
29 min readDec 2, 2018


【永恆帝國 文獻】

[244] 官方漫畫

Path of Exile 001- The Karui Way (2014)

[245] 官方漫畫

Path of Exile 002 — The Karui Way (2014)

[246] 官方漫畫

Path of Exile 003 — Death to Sin (2015)

[247] 官方漫畫

Path Of Exile 004- The Black Heart (2015)

[248] 古物(The Ancients) 第四冊:阿茲莫里人的崛起 Book 4: Raising the Azmeri

倒下一杯阿茲莫里茶,然後從葉片中尋覓你的未來─ 你會發現瓦爾語竟然派上用場!不用感到驚訝:我們的文學是阿茲莫里和瓦爾兩大文化聯姻的產物。在約莫兩千五百年前,阿茲莫里文化與瓦爾族第一次接觸。在這之前,阿茲莫里的一切事物均以口耳相傳。在這之後,阿茲莫里人的文學蓬勃成長,而阿茲莫里文化的各個層面也都因此一飛沖天。當第一批瓦爾大使踏上阿茲莫里人山腰上的家園時,瓦爾族讓原始的阿茲莫里人轉變為擁有凝聚力的務農民族。對於瓦爾族十分慷慨地散播他們的知識和信仰,但他們對於「眾神之淚」、也就是我們今天所稱的「古靈寶石」始終三緘其口。經過長年的調查之後,目前還是沒找到阿茲莫里人在古早使用寶石的記載。雖然他們提到瓦爾人的肉體裡帶著閃閃發亮的水晶,先祖們也從未奢望寶石內潛藏的力量。這種關係一直持續到第一批瓦爾難民在五百年後上門求助為止。 — 圖書館長 特里尼安

Drain a cup of Azmerian tea and then try to read your future in the leaves. You’ll find that your Vaalish will come in mighty handy. Our literature was conceived and born within the Azmeri’s cultural marriage with the Vaal. Prior to Vaal contact some 2500 years ago, the Azmerian culture had a purely oral tradition of story and record keeping. Afterwards, their literary culture blossomed, along with just about every other aspect of their fledgling civilisation. From the moment the first Vaalish embassadors set foot upon the rugged slopes of the Azmerian Ranges, the Vaal civilisation held the hand of the Azmeri as they grew from a primitive tribal existence into a cohesive culture of settlement and agriculture. Yet while the Vaal were generous with their knowledge and guidance in many areas, there is one subject upon which they were notably silent: the Tears of Maji, now known as Virtue Gems. Despite an exhaustive search, neither account nor passing reference can be found regarding gem usage amongst the early Azmeri. Though they described the Vaal as having flesh adorned with glittering crystals, our Azmerian ancestors were never privy to the gems’ potentials or powers. At least, not until the first Vaal refugees came knocking five hundred years later. -Trinian — Intellectus Prime

[249] 艾米爾(Eramir) 阿茲莫里 The Azmeri


The Azmeri. The culture that descended from the Azmerian Mountains and founded the Eternal Empire, so long ago. Not that these people have any understanding of their lineage. Their history, identity … all but destroyed in the cataclysm. These Azmeri took in a disowned son of Oriath, fed me, healed me. To repay my debt, I’ve taken in the orphans of a dead empire.

[246] -艾爾雷恩(Elreon, Loremaster) 永恆帝國


You know, the Eternal Empire was founded by crusaders, men and women just like you. God appeared to an Azmerian shepherd boy, many hundreds of years ago. He told the boy to lead his people from the mountains of poverty, down into the forbidden lands where prosperity awaited the bold. There, he was to build upon the bones of the fallen, and found a nation of the Faithful. That boy was Veruso, the Prima Imperialis, first emperor of the Eternals. — Elreon, “Founding of the Empire”

[247] 古物(The Ancients) 第六冊:恆曆 Book 6: Imperialus Conceptus

塔庫斯.維盧梭率領著八萬族人踏上阿札拉瓦爾那已覆亡的家園。他在阿茲里的陵墓插上旗幟,建立起偉大的永恆帝國。旗幟上寫著:「瓦爾族不願正視付出血肉的代價,招致覆滅的命運。阿茲莫里目睹瓦爾的災難,將保障子民的平安。」維盧梭在阿札拉瓦爾的殘骸上建起一座名為「薩恩」的新城,維盧梭號召第一波軍團征服聖山下方的土地,清除覆亡之紀所留下的奇異創造物和怪物。誠如維盧梭所言,他保障子民的平安:他封起了瓦爾古老的教學和權力中心,對奇術創下禁令,讓學習瓦爾秘術者成為烈火的祭品。他考量到摧毀眾神之淚可能會帶來無法想像的後果,因此全數運往統治者之殿,埋入深山後加以密封,而古靈寶石就這樣受世人所遺忘。這是一個消滅歷史的卓越手段,但在敝人眼中,這不過是原始部族自認為征服敗者的激進手段。 — 圖書館長 特里尼安

Tarcus Veruso descended from the mountains and his eighty thousand tribesmen and women through the doomlands to Azala Vaal. There he planted his banner upon Atziri’s grave and with these words founded our great and eternal empire. “The Vaal closed their eyes to flesh and stone, to blood and bronze. We are not Vaal. We are Azmeri. For now and forever, our eyes are open.” Veruso built his capital upon the bones of Azala Vaal and baptized it Sarn. From there, Veruso formed the first Legions and proceeded to conquer the lands beneath the Mantle, clearing it of the mindless constructs and fierce abominations left in the wake of The Fall. True to his word, Veruso ensured that his people lived “with eyes open”. The ancient Vaalish centres of learning and power were sealed and quarantined. Thaumaturgy was outlawed and those who stained themselves with Vaalish folly were burned for their sin. The Tears of the Maji, too dangerous to be destroyed, were gathered up, taken to Highgate, and buried within the bowels of the mountains. The caverns there were sealed and forgotten. A supreme effort to erase the past. A primitive reaction born of primitive times, in the opinion of this humble historian. -Trinian — Intellectus Prime

[248] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 帝王維盧梭


By all accounts, Tarcus Veruso was a ruthless despot, a man to rival even the likes of Dominus. Yet his heart of stone contained one precious seam, his love for his wife, Chiara. So when the poor young woman died giving birth to Veruso’s son, Caspiro, the grieving emperor threw aside his great convictions and placed his last hope in thaumaturgy, in the Ankh of Eternity. Perhaps it was shame that drove Tarcus to lock the ankh away, to steal such hopes from his descendents. It was he who had asked his people to turn their backs on the ancient arts, so what right had he to enjoy that which he forbade? Love gave him that right.

[249] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 永恆的安克


[250] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 托爾曼


[251] 賀根(Hargan) 永恆的安克


[252] 永恆的十字架 Ankh of Eternity


“The amulet, it… whispers to me. Horrible things…”

[253] 青銅雕文 (Bronze Inscription) IV

「帝王試煉的習俗始自帝國創建之年。維盧梭的繼任者卡斯皮羅出生於低賤的軍團,他是試煉迷宮中唯一的生還者。所有其他有著高貴生世的挑戰著,包含維盧梭的獨生子皆殞於迷宮中。卡斯皮羅統治時證明了他在任何地方皆不亞於維盧梭。唉,帝王試煉迷宮被那些認為他們的血統比帝國更珍貴的虛榮者給汙衊。自私的血液滋生了自私的時光。而帝國則付出了帝國的血液為代價,隨著千緞之夜,隨著最為富豪的食人族,皇后羅米拉。不能再如此下去。我,伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯,應當返還正義。我將建立阿茲莫里史上最偉大的帝王試煉迷宮,而我的繼任者應當由女神來選擇。只有當帝王試煉迷宮被那些自私的血液浸濕之後,才會出現真正的領袖繼承皇位。」 — 皇帝伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯

“The custom of the Lord’s Trial was upheld throughout the founding years of the Empire. Veruso’s successor, Caspiro, was a low-born legionnaire, the lone survivor of a labyrinth that claimed the lives of every high-born contender, including Veruso’s only son.

Caspiro proved to be every bit the emperor that Veruso was.

Alas, the Lord’s Labyrinth was corrupted by those with the vanity to consider their blood more precious than their Empire. Selfish blood breeds selfish times, and the Empire paid for it with its own blood. With the Night of a Thousand Ribbons. With that most regal of cannibals, Emperor Romira.

Not any more. I, Izaro Phrecius, shall return us to Justice. I shall build the greatest Lord’s Labyrinth in Azmerian history, and my successor shall be chosen by the Goddess herself.

Only when the Lord’s Labyrinth is drenched in selfish blood can a true leader ascend the throne.”

- Emperor Izaro Phrecius

[254] 古物(The Ancients) 第七冊:費西亞的聖火 Book 7: The Light of Phrecia

五年之後,卡斯皮羅大帝也隨著父親的腳步告別這個世界(根據官方給的答案,維盧梭和卡斯皮洛移除了父子關係,這邊的文檔是錯誤的)。雖然他的詳細死因眾說紛紜,但都確認了一點:卡斯皮羅遭到來自某種黑暗型體的魔爪。阿拉諾.費西亞起軍為大帝復仇,並且成功驅散籠罩的黑暗,而這個地區在未來成為帝國的中心地帶。雖然歸咎於一部分帝國領土內陷入不詳之夜是一件可笑的事情,但當年的阿茲莫里史家都敘說著這段經歷─這不可能是一場巧合。這可能是一種特異的天氣,或是源自覆亡之紀後殘餘的奇術力量。對於此,敝人對任何可能都感到不安。阿拉諾於恆曆35年盧里西第一聖戒日寫道:「英勇的我軍將黑暗逐入那殘破巢穴,並將罪惡永遠封印其中。」 聖山山腳和公理山脈重見天日之後,阿拉諾.費西亞便帶著榮耀返回薩恩。由於維盧梭並未清楚指示王位繼承者,阿拉諾便登基為大帝,而帝國中心地帶便以他的姓氏為名,藉此紀念他的事蹟。阿茲莫里最終在瓦爾的故土定居。費西亞一族成為永恆帝國的正宗且從未間斷,守護著帝國的和平與繁盛。 「守護帝國子民的平安!」─ 這是聖堂教團聖宗加冕為永恆大帝時,必須宣讀的誓詞。- 圖書館長 特里尼安

Five years after his father’s death, Emperor Caspiro, too, was dead. Although accounts of the exact details differ, one clear fact is agreed upon. Caspiro was dismembered by something referred to simply as a dark being. It was General Alano Phrecia who avenged the Emperor’s death and who triumphed in driving away the pervasive darkness enveloping what would become the imperial heartlands. Though it seems fanciful to contemplate a portion of our Empire cast in perpetual night, Azmerian writers of the time are unified in their depiction. Perhaps it was caused by peculiar weather patterns or some thaumaturgical residue of The Fall. On this matter, this humble historian is left in the uncomfortable state of pure conjecture. On the first Sacrato of Lurici, 35 I.C., Alano himself wrote that “our legions drove the dark being deep into the recesses of its lair and sealed it away for eternity”. Having returned the gaze of Solaris to those lands stretching from the foot of the Mantle to the Axiom Ranges, Alano Phrecia returned to Sarn. In the absence of a clear Veruso succession, Alano was crowned emperor and the Imperial heartlands were named in his honour. With the former realm of the Vaal thus tamed and settled by our Azmerian ancestors, the Eternal Empire saw a long period of peace and prosperity under an unbroken line of Phrecia emperors. “To care for this Empire with eyes open.” — A traditional vow made by the High Templar upon the coronation of an Eternal Emperor. -Trinian, Intellectus Prime

[255] 羅米拉的潛力之環 寶鑽戒指 Romira’s Banquet


The Empress gave Romira two sons. Born of his brother’s seed. Romira threw her a banquet. A perfidious meal indeed.

[256] 青銅碑文(Bronze Monograph) 燃燒試煉 Trial of Burning Rage


On the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, our finest city burned. It burned with fires lit by cruelty and neglect. It burned with shame for giving the title of ‘Emperor’ to a man who did not deserve it.

[257] 盛宴 The Feast 羅米拉的潛力之環


Shame what happened to my husband. He had such good taste.

[258] 千縷 簡易之袍 Thousand Ribbons


The night of a thousand ribbons. To remember the day of a thousand flames. When Sarn burned. And was born again

[259] 青銅雕文 (Bronze Inscription) I

“在我年幼時的統治時,我被鼓勵著相信身在我血液中高貴的血脈。那些庸俗的家臣們總是平淡得稱之為「神聖之酒」。不幸的是,我的神聖之酒卻拒絕了傳下到另一個杯子。儘管我不斷地與年輕忠誠的妻子嘗試,我神聖的種子卻無法散播。到底該選擇誰來做我的繼承人呢?手中最優秀的候選人也頂多是中等程度,最差的簡直是神經病一般。我感到十分的困擾。正當此時,命運帶領著我來到了薩恩圖書館中最寂靜的角落裡被人遺忘的書架前。這上面被世人遺忘的書卷寫著「古阿茲莫里族的昇華」。而剩下的,人們稱其為「歷史」。” — 帝王伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯

“In the impressionable youth of my reign, I was encouraged to believe in the precious nature of my imperial blood. The ‘divine claret’, as one fool of a courtier would repeat with tiresome regularity. Unfortunately, my divine claret refused to pour from one cup to another. Try as I might, with a lovely procession of young and ever dutiful wives, my noble seed simply would not sprout. Who, then, to choose as my worthy successor? With the candidates on hand either mediocre at best, or maniacal at worst, I found myself in quite the quandary. That’s when Fortune took me by the hand and led me to a forgotten tome on a forgotten shelf in the quietest corner of Sarn Library. A tome entitled, ‘Ancient Traditions of Azmerian Ascendancy’. The rest, one might say, is history.” — Emperor Izaro Phrecius

[260] 青銅雕文 (Bronze Inscription) II

“阿茲莫里族人是歷史上第一個透過力量、智慧,和心靈的試煉來篩選其酋長的民族。第一次帝王的試煉是個充滿野生動物和危險陷阱的粗糙迷宮。它的目的就是測試阿茲莫里酋長的身心靈。為了攻克迷宮種種的難題,真正的戰士必須證明他無比的抗壓能力,才能成為酋長。第一次的試煉是個單純的陷阱試煉。隨著阿茲莫里的技術成長,試煉的複雜性也跟著提高了,從狡猾的迷宮成為了讓人無法理解的巨大迷宮。然而,當時大臣相維盧梭所經歷的試煉卻沒有留下任何關於試煉的記載或證據。我想那可能是個無法想像的困難試煉。” — 帝王伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯

“The Azmeri were the first culture known in history to use trials of strength, wisdom and spirit to select its chieftains. The first Lord’s Trial was a rough-hewn maze festooned with wild animals and brutal traps, crafted to test aspiring Azmerian leaders’ body, mind and soul. In conquering the adversities of the maze, a champion proved they were capable of bearing the crushing burden of chieftainship. The first trials were simple contraptions reflecting simple times. As the Azmerian civilisation grew in number and complexity, so did the trials, from treacherous mazes to bewildering labyrinths. Alas, there are no surviving descriptions of the labyrinth that tested and proved the worth of Veruso, Prima Imperialus. I imagine it was quite something to behold.” — Emperor Izaro Phrecius

[261] 賀根(Hargan) 空中花園

如果你想搞古董事業,得熟悉歷史啊。像是死亡花園和伊澤洛之類的。你聽過領主迷宮嗎?伊澤洛設計了死亡花園,用來測試他的「偉大創作」。他把自己的花園改造成一座迷宮,擺上各式各樣的陷阱和野獸。落網的罪犯都可以選擇 死刑或進入死亡花園。雖然叫死亡花園,只要闖得過,他們的罪就受到赦免。不過,到目前為止似乎還沒人因此獲得赦免。當人們的時間和財富太多的時候,就會發生這種事。

[262] 青銅板 (Bronze Plaque)


帝王的迷宮,恆曆 1317 年第二次疾馳日,由帝王伊澤洛.瑞希亞斯所開啟

“The Just Goddess presides over us all. The future of the Empire rests in her even hands.”

The Lord’s Labyrinth, opened by Emperor Izaro Phrecius on the second Galvano of Azmeri, 1317 IC.

[263] 伊澤洛之謎 帝國戰爪 Izaro’s Dilemma「帝王迷宮」


Izaro saw himself not as a man, but as a divine saviour trapped in a man’s body.

[264] 卡迪羅.普蘭德斯(Cadiro Perandus) 普蘭德斯家族 The Perandus Family


[265] 血謔 銳利刺匕 Bloodplay

「吾乃畫者,深紅為吾所選擇之顏料」- 沉默兄弟會克拉里多

“I’m a painter, and crimson is my chosen hue.” — Coralito, Brotherhood of Silence

[266] 卡迪羅.普蘭德斯(Cadiro Perandus) 伊澤洛 Izaro


So you’ve polished off Izaro’s ‘Lord’s Labyrinth’ have you? Proved that you have the mettle for imperial leadership. Sadly, the empire isn’t what it used to be, but you’re more than welcome to know it back into shape for us. Despite my personal feelings surrounding Izaro Phrecius, he did provide we Perandus folk with an unprecedented opportunity. Over the centuries, the Phrecius family had blocked our every attempt to gain the throne on the scandalous basis that our blood was not of imperial quality So when Izaro called that whole blood fiasco into question with his Lord’s Labyrinth, it gave us the only clear shot we would ever have at sovereignty. Without Izaro, the Perandus name may never have come to be associated with the throne. So in a somewhat qualified fashion, he has my gratitude.

[267] 初雪 鈷藍珠寶 First Snow


Cadiro watched young Chitus play in the frostbitten grass, care-free, happy, and unburdened by the responsibility the Perandus scion would soon endure.

[268] 切斯特給卡迪羅的信 I (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1538608)

3rd Kaso of Vitali, 1316 I.C.

Uncle Cadiro,

While my father remains determined to play the role of Izaro’s lapdog, I trust that you and I are of like mind regarding our ‘glorious’ Emperor’s ridiculous Labyrinth. He would have us entrust our imperial leadership to the primitive diversions of some cave-dwelling ancestors. It is beyond reasoning. In fact, it can only be surmised that Izaro himself is also beyond reasoning.

On that matter, I suppose it should come as no surprise. Phrecius blood has become polluted by decadence and incest. It is no secret. So perhaps it is a matter of good fortune that Izaro has not been able to sire an heir. For such a whelp would be undoubtedly dim or demented. Yes, such emperors are easy to control, but they can also be extremely dangerous, as the Empire learned all too well with Romira.

So in his own deluded way, Izaro is right to look to fresh sources of blood to serve our Eternal Empire. Yet he looks in the wrong places. Perandus blood has served the throne roudly since Veruso first set his foot upon the soil of Sarn. Perandus gold has filled the imperial coffers.

Perandus minds have crafted this Empire into the marvel it is today. And has a single Perandus ever sat upon the imperial throne? No. Izaro’s plans are an insult to the Empire and an insult to us, its most devoted servants. Izaro spits upon our very blood and then offers up everything we have worked for to the first fortunate fool who stumbles through his little maze. I will not stand by and allow Izaro to deliver us all unto damnation. I trust, dear uncle, that I can rely on your support.

- Chitus

[269] 切斯特給卡迪羅的信 II (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1538608)

1st Lunaro of Verusi, 1317 I.C.

Uncle Cadiro,

Our Eternal Emperor Izaro might be insane but he’s clearly not stupid. Or at the very least, he has had the presence of mind to surround himself with clever people. Three meticulously planned attempts on Izaro’s life. Three astutely thwarted failures.

Of course, none of them can be traced back to us, Uncle. You can rest assured that I have been most discrete in my arrangements. As for Cousin Elano, he will be dead by sunrise. We need not fair [sic] any inconvenient disclosure on his part, and he is not a Perandus by name. His familial connection is known only to us. It’s a simple matter to keep a bastard or two in the shadows for occasions such as this. Legitimacy is a useful carrot to dangle.

I assume you’ve been keeping abreast of the Labyrinth’s progress? I have purchased several of Izaro’s overseers and they keep me informed. I’m told it’s to house quite the menagerie of monstrosities. And the mechanisms that are currently being installed, many of which Izaro designed himself, are utterly nefarious in their invention. While one might easily question the man’s rationality, one cannot so easily discount his imagination. If only Izaro had contented himself with an artistic pursuit some kind [sic], such as painting or sculpture. Instead he now drains the imperial coffers dry, building a delirious promise to the peasants and peons of Wraeclast.

“Come one and all! Enjoy the largest playground ever created. And should you win the games that I have laid out for you, why, you shall be crowned emperor!” Izaro would place our fortunes in the calloused hands of ignorance. He would have us forget the centuries of leadership, diplomacy, prosperity and security that we, the ruling families of Sarn, have amassed. Izaro’s folly will be the end of our beloved empire. I, for one, will not let that happen, Uncle.

- Chitus

[270] 切斯特給卡迪羅的信 III (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1538608)

3rd Solaro of Divini, 1318 I.C.

Uncle Cadiro,

I am as ready for this Labyrinth as I will ever be. Each day I have trained with the duelist, KreFaarblood. There is no better swordsman in all of Sarn and I have been a most attentive pupil. So attentive that he made the mistake of admitting, after his twelfth cup of wine, that he is not of the noble blood he claims to be. His ‘disinherited dandy’ act is just that: an act. People have a tendency to entrust me with their secrets. I know, it’s a valuable gift.

Please have Faarblood tried and hanged, discreetly, away from the crowds. We simply can’t have commoners impersonating their betters. Yes, I have familiarised myself with the architectural plans you so kindly obtained for me, and I have paid certain overseers handsomely for further details regarding Izaro’s various hazards and living horrors. The man is obsessed with spikes. They pop out of the floor, spin on treacherously shifting wheels and even roam about like predators in search of prey. Izaro’s mechanisms are truly of the most devious design. And the creatures! If it bites, claws or stings, in [sic] now lives in that Labyrinth.

Fear not, uncle [sic]. I have designs of my own. My hirelings shall place discreet caches of supplies here and there, in the eventuality that I should need restoration or assistance. I shall enclose a list of their names. It would be our interests [sic] if those named men and women were to, upon the Labyrinth’s completion, suffer accidents of a mortal nature. One word spoken carelessly could end any hope of a Perandus ever ascending the imperial throne. A few common lives are nothing compared to the slaughter that would occur if, God help us, one of the Ezomyte contenders survived this Labyrinth in my stead.

So there it is. Our noble endeavour to save our Empire from a madman. I do this for our family. I

do this for our Empire.

We are Eternal.

- Chitus

[271] 舍吉的手柄 強化長杖 Xirgil’s Crank「帝王迷宮」

“因為任何擁有關於機器知識的人,皆有可能讓迷宮停止運作,伊澤洛命令我們設下許多假的誘餌,但我仍然知道正確的開關是哪個。”- 舍吉,陷阱製造師的遺言

“Since one with knowledge of machines might be able to bring the labyrinth to a standstill, Izaro had us place many boobytrapped decoys. But I know which switch brings the monster down.” — Xirgil, Trapbuilder’s final words.

[272]伊澤洛 帝王試煉迷宮


You stand before the gates of the Lord’s Labyrinth. Within these walls, the Lady of Justice doth
preside. She shall weigh your Mind in one hand, your Heart in the other. Should she find you
wanting, death shall be your sentence. Should she find you worthy, you will be given the loyalty and
love of an empire. The Lord’s Labyrinth awaits you. Choose wisely. Strike quickly. Trust completely.
And may you find the ending that you deserve.

[273] 詩(Poem) I












The Son of Ezomyr met the Son of Sarn

Upon the road to the Imperial throne.

The Eternal offered his cunning,

His eyes and ears, bought and paid for.

The Ezomyte offered his strength,

His sword, earned in the arena.

A pact was forged,

With the Labyrinth as witness.

Two men separated by blood.

Two men bound by hope.

Two men, and only one emperor.

[274] 詩(Poem) II










而其他昇華者呼應他們的驕傲, 隨著痛處和苦痛。

The Ezomyte and the Eternal took their rest

In the lee of strife’s gale,

And remembered the travelled road.

Beast and fiend had fallen and bled,

To the Ezomyte’s sword, swift and true.

Trap and trial had risen and succumbed,

To the Eternal’s wits, quick and shrewd.

Two men had cried their triumph,

A Warrior and his Guide,

Whilst other ascendants echoed their pride,

With anguish and agony.

[275] 詩(Poem) III














The Warrior bled upon Izaro’s stones,

And cursed Izaro’s ilk.

He looked upon the walls of his tomb,

Built by his masters, his enemies,

And called for the First Ones to carry him,

To the forest and fields of his Ezomyr.

Yet while the First Ones remained silent,

The Guide did speak

Of secrets planted by clever hands

Enslaved by gold.

And with one such secret,

Plucked the life of the Warrior

From the First Ones’ jaws.

[276] 詩(Poem) IV



















A Guide, cornered and quailing,

A Warrior, watching,

The moment bathed in the shadow

Of doubt,

Of ambition,

Of an imperial throne.

And a people made free

By an Emperor of Ezomyr.

The Warrior threw off that cold and cloying shadow,

And struck down the slavering beasts.

The Guide looked to the Warrior

With gratitude in his eyes.

And spoke of doubt,

Of ambition,

Of an imperial throne,

And a people made free

By an Emperor of Sarn.

[277] 詩(Poem) V

















The Guide led the Warrior down a path

That wound and twisted

Through fields of blossoming promises.

Green-bladed hopes.

The Warrior closed his eyes.

A mere moment

To feel the warmth of the sun on his back,

And to drink from the Guide’s proffered flask.

Now the Warrior staggers and crawls

Down the wounded, tortured causeway.

The bitterness stings his weeping eyes.

The fire roars in his belly,

Consuming him.

The Warrior will not ascend.

Instead he hunts.

Guided by his love for Ezomyr.

[278] 伊澤洛 帝王試煉迷宮

Before your emperor, you are worthy. Before the Goddess of Justice, you are worthy. Receive our blessings. Embrace our gifts. And rise, ascendant, for this is the ending that we all deserve.

[279] 昇華之風 遠古護手 Winds of Change「帝王迷宮」


Izaro was slow to see the treachery growing in his own court and powerless to stop it once he had; a captain sailing his own ship into rocks.

[280] 伊澤洛 https://www.pathofexile.com/ascendancy/izaro

When an aging Izaro retired and gave the throne to Chitus on the First Kaso of Verusi, 1319 IC, the new emperor immediately cast Izaro into the Lord’s Labyrinth and sealed the gates behind him. Twinned with the Goddess he worshipped, Emperor Izaro lives on in the Labyrinth.

[281] 伊澤洛之亂 赤紅珠寶 Izaro’s Turmoil「帝王迷宮」


The once-glorious emperor spent his final days imprisoned in his greatest creation; a tool to filter out the unworthy that pushed a monster to power.

[282] 關於阿茲里女王


It was said of the beautiful Atziri that she “wished to see her likeness reflected in the still waters
of history.” Chitus was no less self-impressed.

[283] 強權之勢 翠綠珠寶 Might and Influence


Emperor Chitus could offer you a gift with one hand, and drive a blade into your back with the other. His blend of brutality and charisma cultured a potent mixture of fear and admiration among the masses.

[284] 急速擴張 赤紅珠寶 Rapid Expansion


Chitus began to aggressively expand his empire into neighbouring nations at great human cost. But for absolute power, there is no price that a Perandus won’t pay.

[285] 卡爾麗莎(Clarissa) 關於淨化叛亂 The Purity Rebellion


Chitus thought that the Gemling was the pinnacle of human progress. “These glorious gems have brought us within spitting distance of godhood”, he once said. The High Templar as the time, Voll of Thebrus, thought they were a perversion. He wanted the Empire made pure, “cleansed of the stain of thaumaturgy”. You look at Sarn and tell me which one you thought was right. And while you’re out there, look out for monkeys. No, not those bloody monkeys from Phrecia. These ones are painted on the walls. I think you’ll find them enlightening.

[286] 卡迪羅.普蘭德斯(Cadiro Perandus) 切特斯.普蘭德斯 Chitus Perandus

切特斯看起來將成為繼維盧梭之後最偉大的領袖。我侄子的寶石奇術能使帝國成為永恆,能夠使人類脆弱如糞的血肉之軀得到提升。至於財富… 喔,那帝國中的資本家之微血管中都能流著無盡的財富。


Chitus was shaping up to be the greatest leader since Veruso. My nephew’s gemling thaumatocracy would have made the Empire truly eternal, would have raised mankind up from the fragile muck of flesh and blood. And the wealth… oh the riches that could have flowed through the Empire’s capitalist capillaries.

Then that idiot of a High Templar had to come along and ruin it all. Him and his ‘God of Purity’ and his army of fanatics and barbarians. A veritable horde of ignorance.

If Chitus had lived, the Empire would have lived, and oh what a wondrous and eternal life it would have had!

[287] 鋼鐵指揮 死亡之弓 Iron Commander


The Eternals commanded an army that need not eat, sleep, or breathe without the usual depravities of necromancy.

[288] 切特斯的威權 操靈者之冠 Chitus’ Apex

「君臨四海從未一蹴可及,統治萬民亦須恩威並濟。」- 切特斯大帝

“It takes true strength to hold power, and my grip grows tighter by the day.” — Emperor Chitus

[289] 穆希爾斯.獅眼的半身像 Bust of Marceus Lioneye


The Emperor honours Marceus Lioneye as Supreme Servant. “The road to Glory is paved with Sacrifice.”

[290] 烏圖拉(Utula) 奴役監牢 Slave Pens

深呼吸一下、 體驗互相利用和迫害有多麼令人厭惡。馬爾賽斯‧獅眼擄獲第一批卡魯族人的時候,這些隔間和牢房就是受擄族人的新家。獅眼是「帝國的英雄」,也是他們有史以來最傑出的奴隸頭子。不過,他並不是唯一一個。席格蒙德‧費爾隊長資助過一些遠征隊,不時擄些卡魯族孩子回來當奴工。聖宗領導人神主也是近代當人口販子致富者之一。奧瑞亞的財富是以卡魯族的貧困作為代價,奧瑞亞的每一枚金幣都已染上卡魯族的血。

Take a deep breath. Inhale the twin stink of exploitation and oppression. Yes, these pens and cells have been our home away from home since the first Karui were brought here by Marceus Lioneye. Their great ‘Hero of the Empire’, one of the best slavers they ever had. Not that he was the only one. Captain Sigmund Fairgraves funded many an expedition off the whipped backs of Karui children. High Templar Dominus was only the latest in a long line of them to grow rich by trading in misery. Oriathan wealth was built on Karui poverty. Oriathan gold will forever be stained red by Karui blood.

[291] 獅眼的戰弓 帝國之弓 Lioneye’s Glare

「定睛瞄準;毫無遲疑,果斷放箭,轉瞬滅敵」- 薩恩的穆希爾斯.獅眼

“See without doubt, slay without hesitation.”- Marceus Lioneye of Sarn

[292] 赫克特.提圖瑟的半身像 Bust of Hector Titucius


The Emperor honours Hector Titucius as Supreme Servant. “Strength in purpose is strength in deed.”

[293] 競技大師里歐(Leo, Master of the Arena) 赫克特.提圖瑟


[294] 提圖庫斯的堅盾 強化塔盾 Titucius’ Span


A mighty bulwark, curved and strong. A dauntless wall, against the throng. All lance and arrow, knocked aside. For rout of foe, for turn of tide.

[295] 蓋厄斯.山特立的半身像 Bust of Gaius Sentari


The Emperor honours Gaius Sentari as Supreme Servant. “A man’s thoughts are his shackles. A man’s thoughts are his wings.”

[296] 山特立的回應 銅鍛魔盾 Sentari’s Answer


Open your eyes and you will see the cracks in your enemy’s walls. Open your mind and you will see the cracks in your enemy’s plans.

[297] 虹幕 咒者長靴 Rainbowstride

「世人總說邁出腳步才能解問題,但有些人就是無法一蹴而及。」- 蓋厄斯.山特立

“They say that you should take life’s troubles in your stride. Some men have a longer stride than others.” — Gaius Sentari

[298] 石碑 Plaque (Sceptre of God)‎ Found in The Sceptre of God.



Malachai — Laureate Thaumaturge to the Eternal Empire, The Father of Dreams.

[299] 瑪拉凱的日記(Malachai’s Journal Found in The Eternal Laboratory.

將你被禁錮的心靈釋放… 這是寶石的功能,它們真正的功效。當我指尖接觸到冰冷、光滑的寶石表時我就感受到了。我的頭骨開始脹痛,感覺是我的腦在成長而擠壓到了頭骨,在找一個地方從頭骨中解脫。那個夜晚,當足夠的酒中於暫時麻痺了痛楚而使我入睡時,我開始做夢。夢魘永遠都會跟隨著我。- 瑪拉凱

Tear down the walls that imprison the mind… that is what the gems do. That is their true ‘virtue’. The moment my fingertips brushed the cool, silken planes of that first gem, I felt it. My skull ached, as if its contents were growing, pressing against the bone, searching for a way to break free. That night, once the wine had dulled the pain enough to allow the onset of sleep, the dreams began. I have not been without them since. Nor would I be. Every spark of thaumaturgy that I wield, every device that I forge, every creature that I transfigure, I owe to these lessons cloaked in Nightmare. From whence do these precepts hail? Certainly not the mundane grey between my ears. I possess only one reference that bears faith. Translated with unquestionable clarity by that idiot savant, Icius Perandus. “The Beast”. Doryani of the Vaal knew the truth. Soon now, so shall I. — Malachai

[300] 聚魂美酒 Decanter Spiritus

「人類的潛能因為肉體的泥淖而陷入盲目,唯有解放物質的桎梏、奔向靈魂的正途,才能體會人生真實的感觸。」- 超靈者瑪拉凱

“Man is blinded by the mud of his corporeal self. Only through the transformation of the material into the spiritual can we hope to taste the full body of life.” — Malachai the Soulless

[301] 靈體轉換 鈷藍珠寶 Healthy Mind


For the ambitious, flesh is a limitation.

[302] 戰殤 翠綠珠寶 Collateral Damage


Malachai ran roughshod over every ethical boundary in pursuit of creating the ideal gemling. For him, there was no doubt that the end would justify the means.

[303] 藝者 The Artist 等級 4 增幅

「顏料、金屬、血肉…真正的藝術家不會限制自己使用什麼素材。」 — 超靈者瑪拉凱

“Paint, metal, flesh… A true artist does not limit himself.” — Malachai the Soulless

[304] 薩歐賽(Siosa) 解讀第四頁



您的好友暨仰慕者 瑪拉凱

My dearest Icius,

I have been enlightened beyond expectation. Your work in translating these artefacts is worthy of the highest recompense, and thus I am delighted to offer you a position in my personal laboratory. Please do not give your escorts any consternation. I would be most pained to see such a precious asset damaged in any way.I very much look forward to working with you, Icius Perandus.

Your friend and admirer, Malachai

[305] 派蒂(Piety) 墮神者三人組( The Godless Three)


Malachai chose his three most loyal servants to guard those precious innards. His Godless Three. Inquisitor Maligaro, Shavronne of Umbra, and Doedre Darktongue. If the history books are accurate, High Templar Voll burned Maligaro and Doedre at the stake on his way to lay siege to Sarn. He didn’t have to worry himself with Shavronne. Brutus had already sorted her out. Yet slaves of nightmare seem to be shackled just as tightly to life as they are to the Beast. I, of course, am living proof of that. Don’t worry yourself with that little detail, though. Shackles are made to be unlocked.

[306] 刺殺大師瓦里西(Vorici, Master Assassin) 古靈寶石的起源

統治者之殿的礦坑是古靈寶石的發源地,就在聖權之泉的源頭,而這個水道從薩恩流向北方,最後導入山地。 我從碼頭帶了一些貨回來。這些寶石從深山裡被挖了出來,然後一批批地運到薩恩。 不過,古靈寶石的力量到底從何而來?我很不想承認,但我實在無法回答這個問題。

The Highgate Mines, that’s where the virtue gems originated. At the head of the Grantori Vitalis, the aqueduct that runs north from Sarn to the mountains. I procured a few shipping manifests from the docks. The gems were chipped out of the heart of the mountains, and delivered to Sarn by the ton. But from whence do the gems derive their power? Though I’m loath to admit it, even I don’t know the answer to that one.

[307] 維多里奧的手稿(Victario’s Writings) 第三編:尋覓古靈的奴隸 Volume 3: Slaves of Virtue

挑選和裝卸─為了把下一批人送往統治者之殿,他們都將前往蓋厄斯.山特立所說的「文化園區」。其中大多數是艾茲麥人,還有幾位皮膚黝黑的卡魯族人和馬拉克斯人。瑪拉凱已經把他們「改造」成最棒的工人:手腳拉長、扭曲,以及精心設計的雙面、三面關節,讓他們在未來的家園兼墳墓中,可以更方便從裂縫和縫隙拿出寶石。在大太陽下,他們的眼睛瞇了起來,顯然對陽光相當敏感:瑪拉凱在他們的眼球中注入微光素,這讓他們在陰暗的地底時,視覺也和白天一樣清晰。銬上枷鎖的奴隸駛向北方,而竭力掘出的寶石則運往南方─永恆帝國的居民正站立在力量和權勢的巔峰,被征服者的血肉正建構著繁華和興盛的基石,而永無止盡的時間總是扮演著公平和正義的見證者。 — 薩恩的維多里奧

Another shipment of human picks and shovels, bound for Highgate. Ezomytes mostly, care of Gaius Sentari’s “civilisation camps”. A few dark skins here and there, Karui and Maraketh. Malachai has had his wicked way with them all.

Limbs are stretched, contorted, double and triple jointed. All the better to pluck gems from the cracks and fissures of their home and tomb to be. They squint and cower in the sun, their eyeballs injected with gloom so that they might see in the subterranean night as they would in their warm, homeland day.

The shackled slaves shuffle north as the gems they mine tumble south, a glittering landslide of power and privilege for the fairest of our Eternal citizens. Civilisation is bought and paid for with the flesh and blood of the primitive. It is a debt that will one day need to be repaid. — Victario of Sarn

[308] 佩塔盧斯和芙安珈(Petarus and Vanja) 艾杜斯將軍













[309] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) 裂界 The Eternal Nightmare


Fury and Desire, together again. Lovely and lovely. Facets so shiny, replete with the vim of murdered souls. My Malachai did the crafting. Beautiful work. General Adus did the murdering. Equally beautiful work, in its own juicy way.

[310] 佩塔盧斯和芙安珈(Petarus and Vanja) 馬拉克斯之曆 I















[311] 達拉夫人(Lady Dialla) 關於切特斯Chitus


I was the emperor’s favourite, for a time. But Chitus had many favourites. He filled the Sceptre of God with favourites. Every now and then, he cleared away the clutter. Those who pleased him, they were given to his lords and generals. Those who did not… were given to his thaumaturgists. I talked to much, asked too many difficult questions. I was gifted to Malachai. My dear, troubled Malachai.

[312] 古物

「精美版的派蒂,但她的嘴滾動的像個陶土工滾輪」我曾經這樣形容達拉。但今日,我的女士卻像夢魘一般,像滿月的明光。達拉是我的寶石皇后,我們應該跟隨著她,讓世界成為她的統治。- 瑪拉凱

Malachai, 1st Caso of Divini, 1329 IC.

“Pretty as porcelain, but her mouth spins like the potter’s wheel.” That’s how I once described Dialla. Yet on this day, my lady is as ravishing as a nightmare, radiant as the fullest moon. Dialla is my Gemling Queen and we shall rule, side by side, over the world that will soon come to be. — Malachai

[313] 寶石皇后的贈禮 Gift of the Gemling Queen 等級 20 輔助寶石


Our Lady Dialla, as a symbol of our progress, shines greater than all the gems.

[314] 葛里戈(Grigor) 關於寶石皇后 The Gemling Queen I

在看過一首名為「永恆珍寶」的詩詞之後,我踏遍半個瓦爾克拉斯大陸:「獻上永恆珍寶之日,許下亙古同心之誓,讚嘆寶石皇后曼妙身姿,敬仰奇術之主巧思機智,雙眸對望眼神慈,卻是夕陽歸去時」 這首詩裡面提到一個重要的人物「寶石皇后」,而且她和艾茲麥人以及帝國的隕落有著直接的關係。請到東北方的日耀神殿一趟,在派蒂找到寶石皇后的遺骨前直接處理掉,讓她永遠安息吧。

I walked halfway across this forsaken continent because of an ode. Of Jewels and Eternity, it’s called.

For twinkled promises. Of jewels and eternity, The Gemling Queen gave her heart. And body To the King of Shades. For one more day in the sun, The last day in the sun.

That’s but a portion of the full epic. “The Gemling Queen” lived, and she’s the enigma behind the fall of the Ezomytes and the eternals both. Look to the Solaris Temple to the north-east. Find the Gemling Queen’s remains before Piety does… and destroy them.

[315] -Eternal and Diamond Supporter Newsletter #4

Lazhwar — An old archbishop of the Eternal Faith who secretly conducted dark experiments, using thaumaturgy to create his own miniature worlds in which he could rule as a God. Malachai studied his work with interest, using Lazhwar’s designs as the foundation for his Eternal Laboratory.

[316] 拉茲瓦的靈石 海玉護身符 Stone of Lazhwar


You are slow, foolish and ignorant. I am not.

[317] 地圖裝置(Reverie Device) Found in The Eternal Laboratory.

驟醒、定神,我在深宵提起炭筆構出雛形。痠痛、疲憊,即使旭陽升起我的思緒仍舊運作不停。它的身影是絕世美景。在夜間來臨時,這只裝置終於問世。我放上第一批的連結媒介。串聯起現世和異界。我瞭解這份珍寶來自何方。他盼望我的歸來,而我也不會辜負他的期望。 — 瑪拉凱

I awoke, feverish, and barely conscious I set to drawing these maps through the sable hours. By morning my fingers ached, my eyes burned, yet still I found no rest. The Reverie commanded its rendering. The Reverie Device now stands completed. I have placed the first of my maps within its receptacle. I have taken my maiden voyage into Nightmare. I know now that which sent me this precious gift. It knows me, expects my return. It would be foolish to disappoint. — Malachai

[318] 魔域寶盒 製圖師的保險箱 Empyrean Apparatus

「愚者行事,霧中跌宕,智者行事,躊躇自得」- 首席奇術師瑪拉凱

“A fool steps into the unknown. An explorer finds his way back again.” — Malachai, Thaumaturge Laureate

[319] 失落帝國 Lost Worlds 地圖

“在超出我書頁的範圍,超出我所理解的地方,有著其它的世界。奇妙的世界,恐怖的世界。” 阿拉米爾 — 給切斯特大帝的製圖師

“There are worlds that lie beyond the edge of my page, the edge of my understanding. Worlds of wonder. Worlds of terror.” Aramil — Cartographer to Emperor Chitus

[320] 德瑞的妙藥 良質魔力藥劑 Doedre’s Elixir


Doedre Darktongue knew the Way of the Thaumaturge. In order to receive, one must give… without hesitation.

[321] 瑪拉凱的奉獻 Malachai’s Dedication

Doedre Darktongue, an idol of fervor and dedication…

[322] 德瑞的精神手套 絲絨手套 Doedre’s Tenure


While Doedre lacked Maligaro’s sense of style, she surpassed her master in pure malevolence.

[323] Doedre Darktongue, Steam trading card description

After losing her tongue to Maligaro, Doedre embraced her new name with even more innovative means of spellcasting.

[324] 德瑞的宣言


Peel back the skin, for there are secrets in sinew. Mysteries in muscle. Plunder the intestinal fortress, reach deep into bowels of power. The esoterica of kings lies not in the mind, but in the beating walls of a bloodied heart! The wonders of the universe are screamed from the ramparts of our fleshly fortresses. Shall the meat show us holiness? Oh, how I feel the tingling of our sacred bodies pressed together, tight and fluid. Let the meat show us the way. Hail the meat, praise the meat. The meat is both debasement and divinity alike. The meat shall lead us down the path to true enlightenment.

[325] 赫蓮娜(Helena) 關於監獄大門


[326] 異能知識 鈷藍珠寶 Eldritch Knowledge

「唯一習得真奇術者,若非曠世奇才,即為瘋癲狂徒」- 烏姆布拉的薛朗

“True Thaumaturgy can only be learned by the brilliant or the mad.” — Shavronne of Umbra

[327] 奉獻 The Offering 薛朗的護身長袍


Eternal beauty has a cost, one which Shavronne was happy to pay with the lives of others.

[328] 薛朗的護身長袍 秘術長衣 Shavronne’s Wrappings


Shavronne’s apparel became ever more extravagant as her body and soul became ever more corrupted.

[329] 薛朗的宣言


This world is dull and ugly, an imperfect feast of sights, feelings and smells that repulse and depress. Yet amongst this deformity I have found my sublime calling. This world may be abominable, but to an extent, I can be its savior. I have been gifted with a special sight. Before me lies a blueprint of perfection, a kind of hidden beauty within skin, muscles, tendons and organs. With a tempered hand and a sharpened blade, I will refashion, reshape and rebirth this world. My obligation is immense, something that will, in all likelihood, consume my life. I cannot rest! My calling energises me. Such is an artist’s curse and compulsion.

[330] 赫蓮娜(Helena) 邪影寶石 The Baleful Gem


According to his notes, the Baleful Gem was a byproduct of Maligaro’s attempts to enhance the already formidable qualities of virtue gems. It was an abject failure yet Maligaro wasn’t one to waste his atrocities. By combining the Baleful Gem with the venom extracted from one of his arachnid subjects, he brewed something called ‘Black Elixir’. He proudly proclaimed it to be ‘the most potent poison in existence’ until it was stolen by a man named Victario. It was rather entertaining to read Maligaro’s intentions for Victario once he caught the man. Twisted…yet I can’t fault the Inquisitor’s creativity.

[331] 赫蓮娜(Helena) 馬雷葛蘿的尖刺


[332] 費德利塔斯之鋒 鋸狀薄刃 Fidelitas’ Spike


Maligaro was transformed by Raulo’s love. Thaumaturgy allowed Maligaro to return the favour.

[333] 赫蓮娜(Helena) 費德利塔斯


[334] 裝飾之力 The Garish Power 珠寶 (罪孽之殿)


Maligaro may have valued function over form, but that did not mute his flair for the dramatic.

[335] 馬雷葛蘿的染血透鏡 複合刺盾 Maligaro’s Lens

「看看四周,看到了什麼?腐化、墮落與罪惡?不,那其實是自然的演進。你只是看不到現實罷了。」- 審判者馬雷葛蘿

“Look around you. What do you see? Corruption, perversion, sin? No. It is progress. You simply lack the means to see it.” — Inquisitor Maligaro

[336] 茁壯苦痛 翠綠珠寶 Growing Agony


Maligaro understood that devotion to science, Means devotion to trial and error. For Maligaro’s errors, death was slow, And very painful.

[337] 轉化裝置(Transmutia Device) Found in The Chamber of Sins Level 2.


願此讓你美夢成真。- 帝國首席奇術師瑪拉凱

I bequeath this Transmutia Device to you, Inquisitor Maligaro, in recognition of your devotion to our sublime Art. May it be the chariot that conveys your dreams into reality. — Malachai, Thaumaturge Laureate to the Empire

[338] 馬雷葛蘿的宣言

閱讀我對這個世界的興趣不斷衰減:大部分孩子們在剛出生時,總是張大雙眼,對這個世界的一切感到驚奇。我和一般人不一樣。打從娘胎起,我就不斷追尋衝擊感官和心靈的驚奇事物。成為一個藝術家 是一件很需要批判技巧的工作:藝術家不能以世俗的眼光看世界,而是瞭解它該成為什麼模樣。 和平是最要不得的東西!只有弱者和低能才會追求和平,妨礙世界的進步。戰爭、混亂、恐懼、 愛和熱情都會讓世界更充滿樂趣,但我也體驗過這一切了。跟充滿不確定的渾沌比起來,這些都索然無味。

My interest in this world is dwindling. Most children begin their lives wide-eyed, amazed at what

this world has to offer. I have always been different. Since the day I was born I’ve been searching for

the new, the surprising, that which disturbs both senses and mind. Oh to be an artist! What a lamentable task. Not seeing the world as it is, but as it should be. Peace is the worst of it! A disgusting state of stagnation, fit only for the weak and vapid. War, confusion, terror. Love and passion, these things are closest the world gets to being interesting and alas, I have felt them all. Yet all these pale in comparison to the delightful chaos I have envisioned for this poor, dull world

[339] 學富之筆 粗紋法杖 The Poet’s Pen


In every piece of prose, lies a tiny spark of magic.

[340] 競技大師里歐(Leo, Master of the Arena) 關於淑女瑪莉琳


[341] 維多里奧的手稿(Victario’s Writings) 第一編:卡莉莎.梅亞絲 Volume 1: Kalisa Maas

也許我的雙耳實在太過平凡,不過在遇見卡莉莎.梅亞絲之前,我一直不瞭解布雷克托夫的作品除了像洪水般氾濫的多餘顫音,還有那溝鼠踩中夾子般的尖銳高音,還有什麼內涵可言。在她搭上起音時,我體會到了「動人心弦」的真諦─我那搏動的心臟隨著音調此起彼落,當我看見身旁的船夫們張大的雙眼露出光芒時,我相信他們也有同樣的感受。在傾聽安東尼奧那足以撕心裂肺的悲愴歌喉前,我通常都會在前面的詠嘆橋段小憩一下。不過今晚我打消了這個念頭。在卡莉莎拉出C強音的時候,她喉部的寶石發出如星光般耀眼的光芒,而音樂廳裡的每件玻璃製品都因此碎裂。場邊工作人員在中場緊急處理完地上的積水和碎罐,而醫護師也到場為遭碎片割傷的聽眾治療。我對於古靈寶石的理解現在得到了證實:將軍和眾官們無不希望接受瑪拉凱的「奇蹟水晶」,但這種殘害身體的舉動卻都讓帝國士兵和工人概括承受,顯得十分可笑。卡莉莎.梅亞絲讓我見識到這些寶石可以讓人們越過肉體的極限,讓深藏的靈魂潛能發光發熱。我感到困惑、在思緒中迷失:卡莉莎究竟是一名藝術家,還是藝術品本身?他還是我先前崇拜得五體投地、嬌滴滴的才女嗎?應該這麼說:她…還是一位女人嗎?- 薩恩的維多里奧

I never really understood Brektov’s work. Just a mess of trills and squeaky highs to my commoner ears. But that was before Kalisa Maas. From the very first note, her voice reached into my chest and plucked my beating heart from its cage. By the wide, glistening eyes of my fellow punters, I knew that they felt it too.

I’ve previously stolen a quick nap during the aria that precedes Antonio’s disembowelling. Not tonight. The gem at Kalisa’s throat sparkled with starlight brilliance as her C sharp shattered every pane of glass in the auditorium. An emergency intermission was called while the stage crew repaired the floods and cans, and a pair of physicians saw to those audience members lacerated by falling splinters. Now, my suspicion of the Virtue Gems is well-documented. Though general and courtier might fall over each other to have Malachai embed them with these miraculous crystals, it is a travesty of justice that the legionnaires and workers of this Empire should have such mutilations foisted upon them. Yet, in Kalisa Maas I’ve seen how these gems may rend apart our mortal bonds and permit our imaginations and souls to truly shine. I’m adrift in the quandary, no oar in sight. Is Kalisa the Artist or the Art? Is she the same woman I knew before, the young bundle of talent and timidity I had no choice but to adore? Is she still, in fact, a woman at all? — Victario of Sarn

[343] 維多里奧的手稿(Victario’s Writings) 第二編:最黑的猴子 Volume 2: The Blackest Monkey

猴王在午後的河岸上悠閒地散步。當他從那多毛的強壯肩膀往後瞄去,他注意到一隻有生以來看過最黑的猴子在他後方漫步著。猴王非常不喜歡任何猴子在未經他允許下跟著他,特別是他在河畔散心的時間,於是不客氣地向這隻最黑的猴子問道:「為什麼要跟著我?」最黑的猴子答道:「這樣我才能追隨你到天涯海角,敬愛的王。」感到厭煩的猴王吐了口口水,低聲咒罵後說道:「如果我不想要讓你追隨我呢?」最黑的猴子用香蕉汁般的溫順口吻答道:「想和作是完全不同的事情,敬愛的王。」「我可是猴王!我想做什麼就做什麼!」憤怒的猴王開始尖叫,激動得嘴角冒起了泡沫。最黑的猴子以蝶翼般的柔和口吻答道:「想和作是完全不同的事情,敬愛的王。」猴王震怒到不想浪費時間吐口水、咒罵、尖叫或是吐泡沫,而是轉身開始拔腿狂奔。身為陸地上最迅捷的王者,猴王沿著河岸疾馳,流水、疾風、甚至是思緒也都望塵莫及。到達河川的源頭之後,他登上眾山之頂、躍上浮雲之巔,然後…來到世界的盡頭。當猴王終於停下來小憩的時候,他又瞄到了這頭最黑的猴子,這差點讓他岔了氣。猴王哀怨地問道:「你為什麼要跟著我?」最黑的猴子問道:「我敬愛的王啊,您曾經來到世界的盡頭嗎?」猴王恍然大悟:「不…從來沒有。」牠最後的回答宛如死亡般輕盈:「這就是為什麼我要追隨你到天涯海角,我敬愛的王。」- 薩恩的維多里奧

The Monkey King was enjoying an afternoon amble along the riverbank when, upon looking over his hairy shoulder, he noticed the Blackest Monkey he’d ever seen ambling along behind him.

“Why do you follow me?” the Monkey King demanded of the Blackest Monkey, for he did not appreciate uninvited followings, especially on his riverbank amblings.

“So that I might go where you go, be where you be, my King,” answered the Blackest Monkey.

“And what if I do not want you to go where I go, be where I be?” clamored the irritated Monkey King with a spit and a gibber.

“Wanting and having are not the same, my King,” answered the Blackest Monkey in a voice as smooth as banana juice.

“I am the Monkey King! I do as I wish!” cried the now furious Monkey King with much shrieking and frothing.

“Wishing and doing are not the same, my King,” answered the Blackest Monkey in a voice as silken as butterfly wings.

Too wild to even spit or gibber, to shriek or froth, the Monkey King took to his heels and ran. Along the riverbank he raced, faster than the water, faster than the wind, faster than thought, for he was the Monkey King, and all know that the Monkey King has the fleetest feet in all the land.

He ran to the end of the river, and then to the end of the mountains, and then to the end of the clouds, and then to the End of the World.

And who should be there, waiting at his King’s feet at the End of the World, but the Blackest Monkey the King had ever seen.

“Why do you follow me?” the Monkey King begged of him.

“Have you ever been to the End of the World before, my King?” asked the Blackest Monkey.

“No, I have not.” realised the Monkey King.

“There is my reason to go where you go, be where you be, my King,” concluded the Blackest Monkey in a voice as warm and welcoming as death.

- Victario of Sarn

[343] 維多里奧的手稿(Victario’s Writings) 第四編:友情、現實 Volume 4: A Friend in Need

那天是薩恩的夏日─身上的汗水完全無法抵擋炙熱的空氣。羅倫吉和我啜飲著咖啡,裡面佐著來自北方的清涼冰塊。當他提到今晚將和瑪拉凱見面,在手中植入一顆古靈寶石的時候,他的聲音顫抖得厲害:那顆寶石將會裝入他的左手手掌。在吐完所有可以咒罵的話語之後,我停下來喘口氣,服務生前來清理溢出的咖啡。接著,我問他為什麼要這麼做。他答道:「這樣我就會成為帝國最靈敏、最傑出的演奏者。」 羅倫吉是薩恩交響樂團的首席小提琴手,也是我的好友,他即將成為一位古靈使徒…




- 薩恩的維多里奧

It’s one of those summer days in Sarn, when the sweat dries on your skin the moment it dares slither from your pores. Lorenzi and I are sipping coffees, iced with cubes from the north. There’s a tremor in his voice as announces that he is going to see Malachai tonight, to have a gem implanted in his hand. The palm of his left hand to be exact. Once I have run out of expletives and paused for breath while the waiter wipes spilled coffee from our table, I manage to ask him why. “So that I might have the fastest fingers in the Empire,” is his reply. Lorenzi, first violinist of the Sarn Symphonic, and my dear friend, is going to become a Gemling.

Ten days pass and Lorenzi’s hand is healed. He plays for me, a piece that he has written during his convalescence, something he will debut this evening in God’s Theater. The gem casts a bloody hue over his violin as his fingers fly across the strings. They are an ephemeral blur, too quick for eye or mind to follow. And the music… there’s only one experience in my life that compares. The night I had with Marylene before she died.

It has been a month now, and once again Lorenzi and I sip iced coffees in the Perandus Markets. Though we sit only a narrow table apart, Lorenzi is a world away. The nightmares began a couple of weeks back. He toys absently with the vial that I have bought for him from the apothecary, yet I know he won’t drink from it. The soothing of his wits will mean the slowing of his fingers. The music is Lorenzi’s life, and to Lorenzi, the music and the gem are one and the same.

A year has gone, and the day is once again hot enough to dry the sweat on my skin the moment it dares slither from my pores. I sip an iced coffee and think of Lorenzi. He played last night, in God’s Theater. Fleet, furious, and wondrous, he was. We passed in the foyer, and I looked into his grey face, his pale blue eyes. I don’t know what he saw, but it wasn’t me. I don’t know what I saw either, but it wasn’t Lorenzi.

- Victario of Sarn

[344] 第一冊:暴動後的餘波Book 1: Embers of Insurrection

「他隨著女巫化成的白煙攀上青天。」 席布魯斯的福爾在恆曆 1334 年費西亞第二聖戒日登基時,殘存的古靈使徒對他充滿期待。不過,他卻是個發現會算命或行醫的女性時,便會毫不留情地迫害的激進者。


- 帝國紀事官 加里瓦爾迪

“He soared to power on the smoke of burning witches”. So the surviving Gemlings whispered of Voll of Thebrus, as he donned the Imperial crown on the 2nd Sacrato of Phreci, 1334 IC. But in truth, he was never the sort of man to set a girl alight for merely reading a palm or remedying a bout of the clap.

Righteous and devoted to both faith and country, High Templar Voll struck little hardship in gathering others to his godly cause: Sarn’s own Lord Mayor Ondar and Victario, the People’s Poet; Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia; Governor Kastov of Stridevolf; and Commander Adus of Highgate. Together, these Warriors of Purity forged an uprising against the Gemling thaumatocracy that Voll hoped would “snatch this empire from the claws of devilry and return it to humanity”.

- Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire




POE版本:3.4.5c 掘獄聯盟(Delve)

中文資料來源:http://poedb.tw/ (流亡編年史)

英文資料來源:https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki (POE Wiki)



Path of Exile 001 — The Karui Way (2014)

Path of Exile 002 — The Karui Way (2014)

Path of Exile 003 — Death to Sin (2015)

Path of Exile 004 — The Black Heart (2015)

Chitus Letters


Eternal and Diamond Supporter Newsletters #4


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