing of the relics to me no longer pains my ears, in fact, I hear music in them, songs revealing great truths to me. My theory that the Vaal once dwelt in this land has proven fruitful, one of their ancient sites lies not far from here. There is great power dormant in the ruins, one that I am yet to tap fully, but it will come soon enough.
Through my thaumaturgy, I was granted special sight, I saw the ancient Vaal city that once stood in this place. All around me were signs of the legendary Queen Atziri ruling from afar. I saw, as I stood at the base of a great pyramid, the sacrifice of new harvest unfold. The steps ran red with a river of blood, a crimson tide, cascading towards me and washing over my skin. In it, I felt my being shake, as if lightning was reverberating through my body. I felt the strength of that blood ritual, and then returning to my senses, I found myself once more standing in ancient ruins. I thought it to be all a dream, only, when I reached up to touch my face, I found it both horrifyingly and marvelously, pelted with that same salted vermillion.
- Templar Davaro of Theopolis, Key to Ancient Wonder”
[527] 研究日誌 (Research Journal) III
我隔天早上在市場買來三位年輕的卡魯族奴隸,看起來約莫十七歲。我帶領著他們在遺跡的獻祭祭壇祈禱,接著石雕的腐化力量說服他們 交出鮮血。我聽從這個要求,割開了他們的喉嚨,讓他們的鮮血湧入阿茲里的祭壇。石塊吸收他們的生命精華後,我感覺心靈受到巨大的衝擊,接著看到女王裸身在一座血池裡沐浴,而她的手輕撫著自己的股間…
- 聖堂武僧達瓦羅
“I have been plagued by a sickness as of late. A kind of blood marking. This curse stalks me in both waking life and the world of dream. The relics no longer sing to me of power, they scream to me of hunger and the ruins call out like needy children for blood, oh, so much more blood! Now that I am aware of their ancient existence, they will not remain silent!
What was — at first — revitalising, is now a torment. I can’t, no matter how hard I try, clean the blood from my face and hands. Nobody ever sees the red, but for me, yet this does not mean it doesn’t exist!
I purchased three Karui slaves from the marketplace the other morning. Strapping young lads of seventeen. At the blood site in the ancient ruins, they pleaded with me. Something about the place, the corruption engrained in the stonework… it spoke to them, and they knew. The powers demand blood, so I gave it to them. I opened the throats of those Karui lads and poured out their essence onto Atziri’s altar. As the sanguine liquid was sucked up by the stone, my mind frayed and I saw the Queen herself, naked and aroused, bathing in a pool of blood while her hand reached between her thighs.
I… I can’t shake her image from my mind, even now as I lay on my bed, I shiver with fear and anticipation. I have never felt lust for a woman in this magnitude. I fear the Queen shall be the death of me. When I close my eyes I see her, reaching out to embrace me. — Templar Davaro”
[528] 研究日誌 (Research Journal) IV
“My beautiful Queen is all I see. She dwells in another world, I know this now. Our worlds are separate realities, but not entirely ones without doors and bridges to offer transport. In our dreams we make love amidst the coagulation of our victims blood. The red is our passion and the gore has become our wedding bed.
Soon, I will be with my love, she will be closer to me than my own flesh. I have learnt a spell. Blood Thaumaturgy — forbidden by the Templars, but they have no idea as to the power they have ignored…
In the streets outside, Theopolis is in a panic. Two children belonging to noble families have gone missing in the night. As I look out my window, I see the guards questioning beggars and citizens alike. They will not find the boy or the girl. Such precious beings, they were. The young girl passed from consciousness before I took her. The boy, so brave, never screamed once, not even as my blade cut into the soft of his belly.
They are both silent now. Unmoving. And shortly I will join them, and together we shall unite with my queen — a happy family. Husband, Wife, Daughter, Son. My knife still drips beside me. I leave this final account in hopes that those who may find us will yearn for the same pleasures I have found, and join us in eternity.
- Templar Thaumaturgist, Davaro”
[529] 烏圖拉(Utula) 聖宗伊爾莉斯 High Templar Avarius
With Dominus away in Wraeclast, someone had to keep the wheels of oppression turning. Avarius was only too happy to take the job. He’d had plenty of practice already, of course. It was Avarius who led some of the largest and most crippling raids upon the Ngamakanui and the Ngakuramakoi. It was on his orders that men, women and children were shackled and shipped like cattle to Theopolis. And it was Avarius who spent five thousand Karui lives building his Templar Courts and his Chamber of Innocence. Who had wives and daughters scrub their husbands’ and fathers’ blood from the stones so as to preserve their ‘purity’. … — Utula, “High Templar Avarius”
[530] 烏圖拉(Utula) 神聖大教堂 Templar Court
聖堂教團可分為兩個部分:一個莊嚴的前庭,以及一個斑駁的後庭。位於前方的是聖堂法庭,如果靈語者蠢到在聖堂教團的聽證會上亂來,他們就有得受的。奧瑞亞的木材商一定從這裡撈了不少吧…噢,如果風向剛好對到了,你甚至可以聞到火刑者的炙烤味。後庭叫作無罪之室,也是他們真正的信仰中心。資淺的聖堂武僧會前來向他們偉大的神獻上敬意,但是他們的良知也正好是在這裡磨盡的。我從來沒有踏進無罪之室,不過你從百步開外就感覺得到 身體裡有對眼睛注視著你,而且絕不放過你這一生的任何汙點。聽我說,一個正常人踏進去後,走出來的就只有傳道者和灰燼。如果你真的要進去,請多保重。
There’s two parts to the Templar. The grim face and the spotty arse. Out front you’ve got the Templar Courts, usually the last place our hatungo see if they’re stupid enough to preach their craft within a Templar’s hearing. Oriath’s wood-mongers must do a roaring trade with that place. When the wind blows right, you can smell the aroma of barbequed blasphemer from here. The arse end, that’s the Chamber of Innocence. It’s where the real earnest believing gets done. Where the young Templar go to pay their respect to God almighty and get the good sense baptised out of their heads. I’ve not seen the inside the chamber myself, but you can feel it from over a block away. Like there’s an eye in your gut, peering through your insides, looking for even the tiniest stain of Sin. I tell you, sane people go in one end of that place, ash and apostles come out the other. Watch yourself in there.
[531] Some say that Dominus exiled the dregs of Oriath to the shores of Wraeclast. No, he exiled anyone who was going to give him trouble, who was going to cause ripples in his progressive theocracy.
Seven men and women, masters in their fields, stood against Dominus’ tyranny. Some with words, others with steel. Seven masters forsaken, sent to die in a corrupted land. Seven masters who lived, learned, and now thrive in Wraeclast. Seven Forsaken Masters who can train you… if you choose to help them.
[530] 流亡者的信(Letters of Exile)
Barden of Inkley
Sentenced: 1597 IC
Transgressions: Unlawful Avarice. One count of Petty Larceny. Pecuniary Sloth. Being unable to sustain an Occupation of Value to Society
Brylla of Cinderford
Sentenced: 1599 IC
Transgressions: Theosophical Vanity. Three counts of Upholding and Promoting Heretical Beliefs. Practising Medicine without Qualification.
Cafar of Beecham.
Sentenced: 1599 IC
Transgressions: Unlawful Avarice. One count of possessing stolen goods. Civil Envy. One count of resisting Templar authority.
Carling of Mirfield
Sentenced: 1599 IC
Transgressions: Civil Envy. One count of defaming a Church Official.
Ender of Romsey
Sentenced: 1597 IC
Transgressions: Unlawful Avarice. Two counts of Petty Larceny. One count of Grand Larceny of Church Property.
Hadrey of Dayton
Sentenced: 1598 IC
Transgressions: Theosophical Pride. One count of Public Heresy. One count of challenging the Authority of a Church Official.
Hillock of Slaugh
Sentenced: 1599 IC
Transgressions: Mortal Wrath. Six counts of Common Homicide. One count of Infanticide. Two counts of Homicide with post-mortem Desecration. Unlawful Avarice. Twelve counts of Extortion through Threat of Mortal Harm. Seven counts of Armed Larceny. Two counts of Armed Larceny resulting in Mortal Harm.
Unsolicited Lust. Four counts of Rape. Two counts of Attempted Rape. Mortal Wrath. One count of Rape resulting in Mortality.
Joy of Kimbey
Sentenced: 1599 IC
Transgressions: Civil Envy. One count of Harbouring a Sentenced Exile.
Kraityn of Theopolis
Sentenced: 1598 IC
Transgressions: Unlawful Avarice. Two counts of Grand Larceny of Church Property. Seven counts of Grand Larceny of Private Property. Nine counts of Extortion through Threat of Mortal Harm. Four counts of Armed Robbery. Pecuniary Sloth. Being Unwilling to obtain an Occupation of Value to Society. Enticing Citizens into conduct of a Wanton and Depraved nature. Civil Envy. Two counts of Blackmailing a Church Official. Eight counts of Attempting to Corrupt a Member of the Ebony Legion. Two counts of Inciting the Public to Riotous Behaviour. Unlawful Pride. Eighteen counts of Verbal Abuse of a Church Official. Twenty-seven counts of Verbal Abuse of an Officer of the Ebony Legion. Eight counts of Publicly promoting Unlawful and Lecherous Practices. Narcotic Gluttony. Thirteen counts of Supplying Narcotic substances. Four counts of Cultivating Narcotic substances. One count of Public Obscenity whilst under the Influence of Narcotic substancesPecuniary Lust. Nine counts of Pandering. Two counts of Directing an establishment of Ill Repute. Six counts of Prostitution involving Unholy and Degrading Acts. Mercantile Wrath. Eleven counts of common Homicide for Pecuniary Gain. Four counts of Homicide of an Officer of the Ebony Legion for Pecuniary Gain. Two counts of Episcopicide for Pecuniary Gain. One count of Matricide for Pecuniary Gain.
Lothar of Wetherdale
Sentenced: 1597 IC
Transgressions: Civil Envy. Four counts of undermining Templar authority. One count of falsely defaming a Templar of Highest Reverence.
Maitlin of Theopolis
Sentenced: 1597 IC
Transgressions: Disciplinary Sloth. One count of Negligence leading to Bodily Harm. One count of Negligence leading to Financial Harm.
Maramoa of Ngamakanui
Sentenced: 1597 IC
Transgressions: Civil Envy. Inciting Insurrection amongst the Bonded Workforce. Three counts of Insubordination to Officers of the Ebony Legion. Mortal Wrath. Assaulting an Officer of the Ebony Legion. One count of Hericide.
Missy of Nashe
Sentenced: 1597 IC
Transgressions: Pecuniary Lust. Operating a House of Ill Repute without a License.
Ollin of Theopolis
Sentenced: 1599 IC
Transgressions: Unlawful Avarice. One count of Petty Theft. Civil Envy. One count of Resisting the Authority of an Officer of the Ebony Legion. Mortal Wrath. One count of Reckless Conduct leading to the Accidental Homicide of an Officer of the Ebony Legion
Salem of Theopolis
Sentenced: 1599 IC
Transgressions: Defamatory Vanity. Three counts of Unauthorized Political Satire. Six counts of Blasphemy. One count of Inciting Public Unrest. Performing in Public without a License.
- 聖宗領導人神主
[532] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/985043
Some say that Dominus exiled the dregs of Oriath to the shores of Wraeclast. No, he exiled anyone who was going to give him trouble, who was going to cause ripples in his progressive theocracy. Seven men and women, masters in their fields, stood against Dominus’ tyranny. Some with words, others with steel. Seven masters forsaken, sent to die in a corrupted land. Seven masters who lived, learned, and now thrive in Wraeclast. … -
POE版本:3.4.5c 掘獄聯盟(Delve)
中文資料來源:http://poedb.tw/ (流亡編年史)
英文資料來源:https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki (POE Wiki)